MRI-guided robotic arm (MgRA) to target deep brain nuclei in vitro
Yi Chen1,2, Filip Sobczak1, and Xin Yu1,2

1Research Group of Translational Neuroimaging and Neural Control, High-Field Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Graduate School of Neural Information Processing, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany


A key challenge of the fiber optic-mediated multi-model fMRI methodologies is locating the fiber tip accurately and precisely to target deep brain nuclei. The requirement of precision is only several hundreds of microns in the animal brains. In this work, a multi degree of freedom robotic arm was developed with the use of step motors. The setup is in compatible with 14.1T MRI scanner. This MRI-guided robotic arm provides visually monitored fiber insertion to reduce the position error significantly in the perfused rat brain.

Target Audience

Scientists/radiologists who are interested in interventional surgeries with robotic control, e.g. deep brain stimulation.


The multi-model neuroimaging methodologies on animal models are crucial for better understanding brain function1. The neuron-glia-vessel (NGV) network is one of the most challenging areas given the multifaceted requirements of signal acquisition from the brain2,3. By using fiber optics, it is possible to target certain brain regions to deliver light pulse for photo-activation or acquiring cell-specific calcium signal simultaneously with fMRI4, 5. These existing methodologies provide us the possible platform to better characterize the NGV network activity upon brain activation. A key challenge of the fiber optic-mediated multi-model fMRI methodologies is how to locate fiber tips accurately and precisely to target the deep brain nuclei with the size of only a few hundred microns. The development of MRI-guided insertion by a robotic arm should significantly reduce the position error of fiber tips. Meanwhile, an optimized fiber insertion trajectory in the brain is required in order to investigate the effectiveness, safety and feasibility of deep brain nuclei targeting for translational application. The goal of this study is to create a multiple degree-of-freedom robotic controlling system to target brain nuclei in the rat brain inside the high field MRI scanner.


With the use of step motors, we have developed a high-field 14.1T MRI-guided multi degree of freedom robotic arm for fiber placement. The head part of the robotic arm drives the fiber insertion into the brain with an insertion angle. This study tested the robotic arm movement to target centrolateral thalamic nucleus(CL) and internal capsule(ic) in a perfused rat (250g) brain. The rat brain was fixed in soft agar which contained manganese and was placed on a custom-designed MRI-compatible cradle to simulate a real rat experiment. A 24mm-diameter custom-designed transmit/receive surface coil was located on the brain while the fiber could be inserted into the brain through the hole of the coil driven by the robotic arm. In this configuration, the cradle with the rat brain was placed into the iso-center of the 26cm horizontal bore magnet while the robot controller and power supply for motor controls were placed in the scanner room at approximately 4.7 meters distance from the scanner’s bore to avoid the electromagnetic interference. MRI scans were performed using 2D rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) sequence: TR, 1500ms, TE, 23.9ms, 192X144 matrix, 0.1X0.1X0.4 mm3 spatial resolution. The fiber’s diameter was 200um. After the first image was transfered into the navigation workstation, the operator defined a target for fiber insertion on MRI image transfered from the scanner and calculated the steps for fiber insertion. The step motor drove the head part to make the fiber move 100um into the rat brain at each step and then started the next scan automatically.


In this study, we demonstrated a MRI-compatible rotobic fiber placement in the MRI scanner, such as targeting ic, as illustrated in Fig.1. The capability to place the fiber with different depth is particularly useful to target multiple sites along the insertion path. Fig.2 A shows the targeting position in the rat brain atlas with the Bregma and Interaural position: -3.48mm and 5.52mm, respectively. Fig.2 B shows the fiber location in the targeted brain region, centrolateral thalamic nucleus, which is illustrated in Fig.2 D. Fig.3 shows three images with two motor steps to clarify the precision of the robotic arm. At each step, the fiber was one line of voxel deeper. Meanwhile, this distance difference was maintained through the whole fiber insertion procedure.


We developed a compact, MRI-compatible robotic arm inside the MRI scanner to provide a flexible fiber location for simultaneous fMRI and fiber-optic recording of fluorescent calcium signal in rat brain. This work would provide a reliable, efficient multi-modal fMRI platform to study the neurovascular coupling in real rat model. The MgRA system can be translated to support human intervention surgical procedures, e.g. deep brain stimulation, in multiple brain targeting tasks.


The financial support of the Max-Planck-Society and the China Scholarship Council (PhD fellowship to Yi Chen) are gratefully acknowledged. We thank Mr. Shanyi Yu for building up the first prototype of the robotic arm and Mr. Johannes Boldt for helping to improve the MgRA system.


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2. Nikos K. Logothetis, Jon P, Mark A, Torsten T & Axel O. Neurophysiological investigation of the basis of the fMRI signal. Nature.2001;412:150-157.

3. Xin Y. Chunqi Q, Der-yow C, Stephen J D, Alan P. Deciphering laminar-specific neural inputs with line-scanning fMRI.Neuron.2012;74:731-742.

4. J. H. Lee, et al. Bold claims for optogenetics. Nature.2010;465:788–792.

5. Kristina Schulz, et al. Simultaneous BOLD fMRI and fiber-optic calcium recording in rat neocortex. Nature method.2012;(9):597-602.


Fig. 1 The time-lapsed images to show fiber optic targeting the internal capsule (arrow) in the rat brain.

Fig. 2 A.A coronal rat brain atlas diagram (reproduced from Paxinos and Watson, 2005).B.MRI anatomical image. C.The same diagram whose structures are selected to label and assigned a color code. D.MRI image (left) is shown adjacent to the plate of atlas (right) after manual alignment. Fiber is targeting CL.

Fig 3. Three continuous MRI images with step distance 100um. Because the MRI resolution is 100um, it can be seen that every step of the fiber moving distance is approximately 100um.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)