Mingming Wu1, Matthew Tarasek2, Axel Haase3, and Silke Lechner-Greite4
1IMETUM, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, 2GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 3Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, 4GE Global Research, Garching, Germany
Inversion Recovery prepared
bSSFP sequence is used to quantify T1 and PRFS simultaneously based on a
phase sensitive bSSFP readout. This
technique allows for temperature mapping in both adipose and aqueous
tissues at the same time. The feasibility of this method is shown with means of a cooling
down experiment of a heterogeneous phantom. B0 drift correction is performed based on
neighboring voxels in the fatty tissue.Purpose
contrast proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS) quantification based on
Gradient Echo techniques is the prevailing standard when it comes to MR based
temperature monitoring during MR-guided thermal treatments
1. In
order to quantify temperature changes in adipose tissue, alternative MR
properties, such as T
1 or T
2 relaxation, need to be measured. The presence of a
heat applicator like the transducer of a High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound
(HIFU) setup, or a radio-frequency (RF) applicator consisting of an array of RF
antennas inside the MR scanner usually entails the usage of the body coil,
resulting in rather low signal to noise ratio (SNR) values. Balanced steady-state free precession
(bSSFP) offers larger SNR values than a Spoiled Gradient Recalled Echo (SPGR)
readout. Moreover, inversion recovery (IR) or saturation recovery (SR) prepared
bSSFP is widely used for fast T
1 mapping
2,3,4. In a previous work it
has been shown that by choosing an asymmetric relation of echo time (TE) and
repetition time (TR) the signal phase becomes sensitive to changes in resonance
5. In this work the feasibility and challenges of
simultaneous PRFS and T1 mapping using bSSFP are demonstrated with a cooling
down experiment of a phantom containing agar and a piece of pork lard.
phantom consisted of a piece of pork lard which was put into a glass plunger. A
liquid solution of agar (3%) was added to it and solidified thereafter. Two
wooden skewers were used for guiding the fluoroptic temperature probes (Luxtron
FOT Lab Kit, LumaSense Inc, Santa Clara, CA) (Fig. 1c)).
investigate both T1 mapping quality and expected phase behavior, Bloch
simulations were performed using MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) (Fig. 2). To
retain sufficient effect of the inversion preparation TR should be no longer
than 7ms. The shortest possible TE for full k-space sampling was 1.9ms. The
frequency shift of 0.009 ppm/°C translates into a shift of 1.2775 Hz/°C at 3
Tesla6. This results in a temperature sensitivity of approximately
0.01 rad/°C in the range of linear phase evolution around the resonance
frequency, as shown in the simulation (Fig. 2). MR
Imaging was conducted on a GE 3T 750w Scanner (Waukesha, WI, USA). A 12-channel GEM head
coil was used during the cooling down experiment. The
phantom was placed into a hot water bath before scanning in order to heat up. The phantom was
subsequently placed into the scanner such that an axial slice covers both
temperature sensors (Fig.1). During cooling down 2D T1 mapping with selective
inversion on fat frequency followed by bSSFP readout was done. TE was chosen to
be the minimum value for full Fourier sampling, which was 1.9ms for this
setting (image resolution 128x96, FOV = 22cm, slice thickness = 4mm, flip angle
= 35°). Inversion times were chosen to be 260ms, 310ms, 410ms, 610ms, 860ms and
1210ms. T1 maps were generated using a
trust-region curve fitting algorithm implemented in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick,
MA, USA) fitting to the signal equation M(TI_k) = A –B *exp(\frac{-TI_k}{T_1}).
difference calculations were done using the image at the earliest measurement time point, at the hottest temperature, as
the reference image. Out of the 6 inversion recovery images the last one (TI=1210ms)
was chosen respectively. The phase evolution in a ROI close to the temperature
probe (red) does not correspond to the simulated values (blue) for this
temperature range (Fig. 3b)). However, it is expected that the well-known B0
drift overlays the temperature induced phase shift. As a correction step, the
phase of the pork lard (orange curve in Fig. 3b)) in a small ROI which is close to the agar ROI is traced
and subtracted from the phase measured in the agar ROI. The corrected phase
curve is now very close to the simulated one (violet curve).
The increase of T1 with temperature correspond to the curve found at 1.5 T7. The T1 values are higher, as expected at 3 T. The mean value inside the ROI (Fig. 4a)) depending on
the measured temperature is plotted in Fig. 4b).
rather homogeneous B0 field within the image is assumed in order to be located
in the step-by-step linear phase curve. The presence of heat applicators, like
ultrasound transducer or RF antennas, introduces B0 inhomogeneity, which will
introduce banding artifacts. Phase cycled bSSFP acquisition is a solution in
order to overcome these artifacts. In this way, the non-linear phase regions will be covered by a linear curve in the second image.
IR prepared bSSFP is able to resolve PRFS phenomenon, thus enabling temperature quantification in both adipose and aqueous tissues at the same time.
This project is part of the BERTI program. BERTI is funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement Number 605162.References
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