Yuan Zheng1, Michael Marx1, G. Wilson Miller2, and Kim Butts Pauly1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States
We have developed a novel MR-ARFI technique
that makes use of transition band balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP).
Due to the strong dependence of image phase on the motion-encoded phase, this
technique improves the sensitivity of MR-ARFI measurements over commonly used spoiled
sequences. The proposed technique also features high speed, as an ARFI contrast
image can be acquired in a few seconds. With its high speed and high
sensitivity, the bSSFP-ARFI technique could be useful in confirming/calibrating
the HIFU focal spot before thermal ablation treatment.Introduction
MR acoustic radiation force imaging (MR-ARFI)
provides a method to visualize the focus of high-intensity focused ultrasound
(HIFU) based on tissue stiffness
1. When ultrasound is absorbed by
tissue, a force is exerted along the beam direction and can cause tissue
displacement of a few micrometers at the focal spot when using HIFU transducers.
By inserting a pair of motion-encoding gradients (MEG) into MR pulse sequences,
with one lobe synchronized with a HIFU pulse, spins at the ultrasound focus accrue
an additional phase that can be observed in MR phase images. MR-ARFI is mostly
performed with spin-echo or spoiled GRE sequences
2, though
fluctuating-equilibrium balanced steady-state free precession sequences have
also been proposed
3. In this work, MR-ARFI using transition band bSSFP
is presented with a scan time of only a few seconds. This new technique improves the sensitivity
of MR-ARFI measurements over spoiled sequences, by generating a larger phase change
for a given displacement.
Transition band bSSFP signal is highly
sensitive to the amount of phase that spins accrue in the rotating frame during
each TR. This phase β
off is usually caused by the difference between
the spin resonance frequency and the scanner operating frequency.
The highly sensitive transition band bSSFP signal has been used for fMRI
and thermometry
5. For bSSFP-ARFI, a pair of MEG are added to traditional
bSSFP sequences (Fig. 1). By synchronizing a HIFU pulse with one lobe of the MEG, an additional phase
MEG is generated by the radiation force displacement. We define the
sensitivity of MR-ARFI pulse sequences as the derivative of the image phase ϕ with
respect to the motion-encoded phase β
MEG. The sensitivity is always
1 with conventional pulse sequences. However, for the bSSFP-ARFI sequence in Fig.1, it
can be shown that the image phase is:
ϕ=arctan(E2sin(βoff+βMEG)1−E2cos(βoff+βMEG))+TETRβoff+βMEG (Eq. 1), where E
2). The ARFI sensitivity
(dϕdβMEG|βMEG=0) is plotted as a
function of β
off in Fig. 2. The highest sensitivity occurs on
resonance and equals T
2/TR+1/2. Since T
2 is usually much
longer than TR for bSSFP sequences, MR-ARFI sensitivity is amplified near
A homemade gel phantom was used for this
study. All MR images were acquired on a 3T GE MR750 scanner (GE Healthcare,
Milwaukee, WI) with a single-channel local coil.
sequences were developed and implemented on the scanner using RTHawk
(HeartVista, Inc., Menlo Park). 2D images were collected with
slice thickness=3 mm, FOV=12.8 cm, matrix=128x128. HIFU was generated by a
multi-element phased-array transducer (Exablate 2000, Insightec, Haifa,
Israel). The pulse duration was 1.45 ms and the acoustic power was 64.8 W. The HIFU
beam was parallel to the MEG and perpendicular to the imaging slice. The bSSFP-ARFI
images were acquired with FA=2°, BW=25 kHz, TE=10.5 ms, TR=14.7 ms. Each lobe
of the MEG was 3 ms long, and the amplitude and duration of the plateau were 5
G/cm and 1.25 ms. Scanner frequency and shimming gradients were adjusted to ensure
the expected focal spot position on resonance. Two images were acquired. HIFU
was off for the first image as a baseline and on for the second one. The two images were acquired in 3.8
s. To study the effect of possible small temperature rise due to HIFU pulses on
the image phase, we repeated the measurement with the same bSSFP sequence with MEG
removed. To compare the enhanced sensitivity of the bSSFP-ARFI technique with
traditional MR-ARFI, we kept MEG and HIFU the same as the bSSFP-ARFI experiment
and performed MR-ARFI using a standard 2DFT spGRE-ARFI sequence with FA=40°,
BW=16.125 kHz, TE=11.3 ms and TR=500 ms. Images were acquired with opposite MEG
polarities (with separate baseline images). The total acquisition time for
spGRE-ARFI was 4 min.
Fig. 3a-c shows the phase contrast calculated
from bSSFP-ARFI images, bSSFP images and the spGRE-ARFI images. The average
phases in a 2 by 2 pixel ROI at the focal spot are 0.38, 0.10 and 0.052
respectively. Removing phase change caused by temperature change results in bSSFP-ARFI
phase contrast of (0.38-0.10)=0.28. The phase contrast from the spGRE images
equals β
MEG. Therefore the contrast of the bSSFP-ARFI sequence is
amplified by (0.28/0.052)=5.4 times.
We have developed a novel MR-ARFI technique
that makes use of the sharp phase transition of bSSFP signals to amplify the
motion-encoded phase. With its high speed and high sensitivity, the bSSFP ARFI
technique could be useful in confirming/calibrating the HIFU focal spot before
thermal ablation treatment.
The authors acknowledge our funding sources: P01 CA159992,
InSightec and General Electric.References
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