Kexin Deng1, Yuxin Zhang1, Yu Wang1, Bingyao Chen2, Xing Wei2, Jiafei Yang2, Shi Wang3, and Kui Ying3
1Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Orthopedics, First Affiliated Hospital of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 3Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging, Ministry of Education, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, People's Republic of
The temperature dependency of susceptibility, especially for fat, could introduce errors in temperature estimation. To address this problem, a hybrid model integrated with susceptibility change induced phase is proposed to reduce the phase error. Simulation was conducted to validate the proposed model and a water-fat phantom was made and heated to illustrate the effect of susceptibility-induced phase error correction. The proposed model shows more accurate temperature estimation near the water-fat interface both in simulation and phantom heating experiment. PURPOSE
In proton
resonance frequency (PRF) based temperature mapping, the temperature of
water-contained tissues is linearly dependent on the proton resonance
frequency. However, the temperature can also be approximately linearly dependent
on susceptibility, which could introduce errors in temperature estimation. The
susceptibility change mainly happens when fat exists in the object and the
error is hardly eliminated just by fat suppression
1. In this work,
we propose a hybrid model integrated with susceptibility change induced phase,
named susceptibility induced phase error corrected hybrid as SIPEC hybrid to
correct the susceptibility change induced error in MR thermometry.
Theory The susceptibility change induced phase error can be expressed as in (1),Δϕ=−γTE(ΔBmac−23ΔχB0),where γ is the
gyromagnetic ratio. TE is the echo time, Δχ is the
susceptibility difference and B0 is the external
magnetic field. Here, the phase difference Δϕ is induced by both local (χ) and nonlocal (Bmac) susceptibility changes. ΔBmac, the change in the macroscopic magnetic field in the
object, can be given as:ΔBmac=F−1(k′⋅F(χ)),where k′=B0k2(kxkx,kykx,−(kx2+ky2)). F denotes the Fourier transform operator while k2=kx2+ky2+kz2 is the k-space vector.
To correct
the susceptibility induced phase error, the original hybrid model2 is modified as˜yj=(Nb∑b=1xj,bwb)ei({Ac}j+θj+Δϕj)+ϵj,where j is the
image pixel indexes. {xb}Nbb=1 are complex images
from the baseline library and the wb are weighting
factors of the baseline images, A is a
matrix of smooth basis functions, c is a polynomial coefficient vector, θ is a
temperature-induced phase shift, Δϕ is the susceptibility induced phase shift and ϵ is complex Gaussian noise. The
model is then fit by an iterative gradient-based algorithm. Δϕ is initialized by the susceptibility induced
phase estimated from the previous image frame.
A rectangular object was synthesized in MATLAB in the
similar way as in (2), as shown in Fig.2. The round region (black arrow in
Fig.2 (a)) is fat while the rest region is water. Then we simulated the heating
process of this object by assigning different susceptibility change rates on
water and fat 1, 0.002 ppm/℃
and 0.01 ppm/℃,
respectively. In this way, the Gaussian hot spot, the susceptibility change
(Fig.1 (a)) induced phase error (Fig.1 (b)) under the temperature of
the simulated hot spot were added to the phase of the synthesized image.
hybrid model and the SIPEC hybrid model were applied to the synthesized image
to validate the effect of the proposed model. RMSEs of the temperature maps
were calculated to quantitatively compare the results.
Phantom experiment A phantom consisted of water and a large cylinder of pork fat was made.
After heating in a microwave oven for five minutes, images of the phantom were
acquired with GRE sequence (TE=15ms, TR=29ms, FOV=200mm×148mm) using an 8-channel
head coil in a 3T MR scanner (Philips Healthcare, Achieva). Both two models
were applied to the phantom images.
shows the estimated phase maps (c and d) and error maps (e and f) of the SIPEC
hybrid model and the original hybrid model, respectively. The phase shift
error, especially in fat-water interface (white arrow in Fig.2 e and f) is
decreased by the SIPEC hybrid method. The phase curve of the dashed red line
shown in Fig.2 (b) is plotted in Fig.3. Compared with the original hybrid model,
the phase curve acquired from SIPEC hybrid model better agrees with the true
phase curve, as shown in Fig.3. The RMSE is about 0.19 radians in the SIPEC
method, significantly decreased from the original hybrid model’s 1.13 radians.
In the phantom heating experiment, zoomed-in estimated phase maps of hybrid and
SIPEC hybrid model are shown in Fig.4 (c) and (d). The difference between the phase
maps of the two models shows the improvement of SIPEC hybrid model in Fig.4 (f)
and the estimated phase induced by susceptibility is shown in (e).
A new
hybrid model incorporating with susceptibility changes has been proposed. The
susceptibility induced error in temperature estimation is reduced and
validated by the simulation and phantom experiments.
This research is supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (61571257) and Tsinghua University Initiative
Scientific Research Program (20141081231). Thanks Will Grissom for the original
hybrid simulation code (
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