The Apparent Range of Spin Movement in Diffusion MRI Data
Tom Dela Haije1, Andrea Fuster1, and Luc Florack1

1Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands


In this work we investigate the potential of diffusion MRI to measure the maximum range of motion due to diffusion within spatially homogeneous voxels. We show that it is possible to characterize this range even in clinical scanners, and show in data of the human brain how this leads to interesting new ways to extract information from diffusion MRI.


Spin movement observed with diffusion MRI is typically analyzed by means of the Ensemble Average Propagator (EAP), denoted by $$$P$$$. In the ideal case (under the narrow pulse assumption) $$$P(\textbf{r})$$$ represents the voxel-average probability that a spin undergoes a translation $$$\textbf{r}$$$ in the diffusion time $$$\Delta$$$, and it is related to the diffusion MRI signal $$$S$$$ of a pulsed-gradient spin-echo sequence through a Fourier transform1: $$S(\textbf{q})=\int_\Omega\!e^{i\textbf{q}\cdot\textbf{r}}P(\textbf{r})\,dr.$$ Here $$$\textbf{q} = \gamma\delta\textbf{g}$$$ with $$$\gamma$$$, $$$\delta$$$, and $$$\textbf{g}$$$ respectively the gyromagnetic constant, the gradient pulse width, and the gradient.

The propagator provides access to quantitative information regarding the underlying diffusion process, such as the degree of Gaussianity. In this abstract we propose a method to estimate the orientation-dependent maximum range of spin movement, a quantity that can be of interest for example when searching for dominant axon orientations in the brain. We illustrate our approach by means of an analytical example and on brain diffusion MRI data.

Theory and Methods

It follows from the Shapley-Folkman-Starr Theorem2 that (finite speed) spatially homogeneous stochastic processes, and thus the associated EAP, have a convex support function. If we write $$$\Omega$$$ for this support function (which is simply the set of points where $$$P(\textbf{r})$$$ is non-zero), then we find

$$H(\textbf{q}):=\log\left(S(-i\textbf{q})\right)=\|\textbf{q}\|\log\left[\left(\int_\Omega\!\exp\left(\frac{\textbf{q}}{\|\textbf{q}\|}\cdot\textbf{r}+\frac{1}{\|\textbf{q}\|}\log P(\textbf{r})\right)^{\|\textbf{q}\|}\right)^{\frac{1}{\|\textbf{q}\|}}\right]\leq\sup_{\textbf{r}\in\Omega}\textbf{q}\cdot\textbf{r}+\log P(\textbf{r}).$$

The extension of $$$S$$$ to complex-valued arguments is well-defined if $$$P$$$ has a moment-generating function (a mild assumption that is implicitly present in e.g. generalized Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)), and the function $$$H$$$ is called the cumulant-generating function. In what follows we consider the large $$$\|\textbf{q}\|$$$ limit where the term $$$\log P(\textbf{r})$$$ can be neglected and the inequality reduces to an approximate equality. We then have the relation


From this expression we can infer the boundary $$$\partial\Omega$$$, the maximum range of spin movement, as the unit level set of the algebraic dual $$$F(\textbf{r}):=H^*(\textbf{r})$$$.

We reconstruct the function $$$H$$$ by fitting a generalized DTI model3 up to order $$$4$$$ to the signal, and substituting $$$\textbf{q}\to-i\textbf{q}$$$ before radially linearizing the function in the neighborhood of the set defined by $$$\log S(-i\textbf{q})=1$$$ (or generally some arbitrary constant). A numerical approximation of $$$F(\textbf{r})$$$ was achieved by evaluating the equality4 $$$H(\textbf{q})=F\left(\frac{1}{2}\nabla^2H^2(\textbf{q})\cdot\textbf{q}\right)$$$ for $$$246$$$ approximately uniformly distributed directions.


Practical constraints on the gradient hardware mean this method may significantly underestimate the range of movement even at high $$$b$$$-values, as illustrated by the toy example shown in Fig. 1. Instead we find an estimate of an observational boundary, indicating a range outside of which particles seldom traverse. We test this on a slice of a Human Connectome Project data set5. Estimated (voxel-wise) maximum displacements are shown in Fig. 2. The difference between the largest and smallest maximum displacements is depicted in Fig. 3, together with a standard FA map to illustrate the resemblance. Fig. 4 shows the maximum displacements per orientation as glyphs, while Fig. 5 shows the maximum relative displacements (i.e., the voxel-wise minimum subtracted for each orientation).

Discussion and Conclusion

We introduced a new method that allows one to extract position- and orientation-dependent characteristic lengths that describe expected largest spin displacements (Fig. 1). The method relies on existing signal models, and can be applied to e.g. generalized DTI3 or diffusion kurtosis imaging6. The key assumption in the method is approximate spatial homogeneity of the voxel, and the few voxels with (severe) partial volume effects will significantly benefit from constrained reconstruction7.

We show in Fig. 2 that our method produces values within physically realistic and expected ranges in HCP data. Maps obtained by looking at the largest differences highlight areas where there is strong diffusion in a single direction, and show a strong resemblance to (DTI-based) fractional anisotropy. We note that local orientations along which movement is largest (Figs. 4 and 5) align relatively well with expected fiber orientations, and future work will focus on comparisons with e.g. spherical deconvolution results8.


Tom Dela Haije gratefully acknowledges The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for financial support. Data were provided by the Human Connectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.


[1] Callaghan. Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. [2] Starr. Econometrica 37, no. 1 (1969): 25–38. doi:10.2307/1909201. [3] Liu et al. MRM 51, no. 5 (2004): 924–937. doi:10.1002/mrm.20071. [4] Bao et al. An Introduction to Riemann-Finsler Geometry. Springer, 2000. [5] Van Essen et al. NeuroImage, no. 80 (2013): 62–79. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.041. [6] Jensen et al. MRM 53, no. 6 (2005):1432-1440. doi:10.1002/mrm.20508. [7] Dela Haije et al. Proc. ISMRM, 2821. Toronto, 2015. [8] Tournier et al. NeuroImage 23, no. 3 (2004): 1176–1185. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.07.037.


Figure 1. Left: The probability density function $$$P(r)=N\exp\frac{5}{\left(r/\kappa\right)^2-1}$$$ with the range $$$\kappa=20\,\mu m$$$ and $$$N$$$ a normalization factor. The red lines indicate the range obtained for simulated data with a maximum $$$b$$$-value of $$$5000\,s/mm^2$$$. Right: The estimated boundary $$$c_b=\log S(-i)$$$ recovered for varying $$$b$$$-values using the described method.

Figure 2. The maximum range of spin movement per voxel, approximated by brute force computation. Speckle noise is the result of generalized DTI reconstruction errors leading to a non-convex $$$H$$$.

Figure 3. Left: The difference between the largest and smallest maximum displacement computed for various orientations in each voxel. Right: A fractional anisotropy map obtained from DTI.

Figure 4. Glyphs representing the maximum displacement per voxel and per orientation, showing the local range of spin movement. Missing or non-convex glyphs are due to non-convex $$$H$$$ caused by reconstruction errors. The displayed glyphs are computed from the region indicated on the anatomical scan on the left.

Figure 5. Glyphs representing the squared maximum relative displacement per voxel and per orientation. The displayed glyphs are computed from the region indicated on the anatomical scan on the left.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)