Lingceng Ma1, Congbo Cai1, Shuhui Cai1, and Zhong Chen1
1Electronic Science Department, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, People's Republic of
Conventional diffusion MRI tends to be of
limited use in real-time imaging, because motion can distort the images from
multiple scans. In this study, we propose a new imaging method, single-shot
diffusion mapping through overlapping-echo detachment planar (DM-OLED) method, together
with corresponding signal separation algorithm, to achieve reliable single-shot
diffusion mapping in the order of milliseconds. Numerical simulations were performed to verify the proposed method. The
results show that the method is accurate and efficient.Purpose
Diffusion mapping is a promising method for studying medical anatomy in microstructure. However, diffusion mapping usually needs multiple scans with different b values. Therefore it requires long scanning time, which makes the sampling sequences more prone to motion artifacts,
1 thus impossible to detect the quick variation of diffusion coefficient under different physiological status, such as the diffusion in functional MRI.
2 Although many methods have been proposed to minimize the duration of diffusion mapping,
3-5 at least two measurements are still needed in the order of seconds. In the present work, we propose a new imaging method, single-shot diffusion mapping through overlapping-echo detachment (DM-OLED) planar imaging method, together with corresponding signal separation algorithm, to achieve reliable single-shot diffusion mapping in about 120 milliseconds. The resolution of the separated images from the overlapping-echo signal is comparable with the image obtained with single-shot EPI sequence under similar conditions.
The DM-OLED sequence is shown in Fig. 1. The flip angle of the two excitation pulses α = 45°, phase encoding number Npe=64, G1 and G2 are echo-shifting gradients to shift the echoes from the k-space center. Gd is diffusion-weighting gradient, and only the first echo signal is diffusion weighted. Since the two echo signals have a same T2 weighting, the effect of T2 relaxation can be neglect in the signal expression:
{S1=∫→rρ(r)12|sinα|(1+cosα)e−b⋅D(r)dr, the first echoS2=∫→rρ(r)|sinαcosα|dr, the second echo
where ρ(r) is proton density,b=γ2Gd2δd2(Δ−δd/3)is the diffusion factor, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, δ is the duration of Gd, Δ is the diffusion time, and D is the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC).
simulations were performed. We used a phantom consisting of 8 circles, with ADC valuing from 0.67×10 - 9to 2.50×10 - 9 s/m2, the ADC values were clockwise equivalently incremental from the leftmost circle. The
relative spin densities was 0.5 in the leftmost circle and 1.0 in the others. The
T2 was 0.15s. The T1 was 1.5 s. All above parameters were uniform in every circle. A matrix size of 4096 grids was used for the two-dimension model with a field of view of 60 × 60 mm2. The acquisition matrix was 64 × 128, the total scanning time was about 120 ms,Δ=16 ms, and the acquisition bandwidth was 131.8 kHz.
After sampling, the following expressions were used to separate the two signals :
where β = |x10|1/|x20|1, x10, x20, x1 and x2 are original and separated images respectively from each echo signal, φ1(r) and φ2(r) are linear phase ramps of x1 and x2. x0 is the image from the overlapping-echo signal. The regularization parameters λ1 = 0.7, λ2 = 0.5, and λ3 = 0.1 were used in the separation. Finally, we used the diffusion formula to calculate the ADC values.
The results are shown in Fig. 2. The two separated images (Fig. 2b and c) from the DM-OLED sequence have the same amplitude change tendency and profile as that from the conventional EPI (Fig. 2d). The diffusion mapping (Fig. 2f) from DM-OLED method is in good agreement with the diffusion model (Fig. 2e). But there still exists obvious amplitude jump at the edges of the circles. The fluctuation may be due to the violent variation of spin density and diffusion coefficient at the edges of the circles.
The DM-OLED method and separation algorithm has a good performance in diffusion mapping. Although amplitude deviation still exists and the deviation is enhanced in the ADC calculation because of logarithmic operation, the results are acceptable. In general, we can obtain ADC map with a single shot and effectively reduce the scanning time by the proposed method. The SNR can be improved due to the low signal attenuation, and the ADC map can be insensitive to motion artifacts.
The DM-OLED method can obtain overlapping echoes with different b values in a single shot, which helps us shorten the acquisition
interval of two signals in real-time diffusion imaging. The validation of DM-OLED method as a reliable fast diffusion measurement tool will promise the use of this method for clinical vivo measurements.
This work was supported by the NNSF of China under Grant 81171331 and 11375147.References
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