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Robust assessment of the brain's sheet structure using normalized convolution
Chantal M.W. Tax1,2, Carl-Fredrik Westin2, Tom Dela Haije3, Andrea Fuster3, Max A. Viergever1, Luc Florack3, and Alexander Leemans1

1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands


The theory that brain fiber pathways cross in sheet-like structures has been a topic of debate. This theory is mainly supported by qualitative findings using diffusion MRI tractography, and a comprehensive quantitative analysis is necessary. To this end, an approach was developed to quantify the degree of “sheetness” based on constructing a large amount of loops with tractography. This approach, however, is computationally expensive, cannot cope well with missing peaks, and is only an approximation when the loops are not infinitesimally small. Here we present an alternative, fast, robust, and elegant approach for the computation of the degree of sheetness.


The hypothesis that brain pathways cross nearly orthogonal forming 2D sheet-like structures (similar to the “warp and weft of fabric”1) layered in 3D space “like pages of a book”1 has been a topic of debate in literature1,2,3. This theory was mainly supported by qualitative findings using diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography1, and a comprehensive quantitative analysis is necessary to reliably assess the occurrence of sheet structure in the brain and across individuals2,4. To this end, an approach was developed to robustly quantify the normal component of the Lie bracket from dMRI data4,5, which indicates the existence of sheet structure when close to zero1. This method is based on the “flows-and-limits” definition, in which the Lie bracket [V,W] at a point p is computed as the vector deviation from p (or “closure gap”) when moving around in an infinitesimal loop along the integral curves of two vector fields V and W. These are assumed to coincide with the peak directions of fiber ODFs (fODFs).

The flows-and-limits approach relies on tractography of a large number of loops in a neighborhood, which is computationally expensive. In addition, it requires the clustering of fODF peaks along the paths and it is unclear how to proceed in the case of missing peaks. Finally, the used definition is an approximation for non-infinitesimal loops. Here we present an alternative, robust, and elegant approach for Lie bracket computation, based on a conceptually different but equivalent definition of [V,W]. This approach uses normalized convolution6, which can cope with missing or uncertain data.


Coordinate definition

[V,W] can be computed with respect to a given coordinate system. Here, the vector fields can be represented by vector-valued functions (i.e. V=(v1,v2,v3)T) in standard Cartesian coordinates x=(x1,x2,x3)T, giving


where J is the Jacobian. The Lie bracket normal component is then [V,W]=[V,W](W×V).

Implementation: The fODFs in a neighborhood of size N are clustered using a front-propagation approach7. We estimate the Jacobian J with normalized convolution6, where both V and the operator filter basis B are accompanied by a scalar component (c and a respectively) representing their certainty:


Here, general convolution is defined as {aBˆcV}(p)=ξa(ξ)B(ξ)c(pξ)V(pξ), denotes tensor product, scalar product, ^ convolution, 1 inverse, and ξ is the local spatial coordinate. We set c at a particular location to zero when a vector is missing, and choose


where r is the distance to the neighborhood center, and rmax and β thus determine the “weight” of the neighborhood (Fig.1a). In practice, we set rmax=0.5Nδ, with N and δ the kernel and voxel size . Basis functions for gradient estimation include linear ramps in three dimensions, i.e., we choose B=(1,x1,x2,x3):


The result is a regularized vector field ˆV and an estimate of the Jacobian ^JV :


Vector field simulations

We define three vector fields that are tangent to a sphere with radius ρ: U and V are tangent to the upper hemisphere, W is tangent to the lower hemisphere (Fig.1b). U and V form a sheet such that [U,V]p=0pSUV={xR3|(x1)2+(x2)2<ρ2} and U and W generally do not form a sheet at pSUW=SUV{0}:


We add noise using a Von-Mises-Fisher distribution with concentration parameter k . These simulations allow us to test different aspects independently of the dMRI method.

dMRI simulations

dMRI signals (60 directions, b=3000s/mm2 ) were simulated using a ZeppelinStickDot model8 with the fiber direction defined by the previously used vector fields. fODFs and their peaks were calculated using constrained spherical deconvolution9.


Vector field simulations

The color plots in Fig.2 show the mean error of the estimated Lie bracket normal component ^[,]p, suggesting that high hmax (maximum distance along one pathway) with low Δh (step size), and high N with low β give the most accurate estimate for the corresponding implementation. Fig.3 shows the range and mean of ^[,]p as function of the simulated [,]p, indicating that the coordinate implementation is more precise. Fig.4 shows that the coordinate implementation is also more robust to missing peaks.

dMRI simulations

Fig.5 shows ^[,]p as function of SNR, confirming that the coordinate implementation is more precise, and has a higher resolving power to distinguish sheet from non-sheet.

Discussion and Conclusion

Our simulations show that the coordinate Lie bracket implementation is more accurate, precise, and robust to missing peaks than the flows-and-limits implementation proposed in previous work1,4. In future work we will apply this method in real data to assess the occurrence of sheet structure, where we expect the clustering of genuine peaks in a neighborhood into distinct vector fields to be the biggest challenge.


C.T. is supported by a grant (No. 612.001.104) from the Physical Sciences division of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The research of A.L. is supported by VIDI Grant 639.072.411 from NWO. T.D. gratefully acknowledges NWO (No 617.001.202) for financial support. The authors acknowledge the NIH grants R01MH074794, P41EB015902, P41EB015898. The authors thank colleagues at LMI for useful discussions.


[1] Wedeen et al., Science 335: 1628-1634, 2012; [2] Catani et al., Science 337: 1605, 2012; [3] Wedeen et al., Science 337: 1605, 2012; [4] Tax et al., ISMRM 0975, 2014; [5] Tax et al., International BASP Frontiers Workshop 74, 2015; [6] Knutsson and Westin, CVPR 515-523, 1993; [7] Jbabdi et al., NeuroImage 49: 249-256, 2010; [8] Ferizi et al., MRM 72(6): 1785-1792, 2014; [9] Tournier et al., NeuroImage 35: 1459-1472, 2007;


Fig. 1: (a) Operator applicability function α(r). (b) Vectorfields U=(sinϕ1,cosϕ1cosθ2,cosϕ1sinθ2), V=(cosϕ2cosθ1,sinϕ2,cosϕ2sinθ1), and W=(cosϕ2cosθ1,sinϕ2,cosϕ2sinθ1), where θi=tan1xiρ2(x1)2(x2)2, and ϕi=cos1xiρ.

Fig. 2: Vector field simulations showing the influence of parameter settings for both implementations. Color plots show the error of the estimated Lie bracket normal component. Voxel size 1mm,ρ=26mm,p=(10,10,0),[U,V]p=0 (top row), [U,W]p=0.0278 (bottom row), 50 noise iterations with k=150.

Fig. 3: Vector field simulations showing ^[U,W]p for different simulated [U,W]p in red (obtained by changing p at a fixed ρ=13mm, see Eq. [5]). For reference, ^[U,W]p is evaluated at the same p and plotted in green. Voxel size 1 mm, 50 noise iterations with k=150. (a) hmax=5,Δh=0.5. (b) N=11,β=1.

Fig. 4: Vector field simulations showing ^[,]p as a function of the percentage artificial dropouts of vectors (random throughout the whole dataset). Voxel size 1 mm, ρ=26mm,p=(10,10,0), 50 noise iterations with k=150. (a) hmax=5,Δh=0.5. (b) N=11,β=1.

Fig. 5: dMRI simulations showing ^[,]p as a function of SNR. Voxel size 1 mm, ρ=13mm,p=(3,3,0), 50 noise iterations . (a) hmax=5,Δh=0.5. (b) N=11,β=1.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)