Several analysis
techniques of diffusion-weighted data make use of the powder average to yield
signal that is invariant to rotation. However, rotational invariance is
achieved only at a sufficient directional resolution, which depends on the
tissue anisotropy and diffusion encoding strength. In this work we present the
minimum number of diffusion directions necessary to yield a rotationally
invariant powder average, at arbitrary anisotropy and encoding strength, for
single and double diffusion encoding.Introduction
powder average of the diffusion-weighted signal serves as the basis for many
diffusion MRI techniques, for example, in the quantification
of micro-anisotropy [1,2], isotropic and anisotropic kurtosis [3], and
neurite density [4]. The powder average is used to emulate the signal
quality of a sample that contains randomly ordered structures, and is defined
as the arithmetic average of the diffusion-weighted signal across multiple
encoding directions. In theory, the powder signal is independent of the object
orientation, in practice, residual effects of orientation will depend on the
macroscopic diffusion anisotropy of the tissue and the strength and shape of
the diffusion encoding tensor [5].
work aims to find the minimum number of encoding directions that yields a
signal invariant to rotation. We conduct the experiments for varying levels of
tissue anisotropy, encoding strengths, and for single and double diffusion encoding (SDE,
and DDE with orthogonal encoding directions).
signal (S) was simulated for multiple
configurations of the b-matrix (B) and underlying diffusion tensor (D),
according to
S=\exp(–\mathbf{B:D}), (1)
where ':' denotes the double inner product. The examined tissue was assumed to exhibit
Gaussian diffusion, and was described by a prolate and axially symmetric
diffusion tensor, defined by its radial and axial diffusivity (RD, AD), according to
D=\mathbf{rr}^{\text{T}}(\text{AD–RD})+\mathbf{I}\text{ RD}, (2)
where \mathbf{r} is
a unit vector defining the tensor orientation, and \mathbf{I} is the identity matrix. We define the
b-matrices for SDE and DDE as \mathbf{B}_{\text{SDE}}=b\mathbf{gg}^{\text{T}}, and \mathbf{B}_{\text{DDE}}=b/2(\mathbf{I}-\mathbf{gg}^{\text{T}}), respectively,
where b is the encoding strength (b=\text{Trace}[\mathbf{B}]), and \mathbf{g} is a unit
vector pointing along the symmetry axis of the encoding tensor (for DDE, this
is the normal of the ‘encoding plane’).
investigate the effect of rotation, \mathbf{D} was rotated along 512 different orientations, \mathbf{r}. Diffusion encoding was simulated along n= 2, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 32, 40, and 64
encoding directions, \mathbf{g}. The
rotations and each set of directions was independently generated through
electrostatic repulsion [6,7]. The encoding strength was in the interval b= 200–4000 s/mm2. The fractional
anisotropy (FA) of \mathbf{D} was adjusted by
changing AD and RD, while
retaining a mean diffusivity of MD = 1.0 µm2/ms, in the
interval FA = 0.0–1.0.
powder averaged signal (P) was calculated by averaging the signal
across all encoding directions. Residual rotational variance was quantified as
the coefficient of variation (CV) of the powder averaged signal across all 512
rotations of the underlying object, according to
\text{CV}=\text{SD}[P]/\text{E}[P], (3)
SD[] and E[] are the standard deviation and expected value, respectively. The
threshold for ‘rotational invariance’ was set to CV < 1%. The minimum number
of directions necessary to meet this condition (n_{\text{min}}) was
calculated and plotted.
example of
b when using SDE is shown in Figure 1. The
black and red lines represent powder averaging over three and ten directions,
respectively. Stronger encoding yields larger rotational variance (spread
increases with b), and fewer
encoding directions yield more rotational variance (spread of black lines is
larger than that of red lines). Figures 2 and 3 show the minimum number of directions
for any combination of anisotropy and encoding strength, for SDE and DDE, respectively. As
expected, the minimum number of directions increases with higher FA and higher b, while tissue with vanishing anisotropy generates little, or
no, rotational variance.
Discussion and Conclusions
estimated the minimum number of diffusion-encoding directions required to
obtain a rotationally invariant signal powder average. The results can,
for example, be used to distribute the number of encoding directions across
multiple b-shells, where each shell must fulfill its individual requirements.
The analysis assumes that FA and MD of the examined tissue are known approximately.
Here, we fixed MD at 1.0 µm
2/ms, however, the results can be
rescaled for other values of MD due to the reciprocity between
\mathbf{B} and
\mathbf{D} in
Eq. 1. For example, the corresponding result for MD = 2.0 µm
can be obtained by scaling all b-values (x-axis) by a factor of ½. A limitation
of this study is the selection of an appropriate cutoff threshold for the
variance induced by rotation. We note, however, that CV < 1% is likely
negligible compared to other sources of variability in practical applications [8,9].
conclusion, Figs.2 and 3 can be used to find the minimum number of encoding directions
that will render a powder averaged signal that is rotationally invariant for
any given combination of tissue anisotropy and diffusion encoding strength, for
SDE and DDE. Importantly, DDE requires fewer encoding directions than SDE,
making it more efficient for powder averaging.
The authors acknowledge grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01MH074794, P41EB015902, P41EB015898), the Swedish Research Council (2012-3682, 2014-3910), and Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (AM13-0090).References
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ISMRM, 2015; 4. Lampinen et al., Proc. ISMRM, 2015; 5. Westin et al., MICCAI,
2014; 6. Jones et al., MRM, 1999, 42; 7. Leemans et al., Proc. ISMRM 2009; 8. de Santis et al., NeuroImage, 2014, 89;
9. André et al., PlosOne, 2014, 9.