Rodrigo de Luis-Garcia1, Angel Luis Guerrero2, Miguel Angel Tola-Arribas3, and Santiago Aja-Fernandez1
1Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, 2Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valladolid, Spain, 3Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega, Valladolid, Spain
Track-Density Imaging (TDI) can provide super resolution
images of the white matter of the brain. As it is based on the results of a
whole brain tractography process, it comprises information from different
features of the white matter diffusion. We exploit this information by
proposing a local analysis approach for TDI, and test it on two different
datasets where conventional TBSS analysis using FA did not yield any
significant differences. Results revealed the proposed method to be extremely
sensitive in the detection of white matter abnormalities, making it a promising
tool for white matter group studies.PURPOSE AND MOTIVATION
abstract is focused on investigating the ability of a local analysis performed
on Track Density Imaging (TDI)1 to reveal subtle differences in the
white matter architecture that are not easily detected using conventional
diffusion MRI analysis tools.
can provide super resolution images of the white matter. Although it has been
employed to investigate anatomical features and histopathologic correlations
have been made, to the best of our knowledge it has almost never been used to
discover white matter abnormalities related to pathological conditions in group
studies (with the exception of Ziegler et al.2).
studies that make use of conventional scalar measures (fractional anisotropy,
mean diffusivity,…) to perform comparisons accross subjects only exploit one
feature of diffusion at a time. We hypothesize that TDI can encompass more
features of the diffusion information, and thus will be more sensitive to small
local changes in the white matter.
DWI data acquisition, fiber-tracking was performed using the MRtrix software
package (
Spherical harmonics were computed from the DWIs using constrained spherical
deconvolution3 and fed into the fiber-tracking algorithm in order to
model multiple fiber orientations. This way, whole-brain streamline
tractography was performed randomly placing a large number of seeds throughout
the brain. (500000 fibers were obtained in our experiments). TDI then
computes the total number of fiber tracks that lie within each element of a
grid, whose size can be smaller than the original acquired voxel size.
order to perform group comparisons, FA maps of all subjects were also computed
and resampled to the same resolution as the TDI maps. Tract-Based Spatial
Statistics (TBSS) were then employed, projecting the FA maps from all subjects
onto a mean FA skeleton4. Comparisons, which are restricted to this
FA skeleton, were then made on the FA maps and the TDI maps.
different group studies were carried out to illustrate the potential
of this approach, using two different datasets:
Experiment 1: 17 healthy controls (10 female, 7 male, 74.5 ± 3.5 years) and
19 patients (12 female, 7 male, 76.1 ± 2.7 years) diagnosed with mild Alzheimer’s
disease were selected. Patients were diagnosed according to NINCDS-ADRDA
Alzheimer's Criteria. There were no significant age differences
between the two groups. Diffusion weighted images were acquired in a GE Signa 1.5 T
MRI unit at QDiagnóstica, Valladolid, Spain. The parameters of the acquisition
protocol were the following: 25 gradient directions, one baseline volume, b =
1000 s/mm2, 1.015 × 1.015 × 3 mm3 of voxel size,TR =
13,000 ms, TE = 85.5 ms, 256 × 256 matrix, NEX = 2 and 39 slices covering the
entire brain. DWIs were processed as previously indicated.
Experiment 2: 18 patients (17 female, 1 male, 36.6 ± 11.8 years)
with chronic migraine and 10 patients (6 female, 1 male, 33.5 ± 7.7 years)
with episodic migraine were selected, having been diagnosed according to ICHD
III edition. There were no significant age differences between the two groups. The parameters
of the acquisition protocol and the DWI processing pipeline were identical to
those employed in the previous experiment.
significant differences in the FA maps were found between groups in both
the Alzheimer’s disease group study, however, local analysis of TDI was able to
locate differences in widespread areas within the white matter. Patients showed
a decrease in the track density in the areas depicted in
Figure 3. There is extensive literature regarding white matter changes in
Alzheimer’s disease, and widespread alterations have been found throughout the
white matter, although Mean Diffusivity has shown a higher discrimination power
than Fractional Anisotropy.
regard to the migraine group study, local analysis of TDI located a
decrease in the track density at the
anterior part of the corpus callosum in patients with chronic migraine with
respect to those with episodic migraine (see Figure 4). There is very few
literature analyzing differences between different types of migraine patients using
dMRI but, remarkably, our results are consistant with those in5,
where a different approach was employed.
analysis of Track Density Imaging can reveal subtle differences in white matter
group studies. A processing pipeline combining TDI and TBSS was proposed and
tested on two different datasets where conventional TBSS analysis on the FA did
not yield any findings.
showed the proposed approach to be able to detect subtle changes in the white
matter, with increased sensitivity with respect to FA analysis. The full
potential of local analysis of TDI needs to be further investigated, as well as
the interpretation of the differences found.
The authors acknowledge the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain for research
grant TEC2013-44194-P.References
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