Yun Liu1, Yang Fan1,2, and Jia-Hong Gao1
1Peking University, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2MR Research China, GE Healthcare, Beijing, China, People's Republic of
Several anomalous diffusion models, both
empirical and theoretical, were proposed to explain the departure from
purely mono-exponential decay of DWI signal in biological tissues. Recently, a
fractional motion (FM) based diffusion MRI theory was proposed, which was
claimed to be a proper model in the description of diffusion processes in
biological systems. However, the tensorial properties of FM related parameters
is still unknown. In this work, diffusion magnetic field gradients were applied
in several non-linear directions to acquire DWI images. Then, the FM-based
parameters were obtained in each diffusion direction and found direction dependent. PURPOSE
weighted image (DWI) is a powerful and non-invasive tool in the detection of
diffusion processes of water molecules in biological tissues 1. The
departure from purely mono-exponential decay of DWI signal in biological
tissues has been linked with anomalous diffusion. Recently, a fractional motion
(FM) based diffusion MRI theory 2 was proposed, which was claimed to
be a proper model in the description of diffusion processes in biological
systems 3. FM related parameter maps revealed great contrast between
different brain tissues through fitting DWI data in healthy subjects. However,
the tensorial properties of FM related parameters is still unknown. In this work,
diffusion magnetic field gradients were applied in several non-linear
directions to acquire DWI images. Then, the FM-based parameters were obtained
in each diffusion direction and their anisotropic properties were further investigated.
to the previous study, the diffusion weighted signal of Stejskal-Tanner
sequence 4 can be computed as:
where G0 is
the amplitude of S-T diffusion gradients, δ is
the pulse duration, Δ is
the time between onsets of the first and second gradient pulses. Dα,H is
generalized anomalous diffusion coefficient.
And η is a dimensionless
number which can be formulated as:
where μ=H−1/α.
diffusion weighted images (DWI) of the whole brain were acquired using a
Stejskal-Tanner spin-echo DWI sequence on a 3T GE Discovery MR750 MRI scanner
at the Center for MRI Research of Peking University. Sequence parameters were
as follows: TR/TE = 5400 ms/115 ms, in-plane matrix = 80 × 80, FOV = 24 cm,37 axial slices of
thickness 3.0 mm.Nine
diffusion gradient amplitudes G0 were
chosen from 15 mT/m to 49 mT/m and the four varied separations Δ were
from 27.1 ms to 54.1 ms. In summary, there were thirty-six different
corresponding b-values: from 150 sec/mm2 to 3700 sec/mm2 in a
single direction. Nine non-collinear
directions of diffusion gradients were applied to study the tensorial
properties of FM related parameters.
DWI images were first corrected for eddy
currents distortions and head motions using FSL ( To obtain the FM-based anomalous
diffusion indices H and α maps along nine non-collinear directions, the
signal attenuation of each voxel were fitted along each direction separately to
Eq. (1) using a nonlinear least-squares fitting algorithm. Tensors of both H and α were then obtained from those parametric maps of
nine non-colinear diffusion directions. Furthermore,
fiber tractography of H was
diffusion parametric
H and
α maps
are computed along each diffusion gradient’s
direction and shown in Fig. 1. Both maps of
H and
α reveal
good contrast among gray matter (GM), white matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF). It is shown in Fig. 1 that CSF has the largest value for both
H and
α maps. The
H and
α values in CSF regions close to 2.0 and 0.5, which means that the diffusion process here is
approximate to Brownian motion. The FA maps and direction encoded colormaps
of V
1 for
H and
α are shown in Fig. 2. In general,
the anomalous diffusion indices
H and
α can demonstrate different tissue structures. It can be seen that the FA map
which is similar to the diffusivity tensor, reveals better image contrast than
that of
α. The
whole brain tractography based on
Htensor is shown in Fig. 3. It is shown that the
Htensor-based tractography is capable of
revealing the basic fiber tract trajectories, which indicates that the
H tensor reflects the
microscopic tissue structures.
Several anomalous diffusion models, both
empirical and theoretical, were proposed to fit the DWI signal decay. Only few
of them, which were mainly focused on the stretched exponential model, have investigated their
anisotropic properties. Here, the tensorial properties were investigated for
FM-based MRI. The Hurst exponent H,
which demonstrates the similarity of particle trajectories, reveals great
anisotropic property. It indicates that particle trajectories have varied
similarity property in different directions. However, the FA map of α is not as well-contrasted as that of H. The
reason of this phenomenon needs to be further investigated.
In sum, the tensorial properties of FM-related
parameters were studied in this work and it was found that those parameters are
direction dependent.
No acknowledgement found.References
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