Generalisability of Image Quality Transfer: Can we approximate in-vivo human brains from dead monkey brains?
Aurobrata Ghosh1, Viktor Wottschel2, Enrico Kaden1, Jiaying Zhang1, Hui Zhang1, Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos3, Darko Zikic4, Tim B. Dyrby5, Antonio Criminisi4, and Daniel C Alexander1

1Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB), University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark


The Image-Quality Transfer (IQT) framework enhances low quality images by transferring information from high quality images acquired on expensive bespoke scanners. Although IQT has major potential in medical imaging, one key question is its dependence on training data. We demonstrate the generalisability of IQT used for super-resolution by showing that reconstruction of in-vivo human images degrades minimally from training on human data from the same study, to data from a different demographic and imaging protocol, to data from fixed monkey brains. Remarkably, a patchwork of fixed monkey brain image-pieces is hardly distinguishable from a reconstruction using pieces of human data.


We evaluate the generalisability of image-quality-transfer (IQT) for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) super-resolution. Specifically, we show that the reconstruction quality of high-resolution in-vivo human diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) maps from the Human Connectome Project (HCP)3,9 degrades only slightly as we move through IQT models trained on i) other HCP data from similar subjects; ii) HCP data from a distinct demographic; iii) data from a distinct acquisition protocol and very different demographic (HCP Lifespan dataset7); and, remarkably, iv) data from ex-vivo fixed monkey brains4.

Materials and Methods

The IQT1,2 framework embeds machine learning in image reconstruction with the aim of incorporating information from bespoke high-quality datasets into images derived from standard acquisitions. For example, IQT super-resolution learns a mapping from low-resolution to high-resolution images from matched pairs obtained by downsampling high-resolution images. The approach strongly outperforms interpolation in recovering high resolution DTIs from low resolution data1,2. Previous work1,2 also shows prediction of NODDI8 maps, which normally require two b-value shells, from single-shell b=1000s/mm2 DTI data. The framework has broad potential in a variety of other applications. However, one key question, which we address here, is the ability of IQT to generalise to unfamiliar situations (e.g. in clinical data) that are not directly represented in the training data.

IQT super-resolution1,2 uses random-forest5 patch-regression to learn a mapping from patches, e.g. a 5x5x5 voxel-neighbourhood, in low-resolution images to the high-resolution patch, e.g. 2x2x2 neighbourhood, corresponding to the central voxel of the low-resolution patch (figure 1). The training phase takes a set of high resolution images, downsamples to approximate a low-resolution acquisition, draws a sample of matched high and low-resolution patches, and constructs a mapping by non-linear regression. That mapping then operates on low-resolution images to reconstruct a corresponding high-resolution image patch by patch.

To demonstrate generalisability of IQT, we test its ability to reconstruct high-resolution DTIs after training on various different kinds of data. First we use data from numerous subgroups of the HCP cohort. Subgroups 2 (HCP2) and 3 (HCP3) are homogeneous but maximally different: HCP2 subjects are white, right-handed, females in their 20s; HCP3 subjects are black, left-handed, males in their 30s. HCP1 is heterogeneous containing subjects with all combinations of those traits. Support vector machine classification6 using brain images from HCP2 and HCP3 strongly discriminates the two groups. We use distinct training and test sets, each of 8 subjects, from both HCP1 and HCP2 subgroups, as well as a test set only from HCP3, also containing 8 subjects. Training and testing uses DTI maps estimated from the 90-direction b=1000s/mm2 shell.

We also use training sets from i) the HCP Lifespan dataset and ii) a set of fixed monkey brain images. The Lifespan data comes from 26 subjects with an age range of 4-75 years; the imaging protocol has a b=1000s/mm2 shell similar to the HCP data but with 1.5mm rather than 1.25mm isotropic voxels. The Monkey data has images from 13 perfusion-fixed vervet monkey brains acquired with an ex-vivo imaging protocol4. We use a single b=3151s/mm2 shell with 87 directions.

To test, we reconstruct each image in the HCP1, HCP2, and HCP3 test sets after downsampling by block averaging. We compute the root-mean-squared DT error (DT-RMSE) between the IQT-reconstructed DTI map and the ground-truth from fitting to the original full-resolution acquisitions.


Figure 2 demonstrates generalisability of IQT within the HCP cohort. Reconstruction errors vary among test sets, but, importantly, depend little on the training set.

Figure 3 shows HCP1 errors scores after training on the HCP, Lifespan, and Monkey data. Although errors from the Lifespan and Monkey sets are significantly higher than from HCP training, both still produce good approximations to the ground truth. Figure 4 compares IQT-reconstructed DTI maps from different training sets. To emphasise: the high resolution DTI map in the top right of figure 4 is effectively a patchwork of dead monkey brain image-pieces. Remarkably, it is hardly distinguishable from the reconstruction using HCP training data.


We demonstrate generalisability of IQT super-resolution of DTI by training and testing on datasets that vary in race, age, gender and handedness (HCP); acquisition protocol, resolution and age (Lifespan); and protocol, species and tissue state (Monkey). The experiments show promising robustness of the IQT framework to training set, which demonstrates the potential to exploit the technique even in situations when data comes from unknown or unfamiliar subjects or samples. Future work still needs to assess robustness in the presence of pathology.


Microsoft Research and EPSRC grants G007748, L022680, L023067 and M020533 supported this work. Data were provided [in part] by the Human Connectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.


[1] D. C. Alexander, D. Zikic, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, A. Criminisi. Image quality transfer via random forest regression: applications in diffusion MRI. Proceedings MICCAI 225-232 2014

[2] D. C. Alexander, D. Zikic, V. Wottschel, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, A. Criminisi. Image quality transfer: exploiting bespoke high-quality data to enhance everyday acquisitions Proceedings ISMRM, 563, 2015.

[3] Van Essen, D.C., Ugurbil, K., Auerbach, E., et al.: The Human Connectome Project: A data acquisition perspective. NI. 62(4), 2222–2231 (Oct 2012)

[4] T. B. Dyrby, W. F. C. Baare, D. C. Alexander, J. Jelsing, E. Garde, and L. V. Sogaard. An ex-vivo imaging pipeline for producing high quality and high resolution diffusion weighted imaging datasets. Human Brain Mapping, 32:544–563, 2011.

[5] A. Criminisi and J. Shotton. Decision forests for computer vision and medical image analysis. Springer, 2013.

[6] S. Klöppel, C. M. Stonnington, C. Chu, B. Draganski, R. I. Scahill, J. D. Rohrer, N. C. Fox, C. R. Jack, J. Ashburner, and R. S. J. Frackowiak. Automatic classification of MR scans in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain, Advanced Access:online, 2008.


[8] Zhang, H., Schneider, T., Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A., Alexander, D.C.: NODDI: Practical in vivo neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging of the human brain. NI. 61(4), 1000 – 1016 (2012).

[9] Matthew F. Glasser, Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos, J. Anthony Wilson, Timothy S. Coalson, Bruce Fischl, Jesper L. Andersson, Junqian Xu, Saad Jbabdi, Matthew Webster, Jonathan R. Polimeni, David C. Van Essen, Mark Jenkinson, The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Project, NeuroImage, Volume 80, 15 October 2013, Pages 105-124


The diagram shows an input patch size of n=2, i.e. 5x5x5 voxels, from which the IQT mapping outputs a high-resolution patch of size m=2, i.e. 2x2x2 sub-voxels of the central voxel of the input patch.

Reconstruction errors for HCP1, HCP2 and HCP3 training and test sets against random-forest complexity with training set size fixed. Input (low-resolution) and output (high-resolution) patches are 5x5x5 and 2x2x2 voxel blocks respectively. Test data are downsampled by a factor of 2 in each dimension before IQT reconstruction to full resolution.

As figure 1, for HCP, Lifespan, and Monkey training data. Grey shows variability over 8 random HCP training sets of 8 subjects. For Lifespan and HCP training data, fewer more complex trees performs better, but for Monkey training greater numbers of smaller trees promotes generalisability. Error score for interpolation: 1.5x10-4mm2/s.

DEC and MD maps for original and downsampled DTIs, as well as reconstructed high-resolution images from IQT trained on HCP, Lifespan, and Monkey data. To visualise differences more clearly, the downsampling factor here is 3 unlike the quantitative results in figures 1 and 2, which use a factor of 2.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)