We propose a flow-based supervoxel parcellation method to split white matter into supervoxels with homogeneous diffusion property. In particular, we defined a new similarity metric between orientation distribution functions derived from q-ball imaging according to functional Bregman divergence. The proposed method was applied to high quality data from Human Connectome Project. Our work demonstrated a methodological feasibility to generate supervoxel approach tractography, construction of WM connectivity network, etc.
This study aims to parcellate brain white matter (WM)
into supervoxels with homogeneous diffusion property measured by Bregman
divergence between orientation distribution functions (ODF) derived from q-ball
imaging (QBI). Current WM parcellation method on large affinity matrix needs
enormous computation resources
1, or voxels in
result supervoxel are disconnected
2. In this study,
we propose a fast and robust flow-based WM supervoxel parcellation method. Parcellating
the white matter into supervoxels with homogeneous diffusion properties can benefit
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis
3, WM connectivity
network construction
4, tractography, and
region-of-interest based analysis
The overview of the proposed method can be seen in Fig.
2. Our method was performed on WM graph, based on a flow-based supervoxel parcellation
algorithm as described below.
WM graph construction: We used FreeSurfer6 to segment T1
image, and selected WM tissues to construct a WM binary image. Voxels in WM
binary image were then transferred to a node in WM graph. An edge was generated
to connect each pair of adjacent voxels.
Spherical harmonics (SH) expansion: We reconstructed ODF from
diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) according to Descoteaux’s method7 using DSI-studio8. ODF is a
spherical function and can be represented as a linear combination of SH.
Because ODF is real and centro-symmetric, we performed an up-to 4th
even order real SH expansion:
where Ylm is m-order l-degree real Laplace
spherical harmonic, and flm is corresponding expansion coefficient. We
also performed SH expansion to logarithm of ODF values. Then, two
15×1 vectors of SH coefficients were attached to each node of WM
Lattice seeding: We performed lattice seeding on whole WM
image space to uniformly split image into grids. Since given lattice resolution
is not always integral multiple of voxel size, we used an accumulator to sum
residual grid resolution. As compensation, grid was enlarged when residual grid
resolution was not less than a voxel size. For expected supervoxel number, a
gradient descent search was used to find best grid resolution. We selected WM
voxels nearest to grid centers as seeds to initialize supervoxel segmentation.
Flow assignment: Starting from seeds, a flow assigned
values to all nodes along edges. If flow from seed s meet node n,
the value to be assigned was defined as integral of ODF differences along
trajectory of the flow:
the to-be-assigned value was less than predefined value, the flow assigned new
value to n, and labeled it as s.
We used functional Bregman divergence9 to define
difference between ODFs. For ODF g, let
to definition of functional Bregman divergence dϕ[f,g]=ϕ[f]−ϕ[g]−δϕ[g;f−g],
relative entropy (also Kullback-Leibler divergence) between ODF f and
g is then defined as:
obtain a symmetric non-negative measure, we used total average of dKL
(also Jensen-Shannon divergence):
Let Cf, Cg denote SH coefficients of ODF f and
g, and Clnf, Clng denote SH
coefficients of logarithms lnf and lng. Due to orthogonality of
SH, dJS can be represented as:
Reflow: Assignment flows could intersect each other, and
hence some nodes were departed from corresponding seeds. We called a reflow
process to fix this issue. Firstly, a flow searched connected nodes from same
seed, and labeled them as “connected”. For “unconnected” nodes, we erased
values and labels, and pushed their “connected” neighbors to call another flow
assignment. The reflow process was called several times until all nodes were
labeled as “connected”, to guarantee integrity of supervoxels.
Update seeds: A gradient descent method was used to
found new seeds (supervoxel centers) from original seeds. A new seed was a node
within supervoxel that minimizes summed values. Then, a new flow assignment was
called from new seeds. We terminated the assignment-update loop when seeds
remained unchanged, or oscillated.
We applied the proposed method to high-quality data in
Human Connetome Project (HCP) ( We
parcellated WM into 5000 parcels. Fig. 2 illustrates the connectivity network with
superovoxels as nodes. It can be seen that local fiber orientations within a
supervoxel are homogeneous, as shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 illustrates the usage of
WM supervoxels to extract corticospinal tracts, cingulum of cingulate gyrus,
forceps major, and forceps minor.
In this work, we propose a WM supervoxel parcellation method
in QBI. This method is a feasible and efficient approach to generate WM parcels
with homogenous diffusion properties. It could benefit future relevant
neuroscience researches, like WM connectivity network construction, ROI-based
analysis, tractography, etc.Acknowledgements
Data were provided by the Human Connectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.
The work described in this paper was supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: CUHK 14113214), a grant from The Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (Project No. CXZZ20140606164105361), and the direct grant at CUHK (Project No.: 4054229)
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