Non-linear Distortion Correction in Human Optic Nerve Diffusion Imaging
Joo-won Kim1,2, Jesper LR Andersson3, Peng Sun4, Sheng-Kwei Song4, Robert Naismith5, and Junqian Xu1,2,6

1Department of Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 3Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4Department of Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, United States, 5Department of Neurology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, United States, 6Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States


A major challenge in optic nerve diffusion MRI is the non-linear optic nerve distortion induced by eye-ball movement. In this work, we developed and evaluated a non-linear registration scheme to improve optic nerve edge alignment over conventional diffusion imaging distortion correction methods. Optic nerve edge plots (both 1D and 2D) were used to evaluate the optic nerve edge alignment for different non-linear registration methods (FSL/fnirt and ANTs) after FSL/topup and FSL/eddy correction of unprocessed diffusion images. Overall, the additional non-linear registration step, regardless of the non-linear registration method used, substantially improved optic nerve edge alignment along all diffusion measurement frames.


To evaluate non-linear image registration for distortion correction in human optic nerve diffusion imaging using edge plots as image alignment metrics.


Among the many challenges of high resolution in vivo human optic nerve diffusion imaging is the effect of eye-ball movement, which can lead to substantial intraorbital optic nerve motion. Such optic nerve motion is non-linear and independent of head movement. These non-linear optic nerve movements further couple with the distortions in diffusion echo planar imaging (EPI) due to field inhomogeneity and eddy currents (Fig. 1). Existing distortion correction schemes routinely used for brain diffusion MRI fail to adequately correct for these non-linear distortions specific to optic nerve diffusion imaging. In this study, we developed and evaluated a non-linear registration scheme to address this issue.

MRI acquisition

Oblique axial optic nerve diffusion MRI data (Fig. 2) were acquired in six adult subjects on a 3T scanner (Trio, Siemens) with a 32ch head coil (12 anterior Rx elements only, Siemens). An inner volume imaging spin echo EPI diffusion sequence was used to acquire reduced FOV optic nerve images at 1.3 mm isotropic resolution [1], TR/TE=5000/56.4 ms, FOV=166 x 41.5 mm, matrix=128 x 32, 6/8 partial Fourier, ETL=24 (20.6 ms), monopolar diffusion encoding, optimized 25 multi-bval multi-bvec diffusion scheme with bmax=1000 s/mm2, Tacq=2.5 min. x 4 effective averages.

Common pre-processing

All frames in the diffusion acquisition were corrected for distortion and motion with FSL/topup [2] to estimate field maps from a pair of phase-encoding reversed b0 images and further with FSL/eddy [3] using quadratic eddy current term estimations.

Non-linear registration

To correct for residue image distortion after FSL/eddy, a non-linear registration scheme (Fig. 3) adapted from a motion correction scheme for spinal cord diffusion imaging [4] was developed. (i) All frames were split into b0 frames (b<90 s/mm2) and diffusion weighted (DW) segments (Di); each segment consists of temporally adjacent DW frames between two adjacent b0 frames. (ii) All b0 frames were registered to the first b0 image (b0-f0). (iii) The DW frames in each Di were registered to the first DW frame of the segment (Di-f0). (iv) All DW segments were registered to the first DW segment (D0-f0). (v) All DW segments were registered to the first b0 frame. Linear registration (FSL/flirt with correlation ratio as cost function) was applied in step (v) because of the different contrast between DW and b0 frames. Non-linear registration was applied in steps (ii-iv). We evaluated three non-linear registration methods: (1) FSL/fnirt with sum-of-squared difference as cost function, (2) ANTs [4] with neighborhood cross correlation (cc) as cost function, and (3) ANTs with mean squared intensity differences (ms) as cost function.

Edge plots

The optic nerve registration results were evaluated by comparing unprocessed, FSL/eddy unwarped, FSL/eddy+FSL/fnirt, FSL/eddy+ANTs/cc, and FSL/eddy+ANTs/ms registered images. We defined the two optic nerve edges on a horizontal or vertical line from a coronal slice as the edges between two adjacent voxels whose intensity difference are the maximum or minimum among all the edges on the line. The frequency of an edge between two adjacent voxels along the specified line was defined as the number of frames with estimated optic nerve edge fell on that edge location. For visualization, the optic nerve edges along the horizontal line (8 voxels) of a representative coronal slice (Fig. 4C), stacked along all frames, were colored as red / yellow (Fig. 4A). All stacked edge plots (Fig. 4A) were overlaid on top of each other without background image (Fig. 4B) for comparison. Histograms were shown on the top of the plots to indicate the frequencies of the optic nerve edges (Fig. 4A, B). In addition, the percentage of edge frequency was color coded and overlaid on the averaged image of all diffusion measurement frames on two-dimensional sub-region of the representative coronal slice (Fig. 5).

Results and Discussion

In all six subjects, FSL/eddy plus the additional non-linear registration scheme outperforms FSL/eddy unwarping alone, which yields consistently better results than unprocessed images. We observed a trend towards better non-linear registration results using FSL/eddy+ANTs/ms or FSL/eddy+ANTs/cc than FSL/eddy+FSL/fnirt, although a conclusion cannot be drawn from these preliminary results.

The additional non-linear registration step following FSL/eddy unwarping further improved the alignment of the optic nerve edges in the diffusion imaging frames. Such optic nerve edge alignment improvement is expected to be crucial for the accurate diffusion parameter estimation in diffusion MRI signal modeling.


This study was supported by Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) research scholar grant RSCH1328 (JX), National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) - International Progressive MS Alliance (IPMSA) infrastructure award PA0097 (JX), and the National Institute of Health (NIH) under award number R21NS090910 (RN, SS, and JX) and U01EY025500 (SS and JX).


[1] Xu J et al, Assessing optic nerve pathology with diffusion MRI: from mouse to human, NMR Biomed. 2008 Nov; 21(9):928-40

[2] Andersson JL et al, How to correct susceptibility distortions in spin-echo echo-planar images: application to diffusion tensor imaging. NeuroImage. 2003, 20(2):870-888.

[3] Andersson JL and Sotiropoulos SN, An integrated approach to correction for off-resonance effects and subject movement in diffusion MR imaging, Neuroimage. 2015 Oct 20.

[4] Xu J et al, Improved in vivo diffusion tensor imaging of human cervical spinal cord, Neuroimage, 2013 Feb 15; 67:64-76.

[5] Avants BB et al, A reproducible evaluation of ANTs similarity metric performance in brain image registration, Neuroimage, 2011 Feb 1; 54(3)


Figure 1. Illustration of non-linear optic nerve distortion in diffusion imaging. Selected diffusion weighted frames (B and C) with red and orange colored manual optic nerve boundary definition, respectively. The cyan-colored region (D, zoomed view of A, a representative b0 frame) is a region of interest for optic nerve edge alignment evaluation.

Figure 2. Illustration of reduced FOV optic nerve diffusion MRI acquisition and example b0 and diffusion weighted images.

Figure 3. A non-linear registration scheme for optic nerve diffusion image alignment. b0-fi represents the ith b0 frame and Di-fj represents the jth diffusion weighted frame of the ith DW segment. Colored lines represent image registration. Dashed lines are non-linear registration while solid lines are linear registration.

Figure 4. Estimated optic nerve edges are shown as red/yellow lines (A) for the cyan-colored region indicated in (C) with background images from all diffusion measurement frames stacked vertically. All stacked edge plots in (A) are overlaid without the background images in (B) for comparison. Histograms of edge frequency were shown on the top of the frame stacked figures.

Figure 5. Two-dimensional optic nerve edge plots with the percentage of edge frequency in color scale overlaid on the averaged image of all diffusion measurement frames for five different results (A: unprocessed, B: FSL/eddy, C: FSL/eddy + FSL/fnirt, D: FSL/eddy + ANTs/ms, E: FSL/eddy + ANTs/cc).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)