Yuchuan Zhuang1, Samuel D. Kampondeni2,3, Madalina Tivarus2, Michael J. Potchen2, Gretchen L. Birbeck4, and Jianhui Zhong2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States, 2Department of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, United States, 3MRI Center, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi, 4Department of Neurology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, United States
Cerebral malaria (CM) is an often fatal
disease that still devastates children in Africa. In Malawi, MRIs at 0.35T are
obtained on pediatric CM patients, but quantitative analysis remains challenging. This
report validates the 0.35T DWI measurements by comparing diffusion scans of
normal adult subjects on both 0.35T and 3T MRI scanners. We used ROI analysis, regression analysis and
histogram for quantitative validation. Strong consistency between the two data
sets indicates that the DWI findings obtained on
the 0.35T in Malawi can be used despite its inherent limitations.Target audience
Researchers and
clinicians who are interested in utilizing low field MRI for the study of cerebral
malaria in developing countries.
Cerebral malaria (CM), an often fatal disease
that still devastates young children in Africa, has rarely been imaged since the
capacity for neuroimaging in malaria endemic region is limited. In Malawi, MRIs
at 0.35T are obtained on pediatric CM patients, but interpretation of diffusion
weighted images remains challenging. This report validates the very limited
0.35T DWI measurements by several quantitative measures, including comparison
of scans of normal adult subjects using low field DWI and a full 3T DTI.
6 healthy volunteers (4 male, mean age 51
years, range 46-55) were scanned in Malawi using a 0.35T Signa Ovation Excite
MRI scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wiconsin) and in the US (University of
Rochester Medical Center, NY) using a 3T GE Discovery MR750 scanner. Diffusion
weighted images (DWI) on the 0.35T MRI were acquired in three orientations separately
(axial, coronal, and sagittal) for two b values each( 200 s/mm2 and
900 s/mm2 respectively). The parameters for the 0.35T DWIs are: FOV=320mm, slice thickness=6/7/7mm for each orientation, matrix=256x256. The
resulting 6 images were reoriented to the standard MNI152 template using
fslreorient2std in FSL package (Oxford). Brain extraction was first performed
using the automated BET toolbox in FSL. Due to low resolution and contrast of
the 0.35T DWI data, further manual removal of non-brain tissue was necessary. Then the 6 images were registered to the
MNI152_T2_2mm_brain standard template for further calculation. Diffusivity maps
along each direction (Daxial, Dsagittal, Dcoronal)
and MD (mean diffusivity) were calculated using Eq.(1) and (2) respectively.
For 3T DWI data (2 b=0 images, 12 DWI images
with b=1000, FOV=260mm, slice thickness=3mm, matrix=256x256.), brain
extraction was done automatically using BET, and MD map was estimated using
DTIFIT tool in FSL. T1 structural images obtained on the 3T MRI were segmented
using Freesurfer and 14 regions of interest (ROI) were chosen to compare
results between 0.35T and 3T MD map: left/right white matter, caudate, putamen,
globus pallidus, precuneus, insular cortex, and lateral ventricle. Histogram
plots were used for 0.35T and 3T MD comparison. We also performed a linear regression analysis
using 0.35T ROI mean MD value as independent variable and 3T ROI mean MD value
as dependent variables. For each subject, a paired t-test was used to find if
there was any statistical significant difference between 0.35T and 3T MD values
for all 14 ROIs.
The calculated MD
results are shown in Figure 1. Both 0.35T and 3T MD images are registered to T1
structural image. Figure 2 shows similar mean MD values for each ROI, and paired
t-tests show that there was no significant difference between 0.35T and 3T
across all 14 ROIs for each subject (p>0.1 for 6 subjects). The linear
regression analysis yields the adjusted R
2=0.821 and p<0.001 (Figure
2). From the histogram plots (Figure 3), the MD intensity distributions are
similar across subjects and scanners.
Visual inspection
of the 3T and 0.35T MD results demonstrates similar contrast between grey
matter, white matter, and CSF (Figure 1). The 0.35T MD results are more smeared
due to thicker slices in 0.35T data. The paired t-test between 0.35T and 3T MD demonstrates
comparable MD maps calculated for both scanners. The regression analysis
further shows a strong linear relationship between 0.35T and 3T MD maps.
Histogram plots demonstrate the similarity of MD intensity distribution between
two scanners. The broader distribution of 0.35T MD map may be a result of the larger
slice-thickness compared to 3T MD map.
MD maps obtained on a 0.35T MRI were
validated, both qualitatively and quantitatively, with similar maps obtained on
3T MRI in the same subjects, indicating that the DWI images obtained on the 0.35T
in Malawi can be clinically interpreted despite its inherent limitations.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1]. Potchen, Michael J., Sam D. Kampondeni, Karl B. Seydel,
Gretchen L. Birbeck, Colleen A. Hammond, William G. Bradley, J. Kevin DeMarco
et al. "Acute brain MRI findings in 120 Malawian children with cerebral
malaria: new insights into an ancient disease." American Journal of
Neuroradiology 33, no. 9 (2012): 1740-1746.
Seydel, Karl B., Samuel D. Kampondeni, Clarissa Valim, Michael J. Potchen,
Danny A. Milner, Francis W. Muwalo, Gretchen L. Birbeck et al. "Brain
Swelling and Death in Children with Cerebral Malaria." New England Journal
of Medicine 372, no. 12 (2015): 1126-1137.