biexponential IVIM model of diffusion does not account for distinct T2 values
for the two components, commonly interpreted as blood and tissue, leading to a TE dependence of the pseudo-diffusion
volume fraction parameter f. In this volunteer study, the addition of a small
number of DWI scans at different TEs allows for fitting of an extended T2-IVIM
model, returning TE-independent estimations of liver f (18.26±7.3 % compared to 27.88±6.0 % from conventional IVIM fitting), and T2s of 77.6 ± 30.2 and 42.1 ± 6.8
ms for pseudo- and true diffusion compartments, respectively. Introduction
two-compartment IVIM diffusion model proposed by Le Bihan (1) is commonly used
for DWI studies in the body. In this model, compartments are taken to represent
pseudo-diffusion and true diffusion, which may in turn
represent vascular and tissue fractions. Standard
diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) protocols are acquired at a single (usually
minimum) TE and incorrectly assume a single (apparent) T2, thus causing the
observed pseudo-diffusion fraction f to be dependent on the TE chosen (2).
Distinct transverse relaxation constants for these components (T2p
and T2t
for pseudo- and true diffusion compartments, respectively) modify the standard
IVIM model (Eq. 1) for echo time (TE) dependency (Eq. 2), where f is pseudo-diffusion
fraction, D and D* are true and pseudodiffusion coefficients, T2p and T2t are the transverse
relaxations constants for pseudo- and true diffusion compartments, and Seff=S0.exp(−TET2apparent):
Sb=Seff.[f.exp(−b.D∗)+(1−f).exp(−b.D)] Eq 1 (standard IVIM model)
Sb,TE=S0.[f.exp(−TET2p).exp(−b.D∗)+(1−f).exp(−TET2t).exp(−b.D)] Eq 2 (extended
T2-IVIM model)
present additional measurements at low b-values with increased TE as a method
of deriving an estimate of f that is independent of TE, a parameter not commonly
fixed in clinical MR studies. A b-value of 50mm-2s is sufficient to
remove the pseudo-diffusion component in the liver (3), with the assumption
that associated signal decay due to true diffusion is small (<5% for D of
1x10-3mm2s-1 in the liver). Full sampling of
the b-value/TE space is challenging (4), however a clinical timeframe
acquisition is able to give a TE-independent estimation of f that may be more accurate,
and thus clinically useful and sensitive to modulation of pseudo-diffusion
fraction, as well as providing native estimations of T2.
Volunteers (n=6) underwent coronal free-breathing DWI of the abdomen using a
MAGNETOM Avanto 1.5T scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany), acquired
twice (24hr separation) using a prototype sequence with the following parameters: diffusion delays δ
16.0ms and Δ
20.2ms, 3-scan trace monopolar diffusion scheme, TR 4000ms, FOV 380x380mm
16x5mm slices, matrix 128x128 (interpolated to 256x256),
bandwidth 1628 Hz/pixel, SPAIR fat suppression, 7/8 partial Fourier, iPAT
factor 2, and 12 averages. Seven b-values (0,10,50,100,200,400,800 mm
were acquired at (minimum) TE 62ms (total 15 minutes), with three additional
b-values (0,10,50 mm
-2s) acquired at TE 80 and 100ms (additional
10 minutes). A
region of interest (ROI) was drawn for a single slice over the liver for each
volunteer (
Figure 1a); fitting of the standard IVIM and extended T2-IVIM model was
performed for mean ROI signal in each unregistered image (b-value and signal average), and voxel-wise in one volunteer, using custom MATLAB routines. The repeat measures coefficient of
variation was calculated for each parameter across the cohort using
log-transformed values.
Representative ROI and voxel-wise f values for the two
models are shown in
Figure 1; parameters derived from the IVIM and T2-IVIM models are given in
Table 1; the
TE-independent f is substantially smaller (mean 35±15% decrease, p=0.002,
paired t-test;
Figure 2), while both
D and D* from the T2-IVIM model are comparable to conventional IVIM values. The T
2t value returned for the
liver tissue compartment is consistent with literature (5), although the T
returned (77.6±30.2ms) was substantially lower than literature (5) (290ms).
In this study, the CoV for D and D* was small in both models (see
Table 2), which for D is consistent
with previous work but lower for D* than previously observed in tumours (6). In
the T2-IVIM model, the CoVs for f and T
2p were large (>20%), which
indicates the inherent difficulty in separating these two parameters.
studies commonly use a minimum TE dictated by gradient hardware and diffusion
scheme. The dependence of the IVIM pseudo-diffusion parameter f on TE may limit
its clinical utility; when using the standard IVIM model, failure to account
for distinct T
2 values for the two volume fractions may bias
estimates of f and lead to misinterpretations of observed changes. An extended
T2-IVIM model that includes T
2 for each component can be used to
derive TE-independent (TE = 0ms) estimations of IVIM parameters (4). Full sampling
of TE/b space is limited by minimum TEs and SNRat larger TE/b combinations,
but T2-IVIM parameters derived from the addition of a small number of TE/b
combinations (minimum 2 b-values at 1 extra TE, additional ~20% scan time) to a
standard IVIM protocol may provide useful estimates for TE-independent f, D,
D*, and complementary information from T
2p, and T
2t (7), within
clinical DWI examination times.
and EPSRC support in association with MRC & Dept. of Health C1060/A10334,
C1060/A16464 and NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and the
Clinical Research Facility in Imaging. Martin O Leach is a senior NIHR investigator. Neil P Jerome is funded by Imagine for Margo.References
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