Oscar Gustafsson1,2, Maria Ljungberg1,2, and Göran Starck1,2
1Department of Radiation Physics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Lower Bound is commonly used in experiment design optimization. Here we use
it to find optimal b-value schemes for IVIM imaging. The optimization was
generalized with regard to averaging and the characteristics of the results,
given the input and the constraints, were studied. The resulting schemes never
included more than the minimum number of four unique b-values, even though multiple
sets of tissue parameters were included in the optimization. The optimized
b-value schemes were compared to a typical one using simulations.Introduction and purpose
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)
1 has gained renewed attention during the last years due to its potential
of simultaneously monitoring tissue diffusion and perfusion completely
non-invasively. However, to this date there is no consensus with regard to
which b-values should be used. In this study we investigate the potential of Cramer-Ráo
Lower Bound (CRLB), which is a commonly used tool for optimal experiment design
2. The effect of averaging is considered and generalized compared to
previous studies
IVIM is described by a biexponential model
where D is the diffusion coefficient, D* is the
pseudodiffusion coefficient, f is the perfusion fraction and S
0 is the signal
without diffusion weighting. Given a model the CRLB sets a lower limit of the
parameter uncertainties:
σ2wi is the actual
parameter uncertainty,
w∈{D,D∗,f,S0} and F is Fisher's information
matrix. Given Gaussian noise and considering the effect of averaging, F has
σ2 is the noise variance, n
is the number of averages for the k:th b-value, S
k is the expected signal for
the k:th b-value given the IVIM model.
The noise level and the total number of
(N=∑Kk=1nk) are constants, therefore a matrix M may
be used in the optimization instead of F:
αk=nkN, which
implies that
0≤αk≤1 and
Considering multiple sets of tissue parameters
and adjusting for the different magnitude of the model parameters the total relative
uncertainty, which is to be minimized, is given by:
γs is a weighting factor. The
uncertainty of S
0 is omitted in the inner sum as it is not of primary
Materials and methods
Constrained minimization was performed in
MATLAB for three sets of tissue parameters (table 1) separately and combined (γ=[12002,1302,1202] weights from Lemke4)
to obtain a total of four optimal b-value schemes. To assess the effects of
boundary conditions the optimizations was performed for multiple lower and
upper limits of b-values (blower = [0,10,20], bupper = [600,1000,2000]).
To assess the effect of b-value scheme on the model
parameter uncertainties data was simulated for all tissue parameter sets by
adding Rician noise to signal values given by the IVIM model. The model
parameters were obtained by weighted non-linear least squares fitting. The
uncertainties were characterized by IQR normalized to the true tissue parameter
values. This was compared to simulated data using a b-value scheme comparable
to those commonly seen in the literature (blit=[0,10,20,30,40,50,75,100,200,300,400,600]).
To match the total number of acquisitions the proportions of the optimal
schemes were multiplied by 12 and b-values were rounded to the nearest multiple
of ten.
Results and discussion
For all sets of tissue parameters the optimal
b-value scheme included no more than four unique b-values with non-zero
proportion (up to 10 unique b-values were allowed) (table 2). This
is in agreement with previous observations3. The same result
was produced when the optimization was performed over a weighted sum of multiple
tissue parameter sets (bsum=[0,30,220,600],αsum=[0.18,0.32,0.32,0.18]). Limits had small effect on the α:s for most settings. Increased lower
limit/decreased upper limit mainly affected the lower/higher b-values
respectively (table 2).
The CRLB b-value schemes gave smaller model
parameter uncertainties in 11 of the 18 cases (table 3). The best gain in using
the CRLB scheme was seen for the medium perfusion parameter set, which is
characterized by relatively high f and low D*.
CRLB optimization favors averaging of the
minimum number of unique b-values rather than adding more unique ones. In
practice the optimized b-value schemes were found to decrease the model
parameter uncertainty in simulated data with mid-range perfusion.
This research was supported by the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Cancer Society, the King Gustaf V Jubilee Clinic Cancer Research Foundation in Gothenburg, Sweden and grants from the Swedish state under the LUA/ALF agreement.References
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