Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) accounts for
anisotropy of diffusion, while the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model
considers a fast moving pseudo-diffusion compartment. In the kidney DTI and
IVIM parameters vary significantly depending on the time they are acquired
within the cardiac cycle. A combined IVIM-DTI model incorporates anisotropic
diffusion and anisotropic pseudo-diffusion parameters. The purpose of this
study was to investigate the impact of the cardiac cycle on the combined
IVIM-DTI model. While in DTI the fractional anisotropy of the diffusion tensor
(FAD) varies within the cardiac cycle, FAD does not
change in the IVIM-DTI model.Purpose
While Diffusion
Tensor Imaging (DTI) identifies anisotropic diffusion by use of a
mono-exponential model, IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) accounts for two
motion compartments, pseudo-diffusion and diffusion. However, the IVIM model does
not take into account anisotropy, although it has been reported that pseudo-diffusion
in the human kidney is anisotropic
1. A combined IVIM-DTI model that
contains a diffusion tensor and a pseudo-diffusion fraction tensor has
proven to perform well
2. Both renal DTI and renal IVIM showed
significant dependence of their parameters on the cardiac cycle
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the cardiac cycle on
the combined IVIM-DTI model.
heathy volunteers were included in the study. Images were acquired at 3 T
(Magnetom Prisma, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). ECG triggering was applied. Coronal images of the kidney were acquired twice, once during systolic peak blood flow (trigger
delay 200ms) and once during low blood flow (trigger delay ≥400ms).
The diffusion-weighted EPI sequence used the following parameters: Field
of view 400×400 mm2; matrix 208×208; partial Fourier 5/8;
slice thickness 4 mm; minimum TR 3.000 ms; TE 87 ms; b-values 0,200,250,700,750,800 s/mm2; diffusion directions 30; averages 2.
diffusion weighted images were used for analyses with the standard DTI model
and the IVIM-DTI model.
For standard
DTI analysis the signal was fitted to the equation
where S0 is the signal without diffusion weighting and D denotes the diffusion tensor.
model combines the diffusion tensor D and the pseudo-diffusion fraction f.
Furthermore, not only D is considered to be a tensor, but also f is described
as a tensor. A more thorough explanation of this model was presented before2.
We assume that the fast motion regime contributes negligibly to the signal for b ≥200 s/mm2. Hence, for the IVIM-DTI analysis the signal was
fitted to
Image analysis
diffusivity MD and fractional anisotropy of the D-tensor FAD, as
well as mean pseudo-diffusion fraction Mf and fractional anisotropy of the f-tensor FAf where determined in renal cortex and medulla. The results
were tested for statistical significant differences between peak flow and low
flow using Wilcoxon’s signed rank test. MD and FAD where also tested
for differences between the DTI and IVIM-DTI model. P<0.05 was considered statistically
Figure 1 lists MD and Mf for peak flow and low flow. DTI
yields significantly higher cortical MD during peak flow compared to low flow (P<0.01). There is no significant
difference between peak and low flow in cortical MD when applying the IVIM-DTI
model. Yet, cortical Mf is higher during peak flow compared to low flow (P<0.001).
For both cortex
and medulla MD is significantly lower in the IVIM-DTI model compared to DTI at
both times.
Figure 2 shows FAD and FAf for peak
and low flow.
FAD as determined by DTI is significantly
different in the medulla for peak and low flow (P<0.01). In contrast, medullary FAD is not
significantly different when using the IVIM-DTI model. Instead, medullary FAf
is significantly lower during peak flow compared to low flow. The cortex
did not reveal significant differences of FAD and FAf between
the two time points.
Figure 3 shows a T2-weighted image, as well as MD, FAD
, MF and FAf maps of one kidney during low flow (a,b,c,d,e)
and peak flow (f,g,h,i,k). The FAf map appears less noisy during peak flow.
The results show that when using the DTI model, the time of acquisition within the cardiac cycle significantly affects MD and FAD. This is in agreement with previously reported
We found that the time-dependence of MD and FAD
is extinguished when using the IVIM-DTI model. High cortical MD during peak
flow in the DTI model relates to high Mf in the IVIM-DTI model. Low medullary
FAD during peak flow relates to low FAf in the IVIM-DTI
model. FAD is lower when using IVIM-DTI compared to DTI, because part of the anisotropy is covered by the f-tensor.
In voxels with very low Mf the value for FAf
might be increased due to noise. However, this would hardly cause a difference
between the DTI and the IVIM-DTI model, since a low Mf value will have little
impact on MD and FAD.
The time-dependence of MD and FA
D using the
DTI was assumed to be caused by pseudo-diffusion. The IVIM-DTI model allows
accounting for pseudo-diffusion. Our findings confirm that in the IVIM-DTI model the pseudo-diffusion related
parameters Mf and FA
f depend on the cardiac cycle, while the
diffusion related parameters MD and FA
D appear constant.
FH acknowledges the Cusanuswerk for a scholarship.References
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