Michel R.T. Sinke1, Willem M. Otte1,2, Annette van der Toorn1, R. Angela Sarabdjitsingh3, Marian Joëls3, and Rick M. Dijkhuizen1
1Biomedical MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Group, Center for Image Sciences, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department of Pediatric Neurology, Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Department of Translational Neuroscience, Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
exact relationship between DTI-based tract representations and true axonal
projections remains uncertain. We compared the accuracy of tensor-based and
constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD)-based tractography, against
neuroanatomical tracer data in rat brain. Our study with high spatial and
angular resolution postmortem DTI data revealed low tractography accuracy,
characterized by significant amount of false positive and false negative
streamline connections. Accounting for crossing fibers by CSD did not
significantly improve sensitivity and specificity. Because DTI-based tract
reconstructions correlate incompletely with true axonal projections in rat
brain, even when using an advanced algorithm like CSD, DTI-based connectomics
should be interpreted with care. Introduction
Diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI)-based tractography is one of the cornerstones of the Human Connectome
Project, by enabling in vivo mapping of anatomical connections within the brain
[1]. However, the exact relationship between DTI-based tract representations (streamlines)
and true axonal projections remains uncertain. To elucidate this relationship,
we compared the accuracy of two tractography approaches in rat brain
connectomics against gold standard neuroanatomical tracer data.
Perfusion-fixed postmortem
brains – inside the skull – of ten healthy adult (12-13 weeks) male Wistar rats
were positioned in a container filled with proton-free oil (Fomblin
®). High spatial
and angular resolution DTI (8-shot 3D EPI; TR/TE= 500/32.4 ms; field-of-view =
19.2 x 16 x 33 mm
3; voxels = 150 x 150 x 150 µm
3; 5
0 images; diffusion-weighting in 60 non-collinear directions with b
= 3842.23 s/mm
2; four averages) was conducted on a 9.4T Varian MR scanner.
After DTI acquisition, images were non-rigidly aligned to a 3D model of the
Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas. Whole-brain connectomes (50.000
streamlines) were obtained for each animal with conventional diffusion tensor-based
tractography and constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD)-based tractography.
CSD takes into account the presence of crossing fiber populations and uses 2
order integration over fiber orientation distributions [2]. Tractography was
repeated with different fractional anisotropy (FA) thresholds (0.15, 0.2) and varying
maximum angle between tracking steps (10-90°). The overall presence or absence
of connecting streamlines between specific cortical regions were compared to findings
from a rat brain neuronal tracer database [3] (Figure, left). Reconstruction
accuracy was expressed as sensitivity and specificity (i.e. the proportion of correctly
identified present (true positive) and absent (true negative) connections; as mean
± standard deviation, at group level).
Tensor-based tract
reconstructions had low (between hemispheres) to moderate (within hemispheres) sensitivities
to identify connections (Figure, middle). This increased with more liberal tracking
angle and lower FA thresholds. Increasing sensitivity occurred at the expense
of decreasing specificity. The sensitivity and specificity to identify neuronal
projections with CSD were also relatively low, but much less affected by tracking
angle and FA threshold (Figure, right).
High-resolution DTI-based tractography
in rat brains revealed a significant amount of false positive and false
negative streamline connections when compared to neuroanatomical tracer data.
Comparable degrees of sensitivity and specificity have been shown for standard DTI-based
tractography in mice [4]. The current analysis shows that accounting for
crossing-fibers – with CSD – does not significantly improve sensitivity and
specificity of DTI-based reconstructed cortical projections.
High spatial and angular resolution
DTI-based tract reconstructions correlate incompletely with true axonal
projections in rat brain, even when using an advanced fiber reconstruction
algorithm such as CSD. Similar findings have been reported for rhesus monkey
brain [5], suggesting that DTI-based connectomics should be interpreted with
care. We suggest that anatomically constrained tractography or global
tractography may increase DTI-based connectome accuracy.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Poldrack & Farah.
Nature. 15 (2015). [2] https://github.com/MRtrix3. [3] Schmitt & Eipert.
Neuroinformatics. 10
(2012). [4] Keiferet al; Neuroimage. 15 (2015). [5] Thomas et al; PNAS. 111