The best of both worlds: Combining the strengths of TBSS and tract-specific measurements for group-wise comparison of white matter microstructure
Greg D Parker1, Dafydd LLoyd2, and Derek K Jones1,3

1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr, Swansea, United Kingdom, 3Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute (NMHRI), School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom


Tract-specific microstructural measurements are key to many white matter studies. Common tract-specific measurement strategies average measurements along tracts of interest, but are insensitive to localised changes. Alternatively, by searching radially to a co-registered tract skeleton, tract based spatial statistics1 provides desirable localised comparisons. However, considering one value at each point (the highest value found by radial search), increases susceptibility to outliers, and misses the SNR benefit of averaging multiple estimates within a locale. We propose a hybrid method using tract skeletons to divide streamlines into localised sections, comparing averages within each section. Example results in remitted depression are presented.


Develop a method for consistent inter-subject subdivision of segmented streamline tractography results allowing more robust comparisons of tissue microstructure.


Imaging/Tractography: 42 direction, 4 b0, b = 1300s/mm2, 2.4mm isotropic resolution DW-data. Subjects (n=15, right handed) were imaged once while depressed and once after remission. Diffusion tensor tractography2,3 was performed with 45o/0.2 angular/FA thresholds, 1mm step size and 2mm isotropic seeding.

Subdivision: Pre-segmented tract bundles are first spatially normalised (affine transformation4 to an MNI tempate) and, where necessary, individual streamline knot-point orders are reversed to create a uniform direction of streamline propagation. We then calculate (i) an average streamline within each subject and (ii) an average streamline across all subjects (the 'skeleton'), all of which are re-parameterised to N knot points (resulting in N tract subdivisions). To process an individual subject we co-register5 the skeleton to their average streamline and, for each streamline in the segmented bundle, find a point, p, with the minimum euclidean distance to any point, a, on the co-registered skeleton. Proceeding 'up' the streamline, such that P = p, p+1, p+2 (and so on), we compare P to A (where A is initially a) and A+1, assigning P to the closest point. If that point was A+1, we increment A before evaluating the next P. Once the end of the streamline is reached, the process is repeated (from p and a) in the opposite direction. After all streamlines are processed we then calculate, for each knot-point on the skeleton, the mean parameter across the set of assigned P.

Incomplete Reconstructions: The above procedure is only effective for subjects with complete tract reconstructions. Where that is not the case, it is therefore necessary to estimate which portion of the tract is present and compensate for the missing sections prior to the subdivision process. Using complete reconstructions we first repeat the above procedure to generate subject wise average streamlines. For each knot point on the set of average streamlines, we then train a fuzzy classifier, providing, within the standardised space, the probability of a voxel being intersected by a correctly formed average streamline at that knot point. Returning to the incomplete reconstruction, those streamlines are spatially normalised as before and a subject wise average streamline calculated. We then interrogate the subjects average streamline against the standard space classification result to determine the most likely set of knot points it represents with respect to a properly formed reconstruction (almost always equivalent to the most likely classification of the local averages start and end points). Finally, the skeleton streamline is then trimmed to the indicated knot-point range, co-registered to the subject average and the point-wise assignment procedure is implemented as above.


Figure 1 displays sub-divisions of the genu of the corpus callosum. Coloured bands correspond to groups of data points assigned to the same knot point along the global average streamline. Figure 2 displays results of the procedure to handle incomplete tracts. Note the locations of coloured bands matches those in Figure 1. Figure 3 provides examples of corticospinal tract, through which (Figure 4) we found significant localised post remission reductions in mean diffusivity.


We have demonstrated a method for consistent inter-subject sub-division of streamline bundles and, by doing so, providing localised tract specific parameter estimates. The procedure builds upon the strength of TBSS in three ways. Firstly, by averaging multiple points to provide an estimate, the proposed method is likely to be more robust to noise/image corruption. Secondly, there is no guarantee that the highest/lowest values found by the radial search will be the most important, therefore, perhaps consideration of the wider parameter distribution (as is the case with this method) might provide more representative results. Finally, the radial search is not explicitly constrained to the tract of interest and, as such, where multiple tracts are in close proximity could it potentially sample data points from the incorrect structure – losing tract specificity. By sampling along specifically segmented streamlines (an easily automated task6,7) tract specificity is guaranteed, thus providing an additional layer of robustness. Turning to the result in Figure 4, there are well-known correlations between depressive state and physical activity8, a reduced MD is therefore likely indicative of a 'strengthening' of the motor pathways as subject activity increases post remission; why this would be constrained to the superior portion is currently unknown, but localised microstructural changes in the corticospinal tract in other disease states have been reported previously9.


This work was supported through a Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award


1. Smith SM, et al. Tract-based spatial statistics: Voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data. Neuroimage. 2006;31:1487-1505

2. Basser PJ, et al. Estimation of the Effective Self-Dffiusion Tensor from the NMR Spin Echo. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 1994;103:247-254,

3. Basser PJ, et al. In vivo fiber tractography using DT-MRI data. Magn. Reson. Med. 2000;44:625-632

4. Jenkinson M, and Smith SM. A global optimisation method for robust affine registration of brain images. Medical Image Analysis. 2001;5(2):143-156

5. Gower JC. Generalised Procrustes Analysis. Psychometrika. 1975;40(1):31-51.

6. O'Donnell LJ and Westin CF. Automated tractography segmentation using a high-dimensional white matter atlas. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. 2007;26(11):1562-1575

7. Parker et al., 2013. Fast and Fully Automated Clustering of Whole Brain Tractography Results Using Shape-Space Analysis. Proc ISMRM, p0778.

8. De Mello MT, et al. Relationship between physical activity and depression and anxiety symptoms: a population study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013;149(1-3):241-246.

9. Blain CR, et al. Tract-specific measurements within the corticospinal tract in sporadic ALS and patients homozygous for the D90A SOD1 gene mutation. In “Proc. ISMRM 13th Annual Meeting, Miami”. 2005; p. 1357.


Consistent inter-subject subdivisions of the genu of the corpus callosum as viewed from directly above. The different colours indicate assignment to different knot-points on the co-registered global average streamline. Each dot represents an individual knot-point.

(A) Example of an incomplete genu reconstruction. (B) Red – global average streamline, Blue – local average streamline. (C) Global average after trimming and co-registration. (D) Sub-division of (A), viewed from above; excluding the missing section, subdivision assignments (coloured consistently with Figure 1) agree with results from complete reconstructions.

Example sub-divisions of the left cortico spinal tract..

Sections of the left corticospinal tract (marked in red) were found to have significantly reduced mean diffusivity post remission. Fornix and cingulum tracts included for context - no significant difference was found in either.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)