Eric Lessard1, Alexei Ouriadov1, David G McCormack2, and Grace Parraga1
1Robarts Research Institute, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 2Department of Medicine, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
Diffusion-weighted MRI
provides a way to non-invasively estimate in
vivo morphometry measurements of the alveolar ducts. Current modelling
approaches may not be appropriate for cases of severe tissue destruction where
the geometry of the acinar ducts may not be uniform, nor cylindrical. Therefore, in this proof-of-concept
evaluation, we used a single-compartment model and multiple b-value
diffusion-weighted noble gas pulmonary MRI to generate estimates of acinar duct
surface-to-volume ratio and mean-linear-intercept. In cases of very severe emphysema that accompany
alpha-one antitrypsin deficiency, this approach well-approximated the severity
of lung disease, while the cylindrical model did not.Purpose
There is a large unmet need for
vivo biomarkers of parenchyma abnormalities that can be acquired safely, serially
and non-invasively in patients. This is
especially true in younger patients with emphysema related to alpha-1
antitrypsin deficiency and bronchopulmonary dysplasia for whom no biomarkers of
disease progression are clinically available.
Such biomarkers should allow for longitudinal measurements in patients
in whom there are emphysematous findings at a very young age and in whom
repeated CT poses a cumulative risk.
Other measurements of emphysema severity and progression such as the
diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DL
CO), are
highly variable over time
1 and while helpful,
are not sufficiently sensitive to, nor specific for emphysema in these
patients. Hyperpolarized noble-gas
diffusion-weighted MRI makes it possible to non-invasively estimate
in vivo morphometric parameters of the
alveolar ducts.
2 Current modelling approaches
3 may not be
appropriate for cases of severe tissue destruction where the geometry of the
acinar ducts may not be uniform, nor cylindrical.
4 We extend a modelling approach previously
5 for the evaluation
of diffusion-weighted NMR fluid diffusion in porous media. This model was previously used to evaluate
diffusion in glass beads,
6 19F diffusion
in excised lungs
7 and simulations of
short-time diffusivity of hyperpolarized gases
8 in emphysema. Using this model, the acinar ducts are
considered as spherical single compartments which may be appropriate for
evaluating severe emphysema. In this
proof-of-concept study we evaluated AATD patients using
3He MRI and
this single-compartment model as well as a cylindrical model to estimate gas
diffusion, parenchyma surface-to-volume-ratio and mean-linear-intercepts.
Subjects: Six patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin
deficiency provided written informed consent to an approved study and underwent
spirometry, plethysmography, CT and 3He MRI. Imaging was performed at 3.0 T (MR750, GEHC,
Waukesha, WI) using whole-body gradients (5G/cm maximum) and a rigid linear RF
coil (Rapid Biomedical, Germany). In a
single breath-hold, five interleaved acquisitions (TE = 3 ms, TR = 5 ms,
matrix-size = 128x128, number-of-slices = 7; slice-thickness=30mm, and FOV =
40x40cm) with and without diffusion sensitization were acquired for a given
line of k-space. The diffusion-sensitizing
gradient pulse ramp up/down time = 500 μs, constant time = 460 μs and diffusion
time (Δ) = 1.46 ms resulted in slices acquired at 0, 1.6, 3.2, 4.8 and 6.4 s/cm2.
Theory: The short-time diffusivity regime assumes that a thin layer of gas molecules near the spherical walls experience restricted
diffusion while the remaining molecules diffuse freely. The diffusion time of 1.46ms is likely
insufficiently sensitive to longer alveolar length scales (single compartment
approximation) as is the case in extremely severe emphysema that accompanies
AATD. However, by subtracting the
measured apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) for each b-value from D0
(where D0 is the free diffusion coefficient of the gas, D0
≈ 0.84cm2/s) transforms the problem into the short-time diffusion
regime, where the diffusion is restricted near the walls, and unrestricted
within the sphere volume. It follows
where ADC(t) is
the two b-value ADC(b) and the smallest diffusion time corresponds to the
largest b-value. To generate the diffusion times corresponding to each b-value
and fulfil the condition b=const, we assumed that 1.46ms was the longest
diffusion time and b=1.6s/cm2.
Image Analysis: Mean ADC was calculated for all 4 b-values (b = 1.6,
3.2, 4.8, 6.4 s/cm2). The
linear relationship of D0−ADC(t)D0 and √D0t (t = 0.832, 0.94, 1.11,
1.46 ms) was used to generate the slope that approximated S/V. S/V and Lm
estimates based on the single compartment model were also corrected using an
empirical coefficient so that subtraction of ADC from D0 would not
result in 0 and negative values.
1 shows demographic and morphometry estimates.
Figure 1 shows static ventilation, ADC and L
m maps for two
representative subjects. Figure 2-A/B
shows the cylindrical and single compartment model schematics while Figure 2-C/D
shows the cylindrical model relationship for S/V and R and the single
compartment model relationship of (D
0 and
We explored two different acinar duct models to explain and estimate
acinar dimensions in very severe emphysema as a way to provide sensitive and
specific biomarkers of emphysema progression in AATD patients.
No acknowledgement found.References
1 Hathaway EH etal. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis,
2 Sukstanskii AL etal
Magn Reson, (2008).
3 Parra-Robles J etal.
J Magn Reson, (2012).
4 Kazerooni EA etal. Radiographics,
5 Mitra PP etal. Physical review letters, (1992).
6 Mair RW. etal. Physical review letters, (1999).
7 Jacob RE. etal. Mag Res Med (2005).
8 Miller, GW etal. IEEE TMI, (2007).