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Exploring Structural, Diffusive and Thermodynamic Properties of Model Systems with Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Jonathan Phillips1

1Institute of Life Science, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom


This work aims at introducing methods of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation into diffusion MRI modelling. MD allows the study of transport properties (e.g. diffusion), structural properties (e.g. radial distribution functions) and thermodynamic properties (e.g. pressure). Access to all of these properties allows investigation into the links between them. We present the first steps into studying all of these properties (including the diffusion coefficient and kurtosis) in model systems for comparison with MRI data. The system is a binary mixture which includes a diffusing species (the solvent e.g. water) and a larger spatially-fixed species (modelling cellular-sized colloid particles).


To investigate the structural, diffusive and thermodynamic properties of model systems in order to explore links between these properties. Particular emphasis is placed on uncovering the nature of diffusion kurtosis [1] in model systems.

Theory, Model and Methods

MD simulations are traditionally performed under conditions of constant number of particles, volume and energy (the N,V,E-ensemble or micro canonical ensemble). The model we consider is that of a diffusing species (e.g. water) which is the solvent adsorbed in an immobile network, formed by spheres. The solvent particles interact with each other and the hard spheres. The number of solvent particles (species 1) is N1, the number of solute particles (species 2) is N2, the simulation box has side L and volume V=L3 and L=γR, where γ determines the size of the box. The colloid particles possess radius R and the solvent particles are point-like. The number density of solvent particles is given by ρ1=N1V and the number of solute (colloid) particles is ρ2=N2V. The reduced temperature is T=1/βϵ, where ϵ is the energy and β=1/kBT where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature. We define σ=αR to be the length scale on which the solvent particles interact where α represents an effective measure of the size of the solvent to the size of the colloid. The solvent particles interact via the Lennard-Jones potential, given by uLJ(r)=4ϵ[(σr)12(σr)6], where r is the distance between two interacting particles. It is a popular choice of potential in soft matter physics incorporating attractive ((1/r)6 term) and repulsive ((1/r)12 term) interactions. The resulting inter-particle force is FLJ(r)=dudr=24ϵσ[2(σr)13(σr)7]. The colloid particles are fixed in position, whereas the solvent particles are free to diffuse. This is realistic since over the timescale of the experiment (TR, say) the colloid particles remain effectively fixed compared with the solvent particles. The inter-particle potential v between colloid and solvent particles is infinite if the particles overlap and zero otherwise [2]. For numerical reasons we rather choose the potential:v(r)={(σ/r)36if particles overlap (rR)0otherwise (r>R),  where r is the inter-particle distance and R is the colloid radius. This represents a steep repulsion. The simulations (using C++) are performed by initiating the solvent particles at their natural crystallisation sites: a face-centred cubic lattice in this case. The colloid particles are then inserted randomly in the gaps. The solvent particles are assigned random velocities, subject to the conservation of total linear momentum, P. The velocity Verlet algorithm [3] is used to propagate the system. Thermodynamic relationships are used to calculate quantities of interest. Periodic boundary conditions are used to approximate an infinite system. This means that the particle positions in all 27 "image" boxes must be considered, and interactions between a particle and the nearest image of another particle must be used for calculations.


Fig. 1 displays the instantaneous pressure and (negative) internal energy for a system of pure solvent particles. The conservation (aside from fluctuations) of these properties is an important check to test that the MD simulation is working. Since the particles are initiated with random velocities and on a lattice, which does not conform to the equilibrium state, the system takes some time to relax from an "equilibration" regime to a "production" regime. Information from the production regime is used to calculate properties of the system, including the pressure, energy, radial distribution function, diffusion and kurtosis.

In Fig. 2, a binary mixture of N1=108 solvent particles and N2=49 colloid particles is shown. The colloid particles remain spatially fixed during the simulation but the solvent particles are free to diffuse. The simulation has been terminated after 200 time steps so that the nature of the paths may be visualised before the trajectories fill too much space.

Fig. 3 displays the diffusion coefficient for a pure system with N1=500 and T=1.542.

Fig. 4 displays the kurtosis for the same system as in Fig. 3. Note than in the long time limit, the kurtosis tends to zero, as expected for a pure system.

Conclusions and Outlook

We have demonstrated that MD simulations may be used to investigate the diffusive, structural and thermodynamic properties of model systems. Some of these quantities (diffusion coefficient, kurtosis) are accessible by diffusion-weighted MRI. In addition to these preliminary investigations, future work involves performing more simulations to allow the examination of potential relationships between these properties, in particular the pressure and diffusion parameters.


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[1] Diffusional kurtosis imaging: the quantification of non-gaussian water diffusion by means of magnetic resonance imaging, J.H. Jensen, J.A. Helpern, A. Ramani and K. Kaczynski Magn. Reason. Med. 53 1432 (2014)

[2] The Effects of Shape on the Interaction of Colloidal Particles, L. Onsager N.Y Acad. Sci. 51 627 (1949)

[3] Computer "Experiments" on Classical Fluids. I. Thermodynamical Properties of Lennard-Jones Molecules, L. Verlet Phys. Rev. 159 98 (1967)


The instantaneous pressure p* and (negative) internal energy U* as a function of time. Note the "equilibration" regime where the system is reaching thermodynamic equilibrium and the "production" regime. Calculations of diffusion, kurtosis and thermodynamics are taken from data generated in the production regime.

Visualisation of a simulation, terminated at 200 time steps. This system contains mobile solvent particles (blue) and fixed colloid particles (red). The solvent particles cannot penetrate the hard-wall barrier of the colloid particles. The effect of periodic boundary conditions can be seen where some solvent particles leave one face of the simulation box and enter again at the opposite face.

The diffusion coefficient D may be found from the gradient of the mean square displacement curve in the long-time limit (red box). This is for a pure system with N1=200. represents averaging over time origins.

The kurtosis K tends to zero for the same system as in Fig. 3. Note that the kurtosis definition in the figure differs from the familiar one-dimensional version: K1D=lim

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)