Kevin D Harkins1 and Mark D Does1,2,3,4
1Institute of Image Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
The presence and movement of myelin water is often neglected
from models of DWI signal. This study presents a Monte Carlo simulation
illustrating that myelin water diffusion can have a subtle but important impact
on measured Dapp and Kapp values, and that incorporating
myelin water diffusion can influence myelin-content dependent changes in Dapp and Kapp.Purpose
Myelin represents a significant barrier to water diffusion
in white matter, and this phenomenon has been used in many models to describe diffusion-weighted
MRI (DWI) signal in white matter in terms of its microstructural compartments1,2.
As models of DWI signal become more complex, an open question is whether the
presence of water within myelin and the movement of water between compartments
can influence DWI measurements.
In this abstract, we use a Monte Carlo simulation to assess
the role of myelin water diffusion and myelin content on the apparent diffusion
coefficient (Dapp) and
kurtosis (Kapp) measured
by clinical DWI.
A Monte Carlo simulation of water diffusion was created that
accounts for myelin, while allowing water to diffuse within myelin and exchange
with the surrounding compartments. Simulations were performed in a geometry of
200 myelinated axons, represented as two concentric circles. An example
geometry is given in Fig 1 with a myelin volume fraction (vm) = 0.36, and an intra-axonal volume fraction (vi) = 0.35. The biophysical properties of water
in white matter were characterized by 5 parameters—the unhindered diffusion
coefficient of water in intra- and extra-axonal spaces (D0 = 3.0 μm2/ms), the apparent diffusion
coefficient of water in myelin (Dm),
the transverse relaxation time-constants of water in the intra- and
extra-axonal spaces (T2ie
= 80 ms) and in myelin (T2m
= 15 ms), and the relative density of water in myelin compared to the
intra- and extra-axonal spaces (pm
= 0.5). Simulations were implemented in CUDA, wrapped into MATLAB, and run on a
Linux computer with a GeForce GTX TITAN GPU.
A pulsed gradient spin echo diffusion experiment (∆=40ms, δ=20
ms, te = 100 ms, Gmax
= 0-60 mT/m) was simulated. To
test the sensitivity of Dapp
and Kapp to myelin water
diffusion, simulations were run over a range in Dm = 0, 10-5,
10-4, 10-3, 10-2, 10-1 µm2/ms.
The mean axon radius was also varied, R = 0.25, 1, and 4 µm.
Another simulation was used to test if the set of Dapp and Kapp values are uniquely sensitive to the amount of
myelin present in a geometry. Using the same diffusion experiment at Dm
= 10-3 µm2/ms and R = 1 µm, simulations were run with vm = 0.36 and 0.10. Since a
change in vm requires a
corresponding change in intra- & extra-axonal volume, geometries were
generated with 6 different values in the relevant range of vi between 0.50 and 0.60.
Results and Discussion
and Kapp are plotted vs Dm in Figure 2. As Dm increased from 0, there was
an initial slight decrease in Dapp
followed by an increase. Conversely, Kapp
increased slightly with an increase in Dm,
followed by a rapid decrease. The initial decrease in Dapp and increase in Kapp
observed here is due to an increased amount of signal that has resided in the
slowly diffusing myelin compartment. Some studies3 have suggested
that the physiologic value of Dm is around 10-3 µm2/ms.
The subtle changes observed in Dapp
and Kapp in this range of Dm could have an important
impact on more complex models of DWI signal.
To test the influence of vm,
relative differences in Dapp
(blue) and Kapp (red)
calculated as
are plotted in Figure 3 in the cases of Dm=0 and 10-3 µm2/ms. When myelin
water diffusion was neglected, this simulation indicates that ∆Dapp and ∆Kapp were uniquely affected
by the change in myelin content, as a change in vm resulted in either a change in Dapp, a change in Kapp,
or a change in both parameters. However, this sensitivity to myelin content is diminished
when myelin water diffusion is considered, as both ∆Dapp and ∆Kapp
crossed zero near vi ≈
This simulation study suggests that myelin water and exchange of water between microstructural compartments has the potential to subtly
influence DWI results. As models of DWI signal become more complex, there is the potential for models that neglect these mechanisms to be biased.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Basser PJ, Mattiello J, LeBihan D. MR diffusion tensor
spectroscopy and imaging. Biophy J. 1994;66(1):259-267
2. Basser PJ, Jones DK. Diffusion-tensor MRI: theory,
experimental design and data analysis - a technical review. NMR in Biomed
3. Harkins KD, Dula AN, Does MD. Effect of
intercompartmental water exchange on the apparent myelin water fraction in
multiexponential T2 measurements of rat spinal cord. Magn Res Med