Inferring axon diameter from the apparent cylindrical geocentric diameter in the longitudinal plane
Farshid Sepehrband1 and Kristi A Clark1

1Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, USC Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA, United States


Recent diffusion-weighted imaging techniques have enabled the inference of axon diameter, a valuable neuroanatomical measure1,2. Current techniques fit a cylindrical model of axons to the acquired signal, primarily in the transverse direction. Despite many improvements, sensitivity to small axons is difficult to achieve, primarily due to the scanner’s physical limitations. Even with a strong gradient strength system such as the connectome scanner and high SNR, the minimum resolvable axon diameters are greater than 2μm, which accounts for only a small proportion of axons in the human brain. Here we utilize Neuman’s cylindrical model3, and generalize it to the geocentric direction in the longitudinal plane of axons (Figure 1) to decrease the minimum axon diameter resolvable with a given scanner.


We aim to increase the scanner’s sensitivity to small axon diameters by generalizing signal attenuation inside the cylinder from the transverse direction to the geocentric direction in the longitudinal plane of the axons.


Given Neuman’s signal attenuation model for water trapped inside cylinder and ActiveAx orientationally invariant model, we generalize the signal attenuation (Sc) to account for geocentric rotation in the longitudinal plane to axons:$$-\ln S_{c}(\theta,\mathbf{g},\Delta,\delta)=\begin{cases}(\Delta-\frac{\delta}{3})\gamma^2 \delta^2 \mathbf{|g|}^2 D & \theta = \mathbf{g}_{||}\\ \\ 2\gamma^2\mathbf{|g|}^2\sum_{m=1}^\infty\frac{2D\alpha_m^2\delta-2+2e^{-D\alpha_m^2\delta}+2e^{-D\alpha_m^2\Delta}-e^{-D\alpha_m^2(\Delta-\delta)}-e^{-D\alpha_m^2(\Delta+\delta)}}{D^2\alpha_m^6(\frac{1}{4}\alpha_m^2A\csc(\theta)-1)} & \mathbf{g_{||}}<\theta<\mathbf{g_{\perp}}\end{cases}$$For a given θ, apparent axon diameter defines as:


Prior to the model fitting we searched for a θ, in which the apparent axon diameter falls above minimum resolvable axon diameter of the scanner (As):

$$ \theta':A_s<A_{app}<\sqrt{2D(\Delta-\delta/3)}\\ A_s:S_c(\theta=\pi/2,\mathbf{g},\Delta,\delta)=1-\frac{1}{SNR}$$

Then, by fitting diffusion-weighted measurement to the generalized model above, the apparent geocentric axon diameter can be obtained and axon diameter derived (Figure 1).


First, we simulated transverse Sc for a range of axon diameters as a function of maximum gradient strength to obtain minimum resolvable axon diameter (As). Four types of scanners previously used for axon diameter mapping4-6 were considered: two human scanners with maximum gradient strengths of 60 and 300mT/m and two animal scanners with maximum gradient strengths of 300 and 1350mT/m.

Second, for the human scanner with 300mT/m, we simulated Sc as a function of θ for three different axon diameter values (1, 3 and 5μm) to identify the minimum θ for which the axon diameter can be resolved.

Third, we tested the proposed method on a post-mortem sample of human corpus callosum, scanned with maximum gradient strength of 300mT/m. We acquired 5 non-diffusion-weighted images and 60 diffusion-weighted directions for each of five shells with the following b-values: 1K, 3K, 4K, 8K, and 12Ks/mm2, spatial resolution of 150μm isotropic. To avoid the possible bias of non-Gaussian diffusion in extra-axonal space7, only the two largest b-values were used in this study. To ameliorate the bias from axonal dispersion, only voxels with high anisotropy (FA>0.7) were used. Signal values were fitted to a three-compartment model (intra-axonal, extra-axonal and CSF) using dictionary-based approach as explained in6. Axonal diffusion was fixed to 1.6μm2/ms 2; extra-axonal diffusion was fixed to 0.6 μm2/ms 7, given the high b-value range employed.


None of the simulated transverse Sc models were able to resolve axon diameter of <2μm (Figure 2). With a liberal SNR of 5, the As of each scanner were around: 10μm, 5μm and 3μm for gradient strengths of 60mT/m, 300mT/m and 1350mT/m, respectively.

Figure 3 shows that, with the proposed model, an axon diameter of 1.5μm can be resolved with θ=20° using a scanner with maximum gradient strength of 300mT/m. A range of θs in which apparent axon diameter is higher than scanner’s minimum resolvable value are plotted in Figure 4.

Axon diameter of 1.92μm was obtained from the human corpus callosum tissue from the acquisition with θ of ≈20°. This value is close to the expected range based on previous histology studies8. Apparent axon diameter was 5.61μm, higher than scanner’s minimum resolvable axon diameter of at least 5μm.


Here we generalized Neuman’s signal attenuation model of transverse water displacement inside cylinders to the geocentric direction of the longitudinal plane of the axons (θ). The proposed model increases sensitivity to small axons for most scanners. Model assumptions remains the main limitation of a study of this kind, particularly, as we do not consider axon dispersion, which is expected to have extra influence apparent axon diameters for θ close to the axon direction. It should be noted that in the geocentric directions of the longitudinal plane data-driven axon diameter mapping might become possible, demanding further investigations.


Authors acknowledge following NIH fundings: R00HD065832, U54EB020406, R01MH094343, and P41EB015922.


1. Assaf Y, Blumenfeld-Katzir T, Yovel Y, Basser PJ. AxCaliber: a method for measuring axon diameter distribution from diffusion MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 2008;59:1347–1354. doi: 10.1002/mrm.21577.

2. Alexander DC, Hubbard PL, Hall MG, Moore EA, Ptito M, Parker GJM, Dyrby TB. Orientationally invariant indices of axon diameter and density from diffusion MRI. Neuroimage 2010;52:1–16. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.05.043.

3. Neuman CH. Spin echo of spins diffusing in a bounded medium. J Chem Phys 1974;60:4508. doi: 10.1063/1.1680931.

4. Dyrby TB, Søgaard LV, Hall MG, Ptito M, Alexander DC. Contrast and stability of the axon diameter index from microstructure imaging with diffusion MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 2013;70:711–721. doi: 10.1002/mrm.24501.

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6. Sepehrband F, Alexander DC, Kurniawan ND, Reutens DC, Yang Z. Towards Higher Sensitivity And Stability Of Axon Diameter Estimation With Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging. NMR in Biomed (in press).

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Figure 1. Schematic view of axon (black) and an apparent axon (gray) are presented. A and Aapp are derived diameter values for two measurements: m1, along the transvers direction; and m2, along a geocentric direction.

Figure 2. Simulated diffusion-weighted signal based on axon diameter. PGSE protocols of simulation are shown at right; Neuman’s cylindrical model3 with axonal diffusivity of 1.6 μm2/ms was used. SNR lines were drawn to show the required signal change to gain sensitivity to a given axon diameter.

Figure 3. Diffusion-weighted signal attenuations (starred lines) and apparent axon diameters as functions of θ are plotted for three axon diameter values. Note that with small θ, apparent axon diameter difference and therefore signal attenuation difference are much higher compared to transverse direction.

Figure 4. Apparent axon diameters for different axon diameters are mapped. Maps highlight a measurement space of θ that apparent axon diameter (Aapp) is higher than scanner’s minimum resolvable diameter (As).

Figure 5. Averaged signal of voxels of human corpus callosum from ex vivo scan. Fitted model, fixed parameters and obtained measures are written inside the figure. It should be noted that, given the high b-value, CSF contribution to the measured signal is neglectable (ε).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)