Ned Charles1, Elizabeth Dylke1, David O'Brien1, Angela Borella2, Daniel Moses2, Sharon Kilbreath1, and Roger Bourne1
1University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2Spectrum Medical Imaging, Sydney, Australia
Diffusion weighted imaging was performed in vivo in three
patients with forearm lymphedema following lymphadenectomy for breast cancer. The
honeycomb-like structure of lymphedema was clearly visible on proton density
images. Parameter estimates from
fitting monoexponential and kurtosis models to DWI data showed a shift in model parameters corresponding with the areas where
lymphedema was present. The parameter
shifts suggest an increase in the partial volume of freely diffusing water consistent
with edema, and suggest areas of increased interstitial water not visible in proton density images.Purpose
Secondary lymphedema (LE) can develop after
treatment for any cancer which involves the removal or irradiation of lymph
nodes. LE is chronic swelling which is
characterized, at least in its early phase, by an increase in extracellular
fluid. As LE progresses, changes occur in cellular
architecture: there is an accumulation of adipose tissue and development of
tissue fibrosis
1. The standard treatment for LE is limb
compression, however the appropriate pressure required for optimum effect and
indeed the actual effects of compression on lymphatic drainage and tissue water
distribution are unknown. Despite the signature changes
in tissue water composition, diffusion weighted MRI (DWI) has not been investigated for assessment of
lymphedema. The aim of this study was to examine the
effectiveness of DWI in identifying changes to tissue structure in the forearm due
to LE.
Three patients with confirmed LE were imaged in
a GE Discovery MR750W 3.0 T clinical MRI scanner using an 8-channel phased
array coil and a single-axis DWI sequence with
TE/TR = 85/2000 ms. 0.55 × 0.55 mm
isotropic voxels were acquired in three gradient directions with a slice
thickness of 10 mm at
b-values of 0,
100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 s/mm
Standard deviation of noise was determined using voxels outside the
imaging forearm with estimated SNR
b=0 = 28. Proton density (PD) scans with same planes as
DWI and 0.14 × 0.14 mm voxels were obtained for each for reference. Nonlinear parametric regression analysis was
performed on all DWI voxel data using monoexponential (ADC) and kurtosis models as in
Representative slices from the normal and
edematous arms of patient 3 are shown in Fig. 1. The typical honeycomb-like
structure of LE can be seen in the PD images in areas of fatty tissue, especially in the regions of interest (ROI) indicated in red. ADC is elevated in the edematous tissue. Kurtosis adjusted diffusivity (
is also elevated in LE, though less obviously than ADC. Kurtosis (
K) is low in LE relative to fat and
muscle. Similar trends trends
were observed in the arms of the other two patients.
The increase in ADC in edematous tissue is
consistent with an increased partial volume of freely diffusing interstitial
water. This also correlates with a shift
of the kurtosis toward zero (free water) and is unusual in regard to the
majority of tissue pathologies where an increase in kurtosis is generally
observed. Additionally, the diffusion
parameter changes do not correspond exactly with the honeycomb regions on the
PD scans, suggesting that the structural changes revealed on PD imaging do not reliably
map the buildup of interstitial water. This suggests that the DWI may be
identifying additional changes to the tissue structure currently not identified
and potentially useful for understanding and optimizing limb compression
treatments for LE.
DWI suggests that lymphedema results in tissue changes not previously detected
on proton density imaging. DWI may be a
useful tool for characterization of lymphedema and optimization of compression
based treatments. Future studies will assess tissue changes before and after
intervention and treatment.
No acknowledgement found.References
1: Rockson, S. G. (2012). Update on the biology and treatment of lymphedema.Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine, 14(2), 184-192.
2: Bourne, R. M., Panagiotaki, E., Bongers, A., Sved, P., Watson, G., & Alexander, D. C. (2014). Information theoretic ranking of four models of diffusion attenuation in fresh and fixed prostate tissue ex vivo. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 72(5), 1418-1426.