The pseudo-diffusion coefficient (D*) in the liver estimated using intravoxel
incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI currently suffers from inconsistent values
reported in the literature. This study investigated the effect of low b-value
settings on the estimation of D*. Data from healthy subjects with sixteen
b-values were analyzed, with b-values of 0, 5, 10, and 15s/mm2 selectively
removed and D* computed using a bi-exponential model. Results show progressive increases
in D* estimations, with difference in values by a factor of two, which strongly
suggest that the IVIM signals in the low b-value range do not obey single
exponential decaying behavior.Introduction
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) is a technique to quantitatively
distinguish the parameters of diffusion (true diffusion coefficient, D) and
perfusion effects (pseudo-diffusion coefficient, D*)
[1]. Typically
in the liver, D* is believed to be an order of magnitude greater than D.
Therefore, signal attenuation in the region of low b-value (b<20s/mm
is dominated by perfusion effects, meaning that the signal at low b-values has
a great effect on calculating D* value. According to previous literatures,
however, the reported D* value in liver IVIM MRI vary to a great extent
Therefore in this study, we aim to investigate the effects of low b-value settings
on the estimation of D* in human liver IVIM MR imaging.
In this IRB
approved study, 4 subjects (M/F 3/1, mean age 22.79±0.78 y) underwent IVIM diffusion-weighted
imaging on a Philip 3T scanner using sixteen b values (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30,
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 400, 800s/mm2) with navigator to
reduce influences from respiratory motion. Scanning parameters were as follow: FOV=340x340mm,
TE/TR=45/1092.1ms, thickness=7mm, matrix size=128x128, NEX=6. ROI (diameter 1cm)
was drawn on the right hepatic lobe (Fig.1), avoiding large hepatic vessels,
bile ducts, and cardiac motion artifacts. Signals as a function of b-value were
used to derive three parameters in IVIM equation by nonlinear least squared
(NLLS) fitting: Sb=S0[(1−f)∙e−bD+f∙e−bD∗]--[1], where Sb and S0
represent the signal magnitude at b-factor equals b and 0s/mm2
respectively. Perfusion fraction is denoted by
f, D is the diffusion coefficient, and D* is the pseudo-diffusion coefficient
caused by perfusion. All data processing was carried out by self-designed
Matlab scripts.
Each subject
underwent the same scanning protocol twice, and two ROIs were selected from
each volunteer. Thus, four sets of data were obtained in each subject, making
the total number of data sixteen. Effects of low b-value settings were
evaluated by removing data points corresponding to specific b-values. Four schemes
were compared. First, all sixteen b-values were included (contained four very
low b-values which were b=0,5,10,15 s/mm2); Second, b=5 s/mm2
was eliminated (i.e., b=0,10,15 s/mm2 were included); Third, b=5 and
10 s/mm2 were eliminated (i.e., b=0,15 s/mm2 were included);
Last, b=15 s/mm2 was further eliminated (only b=0 s/mm2 preserved).
Four fitting cures are shown in Figure.2 which stand
for four settings with different number of low b-values. Figure.3 shows the four
curves magnified for the range of b<20s/mm
2, showing
substantially different calculated D* values as 0.1093, 0.0742, 0.0627, 0.0520mm
when including four, three, two, and one low b-values, respectively. As more
low b-values were included for curve fitting, a larger estimated D* value was obtained.
Figure.4 shows the distribution of D* value for all the sixteen ROIs, demonstrating
similar behavior of D* dependency on the number of low b values included. In
comparison, estimations of the true diffusion coefficient D (0.0011-0.0013mm
and perfusion fraction f (10-30%) were relatively stable irrespective of the
number of low b values included for each subject (data not shown).
The results showed an increasing
tendency of D* as one selects more number of low b-values for analysis. The
numerical values for D* range from 0.037-0.083mm
2/s when including
only b=0, to 0.081-0.165mm
2/s when including b=0,5,10,15 s/mm
The factor-of-two difference in D* strongly suggests that the IVIM signals
within the low b-value range does not obey simple single exponential decaying behavior
for the liver. The conventional bi-exponential model for IVIM liver imaging
therefore may need further modifications in order for IVIM MRI to be useful for
liver perfusion estimation.
I would like to
acknowledge my indebtedness to my advisor, Mr. Chung, who has given me
his constant help, read the manuscript with great care and offered me
invaluable advice and informative suggestions.
My thanks go to all members in MD704, who are always kind
and patient in helping me to search for useful materials relevant to my study.
My thanks also go to all staff in Taipei Beitou Health
Management Hospital, who have taught me about operating procedures during I conducted the experiment.
Finally, my sincere thanks should go to my family members
who have been pouring out their care, support and encouragement to me.References
1. Le Bihan et al., Radiology, 161:401–407 (1986).
2. J.-P.
Cercueil ·J.-M. Petit et
al., Eur Radiol, 25:1541–1550 (2015).