Jianping Zhong1,2, Weiwei Ruan1, Xianping Sun1, Chaohui Ye1,2, and Xin Zhou1
1State Key Lab Magnet Resonance & Atom & Mol Phys, Wuhan Inst Phys & Math, Chinese Acad Sci, Wuhan, China, People's Republic of, 2School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, People's Republic of
SNR and resolution are two important parameters
for the quantitative assessment of MR images. In k-space, the central
part contributes SNR, whereas the edges contribute details. The accuracy
of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) calibration was significantly
affected by SNR. For hyperpolarized GRE sequences, the homogeneous
variable flip angle scheme is sub-optimal and leads to low SNR
images. We propose a simple method termed inhomogeneous variable flip
angle (I-VFA) to derive ADC of hyperpolarized gases. Higher SNR images and more
stable results can be achieved by this simple method.Purpose
and resolution are two important parameters for the quantitative assessment of
MR images. In k-space, the central part contributes SNR, whereas the edges
contribute details. For hyperpolarized GRE sequences, the constant flip angle (CFA)
scheme achieves sine-decaying signals due to the non-renewability of the
polarization. The homogeneous variable flip angle (H-VFA)
scheme proposed by Lei Zhao et
al.[1] can yield constant signal from the 1st until the last RF
pulse. Thus the edge part of k-space uses
the same amount of magnetization excited as
the central part. However, this
situation is sub-optimal and leads to low SNR images. For diffusion-weighted MRI, the accuracy of the apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC) calibration was significantly affected by SNR[2]. Thus
a higher SNR image is more important than one containing more details. The compressed sensing method[3] can be used to obtain higher SNR images with fewer excitations. However, complex
arithmetic and priori knowledge for calibration are needed. Here we propose a simple
method termed inhomogeneous variable flip angle (I-VFA) to derive ADC of hyperpolarized gases. Higher SNR images and more stable results can be achieved
by this simple method.
were acquired on a Bruker Biospec 7 T animal scanner. An emphysema rat was instilled with 75
IU of porcine elastase stock (Elastin Products Company) and experiments were
performed 12 weeks post-instillation. Enriched (86%)
129Xe gas was polarized by a home-built polarizer, then thawed from a spiral Teflon
container, and finally delivered to rat lung by ventilator. The normal breaths are ventilated with pure oxygen. Three xenon gas pre-washes were
prepared before the breath for sampling, and a 4-second breath hold was needed for
the sampling. Diffusion weighted images were obtained by a 2-D gradient echo
sequence. Four interleaved images (TR/TE = 9/4.2 ms, matrix = 96 x 96, FOV = 5 x 5 cm
2, echo position = 30%, centric encoding, without slice
selection) were acquired with different b-values (rise and fall time of 0.123 ms, Δ = 1.0 ms, ordinally b-values = 0, 20, 32, 46 s/cm
2) in a single breath hold. The
flip angle in CFA scheme was ~ 5°.
The flip angles in H-VFA scheme were followed the formula
where n=1,2,3,…,N-1, with N = 384. The
flip angles in I-VFA scheme contained two parts: the centric parts were the
forward 96 angles within the N = 104 variable angles, and the edge parts were N
= 244 variable angles. Simulations and image post processing were performed in Matlab.
Results and Discussion
Fig. 1 shows the contrast of simulated signals obtained
by I-VFA, CFA, and H-VFA. The forward signals by I-VFA are higher than those of CFA and H-VFA,
while the remaining signals are smaller than those of CFA and H-VFA.
Fig. 2 shows the contrast
of images acquired by I-VFA, CFA, H-VFA and zero-filled with I-VFA. The central
edge in k-space of I-VFA is significant, but the corresponding image with b = 0
is distinct. On the contrary, the corresponding image with b = 0 obtained by zero-filled is indistinct. The ADC
map achieved by I-VFA shows obvious enhancement compared to those of CFA and H-VFA, as shown
by the visibly higher ADC values on the apex of emphysema rat lung (red top
arrows). The mean ADC values of parenchyma are 0.0286±0.0093 cm
2/s for zero-fill map, 0.0284±0.0094
2/s for I-VFA map. 0.0291±0.0096 cm
2/s for CFA map, and 0.0281±0.0099
2/s for H-VFA map. The higher value in the CFA scheme may due to the affect of sine-decaying signals.
I-VFA scheme is a potential useful method for
129Xe DWI. The lack of signal in the outer parts of k-space does not affect the ADC measurement significantly.
work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (81227902) and
the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KJCX2-EW-N06-04). The authors acknowledge
Louis Bouchard for the helpful revise of manuscript.References
[1] Zhao L et al. JMR Series B
1996;113(2):179-183. [2] O’Halloran, R.L. et
al. JMR 2007. 185(1): p. 42-49. [3] Ajraoui, S. et al. MRM 2010. 63(4): p. 1059-1069