Curtis L Johnson1, Emily S Matijevich1,2, Emily D Cullum1,2, Matthew DJ McGarry3, Keith D Paulsen3, Bradley P Sutton1,4, Tracey M Wszalek1,2, and William C Olivero1,2
1Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Carle Neuroscience Institute, Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States, 4Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States
MR elastography has emerged
as an important tool for presurgical evaluation of intracranial tumors. Due to
the localized nature of the lesion properties of interest, there is a need for
high-resolution MRE methods for characterizing tumors. Here we present our
initial experience with MRE of intracranial tumors using a protocol based on
high-resolution imaging and nonlinear inversion. We found that glial tumors are
soft and have a generally low viscosity, while meningeal tumors are stiff and
have a very low viscosity.Introduction
Presurgical evaluation of
intracranial tumors with MR elastography has gained significant interest in
recent years
1-5. In addition to determining if the lesion is stiff
or soft for surgical planning, accurate characterization of mechanical
properties could provide a novel avenue for tumor type classification and tumor
edge identification. Given the inherently localized nature of the properties of
interest, high-resolution solutions are potentially desirable for tumor MRE
applications. Here, we present tumor MRE results obtained with a
high-resolution imaging protocol
6, which is known to be critical in
recovering local properties
7, coupled with nonlinear inversion
which is a high-resolution approach that is not burdened by the local
homogeneity assumption common to MRE methods. We describe our initial
experience in investigating four patients with intracranial tumors.
Four patients volunteered to
participate in the imaging study approved by our local Institutional Review
Board prior to surgery:
1) 61 yo male with a grade II glioma in the left hemisphere
2) 64 yo female with grade IV glioblastoma in the left hemisphere
3) 73 yo female with tentorial meningioma located in the
4) 43 yo female with falcine meningioma located in the frontal lobe
Each patient completed an
imaging session on a Siemens 3T Trio scanner with 12-channel head coil. This
session included an MRE scan with a 3D multislab, multishot spiral sequence6
to generate complex, full vector displacement data at 1.6x1.6x1.6 mm3
resolution. Specific imaging parameters included: FOV = 240 mm; matrix =
150x150; TR/TE = 1800/73 ms; 60, 1.6 mm-thick slices. Vibrations at 50 Hz were
generated using a Resoundant pneumatic actuator system. Displacement fields
were used to estimate shear modulus maps with nonlinear inversion8. From
the complex modulus G=G′+iG″, we calculate the shear stiffness, \mu=2|G|^2/(|G|+G’),
and damping ratio, \xi=G’’/2G’.
Results and Discussion
Results for each of the four
patients are presented in Figures 1-4. Each figure includes the magnitude image
(with tumor outline traced by two trained observers), the shear stiffness map, and the damping ratio map.
Normal tissue properties for each subject were estimated using the
hemispherical mirror of the tumor outlines.
Table 1 collects the mean \mu
and \xi properties for each tumor and compares them with normal tissue
properties. Each of the tumors investigated exhibited \mu distinct from
the surrounding tissues. The glial tumors appeared as soft: the glioma had a
stiffness of 1.96 kPa and the glioblastoma had a stiffness of 1.70 kPa, which
were 22% and 39% softer than normal tissue, respectively. Conversely, the
meningiomas were both very stiff: the tentorial and falcine meningiomas had
stiffnesses of 5.29 and 3.76 kPa, respectively, and were 163% and 39% stiffer
than normal tissue. These findings are consistent with previous reports that
glial tumors appear as soft2-4, and that meningiomas can be either
stiff or soft1,2,4,5.
We also found that the
tumors differed from normal tissue in \xi. The two glial tumors had
damping ratios of 0.27 and 0.16, corresponding to 11% and 41% less viscous than
normal tissue. This is similarly in agreement with previous work suggesting
glial tumors have a low relative viscosity2-4. The meniningiomas,
however, exhibited even lower viscosity than the glial tumors. The tentorial meningioma had a damping ratio of 0.05 – 76% lower than normal – and the falcine meningioma had a damping ratio of 0.09 – 55% lower than normal. This finding contradicts
previous reports of meningeal tumors having an above normal viscosity or phase
In this work we presented
our initial experiences in characterizing intracranial tumors using a
high-resolution MRE protocol. Our findings suggest agreement with previous MRE
reports of brain tumor viscoelasticity, but also reveal a discrepancy in the
measured viscosity of meningeal tumors. Further work is needed to assess the interactions
between mechanical measures and the imaging and inversion protocols.
This work was supported by
the Carle Neuroscience Institute of the Carle Foundation Hospital, the
Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and
NIH/NIBIB grant R01-EB018230.References
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[5] JD Hughes, et al., Neurosurgery, 2015; 77(4):653-659.
[6] CL Johnson, et al., Magn Reson Med, 2014; 71(2):477-485.
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