Minju Jo1, Yoonho Nam2, Jeehun Kim1, Hyeong Geol Shin1, and Jongho Lee1
1Laboratory for Imaging Science and Technology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Radiology, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
this work, we present a method of estimating the phase offsets in multi-echo
GRE data, Multi-Channel Phase Combination using all N echoes (MCPC-N). MCPC-N, which calculates the phase offsets from all echoes, provides more accurate estimation of voxel-wise phase offsets particularly in low SNR.Introduction
Phase information is used in various
magnetic resonance imaging methods, such as Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging (SWI)
and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.
2 When acquired with a
phased array coil, the phase map of each channel is composed of
echo-time-dependent field inhomogeneity and chemical shift terms and an
echo-time-independent inherent phase offset term. The latter term originates from
B1 field inhomogeneity, coil geometry, and different receiver chain delay and
is different in each channel and voxel. Hence, to prevent phase distortion from
such inconsistency among channels, the phase offset term needs to be removed before
combining phase data from multiple channels. Several strategies such as
Multi-Channel Phase Combination using Constant offsets (MCPC-C)
3 and
Multi-Channel Phase Combination using measured 3D phase offsets (MCPC-3D)
have been suggested to estimate the phase offsets. In this work, we present a
method of estimating the phase offsets in multi-echo GRE data, Multi-Channel
Phase Combination using all N echoes (MCPC-N).
MCPC-C, phase offsets are assumed to be spatially invariant. The phase data are
corrected for a constant phase to make the phase of a center ROI zero.
In MCPC-3D, voxel-specific phase offset is estimated. The phase of a
voxel can be modeled with time dependent term (
2πγ∆B_{0_{(x,y)}} TE) and time independent term (i.e. phase offset;
θ_{rx,n_{(x,y)}}). Then
the phase offset
θ_{rx,n_{(x,y)}} is calculated as follows:
\frac{TE_1 θ_{2,n_{(x,y)} }-TE_2 θ_{1,n_{(x,y) }}}{TE_1-TE_2}.
4 When multi-echo GRE data is acquired, one can use
collected echoes to improve estimation of phase offsets. Given m echoes, a model
for the phase in a voxel located in (x,y) and in the nth coil at an echo time (TE
m) becomes
θ_{m,n_{(x,y) } }=2πγ∆B_{0_{(x,y)}} TE_{m}+θ_{rx,n_{(x,y)}} To generate an optimal estimation of the
phase offset, a weighted least squares error minimization is performed with the
weighting factors that are inverse of variations of noise in order to calculate
the phase offset as best linear unbiased estimator. Since the variation of
phase noise
5 is proportional to 1/SNR
2, SNR
2 is chosen as a weighting factor.
Materials and methods
Data acquisition
2D multi-echo GRE data were acquired at 3T
MRI using a 32 channel phased array head coil. Scan parameters were: TR = 2000
ms, TE = 2.7, 5.88, 9.06, 12.24, and 15.42 ms, flip angle = 82°, resolution =
0.9 × 0.9 × 1.0 mm3, and total scan time = 8:34.
Data processing
data were corrected by MCPC-C, MCPC-3D, and MCPC-N. First and second echoes
were chosen to generate phase offset in MCPC-3D. In MCPC-3D and MCPC-N, phase
data were temporally unwrapped before the estimation of phase offset. After
evaluating of the phase offsets, the results were filtered using a 5x5 median
filter. The input data for the median filter (i.e. local 5x5 matrix) were columnized
and phase maps were unwrapped. MCPC-3D and MCPC-N without the median filter
were also tested. In order to quantify the quality of the phase coherence of
each result, a Q factor (\frac{|∑Me^{iθ_{corrected} } |}{∑|Me^{iθ} | })6, was
calculated for every voxel.
SNR was calculated using the magnitude of the complex combined results. To test
the effects of SNR in each method, Gaussian
noise (3 different levels) was added to uncombined channel data. The second
echo was chosen for the evaluation of SNR and Q factor.
Results and discussion
Phase offset maps and corrected phase maps calculated
by MCPC-3D and MCPC-N, both without and with median filtering are compared in
Fig. 1. Without median filtering, a
map with MCPC-3D is noisier and the resulting magnitude images show lower SNR
in the corrected image compared to MCPC-N. The Q
factor maps of MCPC-3D, MCPC-N (both without and with median filtering), and
MCPC-C are presented in Fig. 2. MCPC-C was less effective in areas away from
the center. Q factor histograms of in-brain voxels are plotted in Fig. 3. The
average Q factor for MCPC-C
was 0.643 and MCPC-3D and MCPC-N without filtering were 0.954 and 0.979, respectively.
After median filtering, these values changed to 0.981 and 0.986,
respectively. Hence the MCPC-N shows higher Q values than MCPC-3D
although the improvement is relatively small. The effect becomes larger when
the SNR of the images becomes low (Fig. 4). For example, the SNR in MCPC-N
larger by 56.3% (without the
median filter; 19.6% with median filter) than MCPC-3D when the SNR is under 100
(Fig. 4).
MCPC-N, which calculates the phase offsets from
all echoes, provides more accurate estimation of voxel-wise phase offsets
particularly in low SNR.
This research was supported by the Brain Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (NRF-2015M3C7A1031969).References
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