We present a fast alternative to Bloch simulation for simulation of off-resonance artifacts in steady-state imaging. By assuming a steady-state, the signal equation can be quickly evaluated by using multiple Fast Fourier Transforms. We show an acceleration factor of over 350 for a 2D simulation of a titanium cylinder phantom, while the differences with Bloch simulation were minor. The speed of the proposed method enables 3D simulations at high resolution and may benefit various applications.Purpose
simulation of MRI is an important investigative tool for MR research. Examples
of its application include pulse sequence design, simulation of various
artifacts, such as distortions around metal1, and testing of
reconstruction algorithms. Most MRI simulators are based on the discrete time
solution of the Bloch equations, commonly referred to as Bloch simulations. As
simulation of a large number of spins is computationally intensive, Bloch
simulations have been accelerated with parallel computing2 and GPU
acceleration3. However, the simulation size still scales quadratically (2D)
or cubically (3D) with increasing field of view or resolution.
In this abstract
we demonstrate an efficient method to accurately simulate off-resonance
artifacts with a lower computational complexity than Bloch
simulations, as long as some assumptions about the pulse sequence can be made.
In Cartesian 2D
gradient echo imaging with perfect encoding gradients, the basic signal
equation in the presence of B0 inhomogeneity is given by:
M⊥ is the transverse signal evolution without encoding,
t is the time since the start of the pulse sequence, and t′ is the time since the last excitation (i.e. for the n'th repetition: t′=t−(n−1)TR). Note that kx=γ−(t′−TE)Gx.
Assume that
M⊥ does not depend on t, i.e. the signal evolution without encoding is the
same during every repetition, which primarily requires a repeating pulse
sequence with the MR signal in a steady-state. In this case the signal equation
is almost exactly the Fourier transform of M⊥, with the exception of effects depending on t′ (e.g. ΔB0). In this situation, the Bloch simulation is closely
related to a naïve evaluation of the 2D Discrete Fourier Transform.
We propose to evaluate
this signal equation using Fast Fourier Transforms of
M⊥(t′) for each t′ during data sampling (i.e. one FFT per readout sample).
Factors that do not depend on t can
be encoded in M⊥(t′)
, for example:
selective excitation, T1 weighting, and T2 decay.
Experimental validation:
We acquired a fast
3D gradient spoiled SSFP scan of a titanium cylinder placed in agar gel (matrix
256x256x90, resolution 1 mm, TE/TR 2.1/7.1,
flip angle 30°) at 1.5T (Achieva, Philips, Best, The Netherlands).
We simulated a 2D slice through the center of
the cylinder with both Bloch simulations and FORECAST. An analytical model of
the cylinder was used to create a spin density and
with 512x512
spins (i.e. 4 spins per voxel). For the Bloch simulation the actual RF pulses
were simulated, while FORECAST only used the RF bandwidth to suppress
signal from spins that were not excited. For simplicity, no slice excitation
was simulated. We also simulated the full 3D scan with 512x512x180 spins (i.e.
8 spins per voxel) using FORECAST.
Finally we compared
the computation times of both methods by performing 2D simulations with matrix
sizes varying from 4x4 to 256x256.
Figure 1 shows
the acquired scan and 2D simulated images. FORECAST shows only minor
differences compared with Bloch simulation, and both methods correspond well to
the actual scan except for the field induced by the cuboid-shaped agar
phantom, which was not simulated. Simulation time was 2478 seconds for Bloch
simulations and 6.5 seconds for our method, on a single core of a Xeon E5-1607
CPU. For the 3D simulation, the simulation time using FORECAST was 883
Figure 2 shows
the computation times of 2D simulations with increasing matrix size; the acceleration
is linear with the matrix size.
Discussion and conclusion
We demonstrated
FORECAST, a fast alternative to Bloch simulations for the simulation of artifacts resulting
from off-resonance in steady-state pulse sequences. For 2D simulation, acceleration
factors up to over 350 times were achieved. Numerical results confirm that the acceleration
factor increases linearly with the simulation size. Theoretically, for 3D
simulation we expect a quadratic acceleration.
In theory, our method
generalizes to various pulse sequences, as long as the aforementioned requirements are met. For example, simulation of spin echo and non-Cartesian trajectories
is possible. A hybrid approach including traditional Bloch simulation could be
used to simulate additional effects, such as the transient state at the start
of an acquisition, or RF excitation profiles. Further evaluation with different
types of pulse sequences is warranted to test the method and explore its
We foresee a range
of applications that may benefit from FORECAST, including estimation of
encoding artifacts around metal, QSM, and background field removal algorithms. The unprecedented speed of FORECAST may pave the way for new applications.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Bakker CJG, Bhagwandien R, Moerland MA, Ramos LMP. Simulation of susceptibility artifacts in 2D and 3D fourier transform
spin-echo and gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance
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2. Stöcker T, Vahedipour K,
Pflugfelder D, Shah NJ. High-performance computing MRI simulations. Magn. Reson.
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3. Liu F, Kijowski
R, Block WF. MRiLab: Performing Fast 3D Parallel MRI Numerical Simulation on A
Simple PC. ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, April
20-26, 2013.
4. Bouwman JG, Bakker CJG. Alias subtraction more efficient than
conventional zero-padding in the Fourier-based calculation of the
susceptibility induced perturbation of the magnetic field in MR. Magn. Reson.
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