David Bondesson1,2, Thomas Gaass1,3, Julien Dinkel1,2, and Berthold Kiefer4
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Comprehensive Pneumology Center, German Center for Lung Research, Munich, Germany, 3Comprehensive Pneumology Center,German Center for Lung Research, Munich, Germany, 4Siemens AG Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany
regional lung perfusion and ventilation is diagnostically valuable in regards
of pulmonary diseases. Standard methods however, expose patients to risks from ionizing
radiation and contrast agents. MRI screening is not based on radiation and a
new method has previously been presented as a non-contrast-enhanced estimation.
This work presents wavelet decomposition as a
potential improvement to fourier decomposition for perfusion and ventilation assessment of the human
lung in proton MRI. Purpose
Decomposition (FD) MRI was previously introduced as a non-invasive contrast
agent free approach for MRI based functional imaging. By acquiring a set of
time-resolved images it is possible to separate pixels showing signal changes
at the ventilation and cardiac frequency, respectively. While it is a promising
approach, using Fourier analysis poses challenges when confronted with signal
irregularities such as arrhythmia. A drawback with FD is its dependency on
signal stability which limits the accuracy of frequency estimation. Human
ventilation and perfusion frequencies lie on average between 0.22-0.33 Hz and 1.00-1.33
Hz. As seen in figure 1 FD ideally produces a peak at the ventilation frequency
followed by harmonics, then the cardiac frequency with its harmonics. Yet,
the maximal image acquisition rate is limited so the cardiac signal’s harmonics
might be folded in due to aliasing. In this work we present wavelet
decomposition (WD) as an alternative approach to generate frequency peaks. WD displays
frequency over time and is not constrained to the signal stability. One can also
choose window scaling and thus optimize frequency resolution.
The image sequence consisted of 300 pre-processed[1],[2] images representing 47.6s recording time. Pulse sequence was TrueFISP 2d Sequence (TR/TE=1.1ms/0.4ms, TA=175ms, FoV=500x500mm, fa=27.5 degrees, TI=106ms, slice thickness=15 cm, imaging matrix=128x128,) on a 1.5T full-body (Siemens MEGNETOM Aera) MR scanner. The highest possible measured frequency for a given sample was
12∗TA=2.86Hz . The first 20 images in the series were discarded for signal stability purposes, DC values were then subtracted and divided from every pixel. The signal was then split into perfusion and ventilation frequency by applying a low and high pass filter, respectively. Wavelet analysis was performed in every pixel along with FFT for comparison. The Paul wavelet[3] was chosen, due to its visual similarity to the acquired signal. The polynomial order of the wavelet was optimized with respect to the highest Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) and Contrast-to-Noise-Ratio (CNR).
Figure 2 presents
ventilation- (VW) and perfusion-weighted (QW) images in coronal view using WD (Fig.2a/c)
and FD (Fig.2b/d). Figures 2(a-d) show homogenous signal distribution within
the lung area. Residual diaphragmic movement is
correlated with ventilation frequency and thus generates a signal outside the
lung area in the VW images. Table 1 displays all images’ calculated SNR and CNR,
showing WD as the superior method for this image sequence. In the VW-images WD
produces 23 % higher SNR and 26% higher CNR than FD while the QW-images show
similar SNR for both methods and an increase of CNR by 10% for WD-MRI.
Using WD when evaluating perfusion and ventilation frequency shows a promising improvement of image quality. WD removed the dependency on signal stability and showed better results whilst remaining completely non-invasive, free-breathing and contrast-agent-free. Although the numerical improvement is smaller in the QW-images, comparing WD- and FD-images visually, one can observe more pixelated noise embedded in the FD images. The diaphragm’s signal would likely be improvable by using a suitable registration algorithm which excludes movement to a larger extent. Similar to Bauman et al.[4], the perfusion signal’s largest artefact is the aorta’s pulsation. Since the wavelet scaling can be arbitrarily chosen, further possibilities for SNR- and CNR-optimization exist.
In conclusion, we demonstrated Wavelet Decomposition-MRI as a further
development of Fourier Decomposition-MRI. Future work will concentration on optimizing the
parameters of the method and validation on additional patient data.
No acknowledgement found.References
1.Chefd’hotel C ,Hermosillo G, Faugeras O, A variational approach to multimodal image matching. VLSM’2001 ICCV Workshop, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2012.
2. Chefd’hotel C, Hermosillo G, Faugeras O. Flows of diffemorphisms for multimodal
image registration. ISBI’2002, Washington DC, USA 1994 (Abstract 495).
3. Farge,
Paris Cedex 5, France, 15 Jan. 1992. Http://wavelets.ens.fr/ENSEIGNEMENT/COURS/UCSB/farge_ann_ rev_1992.pdf. accessed October 23, 2015
4. Bauman G, Puderbach
M, Deimling M, Jellus V, Chefd'hotel C, Dinkel J, Hintze C, Kauczor HU, Schad LR. Non-contrast-enhanced perfusion and ventilation
assessment of the human lung by means of fourier decomposition in proton MRI. Magn Reson Med 2009;62:656–664.