The characterization of brain microstructure
from MRI data requires the development of specific MRI tissue biomarkers and of
advanced models linking microscopic tissue properties to MRI signals. We apply the
Anderson-Weiss theory, which describes the transverse relaxation of the MRI
signal as a function of tissue microstructure, on in-vivo MRI data acquired at
3T. In grey matter, parameter estimates show a strong correlation with
histological measures of iron concentration. The time constants provided by the
model yield realistic estimates of microscopic compartment size. These results
offer a promising perspective for the histological assessment of brain tissue in-vivo
using MRI.Purpose
To extract specific biomarkers of
brain tissue microstructure in-vivo at 3T using an advanced model of the relaxation
of the transverse component of the MRI signal.
The development of advanced
models relating tissue microstructure to MRI signals is an essential step
towards the characterization of brain tissue in-vivo from MRI data (
in-vivo histology). In particular, the effects
of myelinated fibers and iron-rich cells on the transverse component of the water magnetization
open the way for the quantification of magnetic material in brain tissue. Most models require strong assumptions on the spatial distribution of such material
within the tissue and lead to analytical expressions that have found limited use with in-vivo
1,2,3. On the contrary the Anderson-Weiss (AW) theory provides a
compact expression while preserving the essence of the microstructural
mechanisms that impact transverse relaxation
4. Here we present
preliminary data that illustrate the potential offered by the Anderson-Weiss
theory for the in-vivo characterization of brain tissue from MRI data.
The effect of magnetic material
(e.g. iron, myelin) on the MRI signal of water can be described by the AW theory4,5:
In equation 1, Δω02 is the mean square frequency
fluctuation of water molecules diffusing in the spatially inhomogeneous
magnetic field created by the magnetic material and may be expected to correlate with the
local density in magnetic material within the tissue. τ is the decay constant of the frequency
auto-correlation function. It arises from molecular diffusion in the inhomogeneous field and
yields estimates of topological distances within the tissue. Note that equation
1 relies on the assumption of Gaussian distributed changes in frequency and on
an exponential dependence of the frequency auto-correlation. Equation 1 establishes
a relationship between the dynamics of the water displacement (τ) and the distribution of
frequencies due to the magnetic material (Δω02). In the fast-motion limit (Δω02τ2<<1) equation 1 reduces to5:
with T2-1= Δω02τ. The standard exponential form of the transverse magnetization decay is recovered and the effects of Δω02 and τ on the decay cannot be distinguished.
Data was acquired on one subject
on a 3T Siemens Prisma MRI scanner (Erlangen, Germany) using a 64ch head-neck
coil and a custom-made 3D FLASH acquisition. The image resolution was 1mm3
and the matrix size was 222x192x176 along the phase, read and partition directions.
The repetition time (TR) was 80ms and the RF excitation flip angle was 10o.
32 images were acquired using a bipolar readout with echo times (TE)
ranging from 2.2ms to 74.12ms in steps of 2.32ms. Parallel imaging
(acceleration factor 2, GRAPPA image reconstruction) and Partial Fourier
(factor 6/8) were used along the phase and partition directions respectively.
The acquisition time was 21min49s. Data was prospectively corrected for subject motion using
a prospective motion camera system6 (Kineticor,
acquired data were fit to equation 1 using in-house code written in Matlab (Mathworks, Sherborn, MA, USA). Region-specific estimates of the parameter fits
were extracted using the anatomical labelling (AAL) atlas7 and compared with
histological measures of iron concentration8,9.
Figure 1 shows a map of the
parameter R
2* from the standard mono-exponential model of transverse
relaxation (a) and the set of parameter estimates obtained from equation 1 (b).
The values of (Δω
2 in grey matter indicates
that separate estimates of Δω
02 and τ can be obtained. The low values
of (Δω
2 in white matter (~<0.01)
indicate a largely exponential behaviour, making the contributions of Δω
02 and τ to the signal decay inseparable.
Figure 2 shows histograms of τ and Δω
02 values in cortical and
sub-cortical grey matter. Taking D=1.7mm
-1 for the water
diffusion coefficient
10, the observed range of τ values (~1-20ms) yield L~1.8-8.2
μm as the typical length scales in grey matter (L
2=2Dτ). The values of Δω
02 are in-line with expectations
from the litterature
2. The correlation of Δω
02 with histological estimates of
iron concentration ([Fe]) is shown in figure 3. Linear fit of Δω
02 with [Fe] (Δω
02 = p1*[Fe]+p0)
gave p1=547 Hz
2 (mg/100 g fresh wt)
-1 and p0=2087 Hz
2 (note the high value of the coefficient of determination R
Preliminary results are shown from
the application of the Anderson-Weiss (AW) theory on in-vivo MRI data acquired
at 3T. These results indicate that the AW theory may be used to extract
histological measures of grey matter from the transverse relaxation of the MRI
signal. In particular, the high correlation of Δω
02 with iron concentration supports
the validity of these biomarkers. Correction of
susceptibility effects at the interface of brain tissue with air will improve
the accuracy of the estimates.
The author is grateful to Dr.
Callaghan M.F., Dr. Mohammadi S and Prof. Weiskopf N. for fruitful discussions
of this work.References
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