Jing Zhang1, Bruce Bjornson2, and Qing-San Xiang3
1Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare Canada, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Department of Radiology, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo (MP-RAGE) has been widely
used for T1-weighted imaging. In order to overcome B1 field
inhomogeneity effect, the MP2RAGE sequence was introduced, with two complex images, GRETI1 and GRETI2, acquired at two inversion times TI1 and TI2.
The MP2RAGE images are usually calculated from all the coils first and
combined later into a final result. We propose an algorithm for
multi-channel MP2RAGE image combination with minimized resulting noise.PURPOSE
The calculated
MP2RAGE image for the
ith coil is obtained by (1):
MP2RAGEi=(GRETI2i)⋅(GRETI1i)∗∣GRETI1i∣2+∣GRETI2i∣2 [1] Images from all coils are currently combined with two methods (1):
Method 1:MP2RAGEmethod1=∑i∣GRETI2i∣2⋅MP2RAGEi∑i∣GRETI2i∣2 [2] Method 2:MP2RAGEmethod2=∑iRe[(GRETI2i)⋅(GRETI1i)∗]∑i(∣GRETI1i∣2+∣GRETI2i∣2) [3]
However, these methods lack optimization. Our goal was to find an optimal
method for MP2RAGE image multi-channel combination.
experiments were performed on a 3T GE Discovery MR750 scanner with a GE
32-channel head coil on healthy volunteers. The acquisition parameters for
MP2RAGE sequence was:
TRMP2RAGE = 5 s,
TI1/TI2 = 0.7 s/2.5 s,
α2=5∘, parallel imaging acceleration
factor = 2. The total scan time was 6 min 25 s. Complex images from each
channel were reconstructed by ARC (2). All calculated images
MP2RAGEi were combined as an optimal weighted average (OWA)
MP2RAGEOWA=∑iwiMP2RAGEi [4] where
wi=1σ2i∑i1σ2i is the
normalized weighting factor. The noise variance
σ2i can be
directly estimated from the imaginary part of
MP2RAGEi. The combined
image in Eq. [4] can be shown to have a minimized noise (3). Similar approaches
have been used in MRI for motion artifact reduction (4) and bSSFP debanding(5).
MP2RAGE-OWA images were compared to images combined with Method 1 and Method 2,
in terms of noise level calculated for three different volumetric regions of
interest (ROIs).
Figure 1 shows
the representative real and imaginary parts of GRETI1i ,
GRETI2i and the MP2RAGEi image for the ith coil. The
MP2RAGEi image has more noise on the anterior area due to lower coil
Figure 2 shows
a series of MP2RAGEi images from all coils. The combined MP2RAGE-OWA
image shows high resolution and very good contrast.
Figure 3 shows
a representative slice of MP2RAGE images created by all three methods. The real
part of all MP2RAGE images visually showed very good contrast in the brain.
However, the noise varies near the surface of the brain (arrows) among the
three images with more favorable result from OWA. The noise variances
σ2MP2RAGE have also been calculated (Table 1). The noise
variance from the imaginary part was further decreased by significant
percentages with MP2RAGE-OWA: white matter (14.7%), grey matter (22.4%), CSF
4 shows results under subject motion, with representative sagittal and axial
MP2RAGE images combined from three different methods. The image artifact due to
the motion are seen be much more reduced using the MP2RAGE-OWA. The noise
variance (shown in Table 1) from the imaginary part was decreased by even more
significant percentages with MP2RAGE-OWA: white matter (27.4%), grey matter
(28.6%), CSF (41.0%).
It was observed
that the MP2RAGE produces spatially uniform tissue contrast but amplifies noise
outside of the brain and adjacent to the cortical gray matter, which can
introduce errors in the automatic segmentation (6). MP2RAGE-OWA would be helpful for this application since
noise in that region has been much reduced.
Recently, O’Brien et al. proposed a method to denoise the
ratio image MP2RAGEi in Eq. [1] (6). Another new development MPnRAGE has also been
reported to obtain different T1 contrast (7). Our proposed OWA can also be combined with these
techniques to further improve the image quality.
The OWA method was
proposed to combine multi-channel MP2RAGE images. The MP2RAGE-OWA produced
optimal result with the least noise variance and effectively reduced motion
We thank Dan Rettmann (Rochester, GE
Healthcare) for many useful suggestions on pulse sequence development. We
thank Rachel Connett (Menlo Park, GE Healthcare) for her assistance in data
collection. Daniel Kim and Dr. Lynne J. Williams (Vancouver, BC Children’s Hospital) are also acknowledged for their help.
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