Formulations of the
two-component spoiled gradient recalled echo (SPGR) and balanced steady-state
free precession (bSSFP) models that incorporate nonzero echo time (TE) effects
are presented in the context of mcDESPOT and compared with the conventionally
used SPGR and bSSFP models which ignore nonzero TEs. Relative errors in derived
parameter estimates from conventional mcDESPOT, omitting TE effects, are
assessed using simulations over a wide range of experimental and sample
parameters. The neglect of nonzero TE leads to an overestimate of the SPGR and an
underestimate of the bSSFP signals. These effects introduce large errors in
parameter estimates derived from conventional mcDESPOT.Target
Scientists interested in the Multi-component Driven Equilibrium Single
Pulse Observation of T
and T
2 (mcDESPOT)
approach to tissue analysis
Combining spoiled gradient recalled echo (SPGR) and balanced steady
state free precession (bSSFP) imaging sequences, as in mcDESPOT (1-2), results
in relatively high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and rapid image acquisitions.
This facilitates mapping of component fractions and corresponding relaxation
times. However, the magnetization relaxation that occurs between the pulse
preceding signal acquisition and the acquisition itself is neglected in the
current treatments of mcDESPOT; that is, nonzero TE effects are neglected in the
analysis of both the SPGR and bSSFP signals. Here, we present formulations of the SPGR and
bSSFP models that account for nonzero TEs. Numerical simulations are presented
to determine the impact of neglecting nonzero TEs on derived parameter
estimates from conventional mcDESPOT.
Under conditions of chemical exchange equilibrium between two pools
representing respectively a slowly relaxing T2
species, S, and a fast-relaxing species, F, the steady-state (SS) magnetization, MSS, immediately preceding
each radio-frequency (RF) pulse in a SS sequence is given by
with C = f(M0, fF, fS, T1,F, T1,S) and A = f(T1,F, T1,S,T2,F, T2,S, kSF, kFS, θRF, Δω, TR),
where M0 is the signal amplitude at TE = 0 ms, TR is
the repetition time, θRF is the phase increment of the excitation pulse, α is the flip angle (FA), fF and fS are the fractions of the fast and slow components, respectively, kSF and kFS are the exchange rates between pools, and Δω is the off-resonance frequency. R(α) is a rotation matrix about the RF axis and I is the identity
In the
conventional implementation of mcDESPOT (1-2), the two-component bSSFP signal
is taken as
However, Eqs. 1-2 do not
account for the relaxation occurring between the excitation pulse and the
subsequent acquisition (3) that occurs at TEbSSFP = TRbSSFP/2.
The corrected bSSFP magnetization incorporating relaxation time is given by:
where A* is similar to A but with TR replaced by TEbSSFP. The corrected bSSFP signal is given by:
Similarly, for spoiled SS (SSS) transverse magnetization, MSSS, as in the case of SPGR, the
magnetization immediately following each RF pulse is given by:
with D = f(M0, fF, fS) and B = f(T1,F, T1,S, kSF, kFS). In the
conventional mcDESPOT, the two-component SPGR signal is taken as
However, Eqs. 5-6 must be modified to account for relaxation
between the excitation and acquisition; the corrected SPGR magnetization is
described by:
where S is a spoiler matrix and MSSSCorr=(I−R(α)exp(A⋅TRSPGR)S)−1S((exp(A⋅TRSPGR)−I)A−1C), from which the
corrected SPGR signal is given by:
of nonzero TESPGR: Corrected
SPGR signals were simulated for values of TESPGR ranging from 0.5 to
6 ms in 0.25 ms increments (Eq. 8), and corrected bSSFP signals were generated
with TEbSSFP = 3.5 ms and θRF = 0 or π
(Eq. 4). Signals were generated for values of fF ranging from 0.025 to 0.5
in increments of 0.025. For each TESPGR and fF combination, corrected SPGR and bSSFP signals were then
fitted simultaneously to the corrected models (Eqs. 8 and 4), explicitly
accounting for nonzero TEs (TEC-mcDESPOT), or to the conventional models (Eqs.
6 and 2), neglecting nonzero TEs (Conventional mcDESPOT).
Effects of nonzero TEbSSFP: Corrected
SPGR signals were simulated with a fixed TESPGR value of 2 ms.
Corrected bSSFP signals were generated for values of TEbSSFP ranging from 1.5 to 6 ms in 0.25 ms
increments and for θRF = 0 or π.
Corrected SPGR and bSSFP signals were generated for values of fF ranging from 0.025 to 0.5
in increments of 0.025. For each TEbSSFP and fF combination, corrected SPGR and bSSFP signals were then
fitted simultaneously to the corrected models (TEC-mcDESPOT), or to the
conventional models (Conventional mcDESPOT).
and Discussion:
Figs.1-2, top rows, show that data simulated with nonzero TEs and fit
with TEC-mcDESPOT provide true input values for all parameters; this indicates
stability of the fitting procedure. In contrast, when the signals were fitted
with Conventional-mcDESPOT, significant errors in all derived parameter
estimates were observed. In fact, neglect of nonzero TEs leads to signal models
that overestimate SPGR and underestimate bSSFP signal intensities. This results
in substantial errors in all mcDESPOT-derived parameter estimates.
We have shown that neglect
of nonzero relaxation times can result in substantial errors in
mcDESPOT-derived parameter estimates and propose the use of the SPGR and bSSFP
signal models described herein for quantitative analyses using mcDESPOT.
This research was supported entirely by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute on Aging.References
Deoni SCL et al. MRM
2008;60:1372-1387. [2] Deoni SCL. MRM 2011; 65:1021-1035. [3] Scheffler K, Lehnhardt S. Eur
Radiol 2003;13:2409-2418.