Alexandre Bizeau1,2, Guillaume Gilbert3, Minh Tung Huynh4, Michaël Bernier1,2, Christian Bocti5, Maxime Descoteaux2,6, and Kevin Whittingstall1,2,4
1Department of Radiation Sciences and Biomedical imagery, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 2Centre d’Imagerie Moléculaire de Sherbrooke (CIMS), Centre de Recherche CHUS, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 3MR Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare, Markham, ON, Canada, 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 5Department of Medecine, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 6Department of Computer Science, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
When undergoing stimulation, neurons need to be supplied with oxygen and glucose. This demand then
induces vasodilation generated by the astrocytes which act on the muscles of
the arteries of the human brain. Using time-of-flight magnetic resonance
angiography acquisitions, we extracted the apparent diameter of arterial
vessels. We then compared diameter with and without visual stimulation and
demonstrated that smaller vessels dilate proportionally more than larger ones
in the posterior cerebral arteries. Using this method, the investigation of the
coupling between neural activity and regional cerebral vasodilation, also
called functional
hyperhemia, is now possible. Introduction
diameter of cerebral vessels is dynamic and thought to be mediated by neural
and astrocytes signaling
1. While several
studies in animal models have reported stimulus-induced vasodilation, measuring
this in humans is not straightforward
2, although this could provide important information on
neurovascular coupling. Here, we report on a novel and non-invasive MRI
approach for quickly assessing changes in cerebral arterial diameter, which is
then used to study
the arterial response of the visual cortex, perfused by the posterior cerebral arteries (PCA
Material and Methods
All MRI images were
acquired on 4 healthy subjects at the Sherbrooke University Hospital Center
(CHUS) using an Ingenia 3T Philips scanner. A low-resolution, 4-chunk, full brain time-of-flight
(ToF4) (200 slices, TR/TE/Flip
angle=23ms/3.6ms/18o, 512x512x200 reconstructed voxels, acquisition
resolution of 0.5x0.5x1.2mm, reconstructed resolution of 0.5x0.5x0.6mm, 2min acquisition
time) was acquired as a scout to
identify the PCA. Once the location of these arteries was determined, two
high-resolution ToF with only one chunk (100 slices, TR/TE/Flip
angle=23ms/3.6ms/18o, 0.3mm isotropic reconstructed resolution, 5m45s
acquisition time) were acquired in the
same region: we first acquired a ‘resting state’ ToF where the subject had their eyes
closed with the lights turned off. A
second ToF was acquired while the subject viewed an action movie containing
several scene cuts and contrast changes (no sound); both known to reliably
activate visual neurons5. Compared to typical visual stimuli (i.e.
checkerboards), this is advantageous to minimize subject fatigue given the relatively
long stimulation period.
Pre-processing consisted
of a registration of the two ToF followed by skull stripping with FSL’s BET and
denoising by a non-local means via Dipy. For vessel
segmentation, our method is based on Hessian-based
vesselness measure6.
Briefly, bright tubular structures are identified, segmented and stored
for further analysis. We used vessel enhancing
diffusion (VED7) to smooth the vessels and removes noise from the
segmentation. To estimate
diameter, a local thickness technique8 was performed by fitting the largest
sphere in the segmentation binary mask. This resulted in a voxel-based diameter measure along
each segmented vessel. Once segmented, the PCA was manually classified
into their corresponding known sections (Basilar, P1, P2, P3, P4) by a
radiology resident, which were then classified into five different clusters of
similar sizes. A two sample paired t-test was used to assess significant
differences in diameter between resting and activated states. For that, we
computed the percentage change (D−D0)/D0 , where D is the diameter of an active voxel and D0 is the diameter of the same voxel in the rest
Result and Discussion
An example of a resting and active ToF maximum intensity projection
(MIP) from one subject is shown in Figure 1. Clearly, stimulation enhanced the visibility
of small vessels near the posterior portion of the occipital lobe; it can be
seen by counting the number of new voxels in the active segmented image (~10.62±4.45%). A 3D
reconstruction of the PCA, color-coded for diameter, along with the cluster classification
used for computation is shown in Figure 2.
Average apparent diameter values for all five PCA regions in rest and stimulus
conditions are shown in Figure 3 for each participant (N=4).
In each subject (N=4), with stimulus-evoked a change in caliber was observed everywhere9, but there is a greater vasodilation in small vessels. This is evident when
pooling data across all subjects and voxels spanning P4 and binning baseline
diameter values in 10% increments (Figure 4). On average, stimulation dilated
vessels in the 0.8mm range by ~20%, those around 1.6mm remained unchanged and
vessels larger than 1.8mm appeared to constrict. In each subject, we found that around 57.44±16.04% of voxels dilate,
remain invariant and 10.81±6.25%
constrict (Figure 5).
In summary, our data indicate that visual stimulation increases the
apparent arterial diameter in the majority of the PCA. Such vasodilation is
particularly strong in the smaller vessels near the cortex, in line with
findings observed in animal models10.
However, with the present data, we cannot rule out that the observed
vasodilation results from enhanced image contrast (i.e. due to increased blood
flow) rather than a true increase in diameter and we must take into account the
partial volume effect, some vessels are not larger than the image resolution.
We are currently acquiring measures of cerebral blood flow (CBF) to investigate
this, as well as stimulus-evoked susceptibility weighted with phase difference
(SWIp11) acquisitions to confirm that venous
dilation is indeed smaller than arterial dilation, as suggested in previous
animal model studies10. Finally, we are currently experimenting with
faster ToF acquisitions in order to measure the dynamic changes in vessel
diameter on shorter time scales.
No acknowledgement found.References
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