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Anomalous relaxation in the human brain mapped using ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging and time-fractional Bloch equation
Shanlin Qin1, Fawang Liu1, Ian William Turner1,2, Qiang Yu3, Qianqian Yang1, and Viktor Vegh3

1School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 2ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers, Melbourne, Australia, 3Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


MRI models based on integer order calculus lack the ability to accurately map magnitude signal decay in the human brain, likely due to magnetic susceptibility and microstructure variations in tissues. We applied fractional calculus to the Bloch equation with the aim of developing a model capable of matching experimental findings. Solution of the time-fractional Bloch equation resulted in a new five parameter model. We analysed model parameters in nine brain regions using multiple echo gradient recalled echo MRI data from five participants. Time-fractional model parameters may provide new ways of studying microstructure and susceptibility induced changes in the human brain.


MRI signal loss has been shown to deviate from mono-exponential decay due to magnetic field inhomogeneities generated by magnetic susceptibility.1 Therefore, classical models based on the traditional Bloch equation cannot fit the experimental data.2 Models based on fractional order calculus show increasing promise in modelling of biophysical processes.3 Magin et al. have used time-fractional calculus to explore the MRI-based anomalous relaxation process.4 Their model was developed based on spin echo data and cannot account for frequency shift or susceptibility induced effects. We explore the utility of fractional calculus in the case when gradient recalled echo MRI data is acquired. This allows us to study susceptibility induced effects through a parameter accounting for frequency shift. We hypothesise that parameters of the anomalous relaxation equation may provide insight into tissue microstructure and susceptibility constituents within image voxels.


Three anomalous relaxation models were implemented: S(t)=A0exp(t/T2)+C (MONOEXP), S(t)=A0Eα(tα/T2)+C (MAGIN) and S(t)=A0Eα(tα/T2+iΔωtα)Eα(tα/T2iΔωtα)+C (EXTENDED – the new model), where A0 is the amplitude, T2 is the relaxation time (T2=1/R2 and R2 is the relaxation rate), Eα(t) is the Mittag-Leffler function,5 α is the order of the time-fractional derivative, Δf is the frequency shift and C is the constant offset. C is used to account for the background noise in the acquired data.6 We evaluated the mean squared error (MSE) as a measure of quality of fit.

Ethics was granted by the University of Queensland human ethics committee. In vivo gradient recalled echo MRI brain imaging was performed in five healthy participants (age 33.6±4.4) using a 7T human research scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) equipped with a 32 channel head coil (Nova Medical, Wilmington, USA). 3D non-flow compensated scan was performed: TE1=2.04ms, echo spacing = 1.53ms, 30 echoes, TR = 51ms, flip angle = 15, voxel size = 1mm×1mm×1mm and matrix size = 210×168×144.

The caudate (CA), pallidum (PA), putamen (PU), thalamus (TH), internal capsule (IC), red nucleus (RN), insula (IN), substantia nigra (SN) and fornix (FO) were segmented manually with the aid of a human brain atlas,7 and an example is shown in Fig 1.


Fig 2 shows fitting results for four example voxels. The result shows that the EXTENDED model outperforms both the MONOEXP and MAGIN models (MSE obtained using the EXTENDED model is 1.83, 3.53, 3.93 and 1.53 times smaller at the four locations than obtained using the MAGIN model). Also, the EXTENDED and MAGIN models outperform the MONOEXP model. An average MSE across the entire image was computed as well. The MONOEXP model resulted in an MSE of 438.36±323.09 and the MAGIN model in 318.49±228.03, while the EXTENDED model in 245.26±190.45.

Tab 1 provides calculated parameter values for the MONOEXP and EXTENDED model. In all cases, the MSE obtained using the EXTENDED model fits better than the MSE obtained using the MONOEXP model. In the pallidum, the MSE of the MONOEXP model is 76.71 times larger than calculated using the EXTENDED model. In the thalamus, on the other hand, the MONOEXP MSE is only 1.17 times larger than the MSE achieved using the EXTENDED model. Overall, the use of the MONOEXP model results in 3.65 times larger MSE than when the EXTENDED model is used. Hence, the EXTENDED model is able to fit the data more accurately.


The effect of magnetisation on high susceptibility tissue constituents, such as iron, generates a heterogeneity of magnetic fields, creating a frequency shift in the MRI signal.8 Previous studies have reported higher iron depositions in the pallidum, red nucleus, substantia nigra, putamen and caudate and relatively lower values in the thalamus, which correlates well with the frequency shift in our study.9 However, the general trend in frequency shift (Δf) obtained using our model is slightly different to previous studies. It seems that frequency shift is influenced not only by the amount of iron, but maybe also by other factors such as spatial distribution. A smaller R2 is obtained using the EXTENDED model in comparison to the MONOEXP model. The fact that R2 is consistent across all brain regions suggests validity of the EXTENDED model. The time-fractional derivative order (α) varies with brain region, and the trend is different to the R2 trend.


The R2 value calculated using the extended time-fractional model has the same trend as the one obtained using the classical monoexponential model, and therefore, may not provide additional information. However, α and Δf vary differently in comparison to R2. The variations in these parameters may be influenced by tissue composition and microstructure.


Shanlin Qin is supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council and Qiang Yu is supported by a University of Queensland post-doctoral research fellowship. Surabhi Sood from the Centre for Advanced Imaging at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, helped segment the brain regions. Kieran O'Brien from Siemens Healthcare, Brisbane, Australia, helped with data acquisition. Computational resources and services used in this work were partially provided by the High Performance Computing and Research Support Group, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.


1. van Gelderen P, de Zwart JA, Lee J, et al. Nonexponential T2 decay in white matter. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2012; 67(1): 110-117.

2. Le Bihan D. The ‘wet mind’: water and functional neuroimaging. Physics in medicine and biology. 2007; 52(7): R57.

3. Magin RL. Fractional calculus in bioengineering. Redding: Begell House; 2006.

4. Magin RL, Li W, Velasco MP, et al. Anomalous NMR relaxation in cartilage matrix components and native cartilage: Fractional-order models. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 2011; 210(2): 184-191.

5. Podlubny I. Fractional differential equations: an introduction to fractional derivatives, fractional differential equations, to methods of solution and some of their applications. Volume 198. Academic press; 1998.

6. Wood JC, Otto-Duessel M, Aguilar M, et al. Cardiac iron determines cardiac T2, T2, and T1 in the gerbil model of iron cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 2005; 112 (4): 535-543.

7. Duvernoy HM. The human brain: surface, three-dimensional sectional anatomy with MRI, and blood supply. Springer Science & Business Media; 2012.

8. Chu K, Xu Y, Balschi JA, et al. Bulk magnetic susceptibility shifts in NMR studies of compartmentalized samples: use of paramagnetic reagents. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1990; 13(2): 239-262.

9. Haacke EM, Cheng NY, House MJ, et al. Imaging iron stores in the brain using magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2005; 23(1): 1-25.


Fig 1. Brain regions used in the models. A: fornix (FO), B: putamen (PU blue), pallidum (PA yellow), caudate (CA pink), thalamus (TH red), Internal capsule (IC sky blue), insula (IN purple), C: substantia nigro (SN green), red nucleus (RN red).

Fig 2. Positions identified on the magnitude image by ‘+’ are shown in (A, E, I, M), indicating fitting locations. Plots and MSE are shown for the three models: MONOEXP, MAGIN and EXTENDED. MSE improves using the MAGIN model and further improves using the EXTENDED model.

Tab 1. Parameter estimation in nine brain regions using MONOEXP and EXTENDED models. Data were averaged within regions and across participants prior to fitting. Model parameters are amplitude A0, relaxation rate R2, frequency shift |Δf| (|Δf|=|Δω|/2π), time-fractional order α and MSE.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)