Incoherent Motion (IVIM) is a method for quantification of perfusion parameters,
such as
the perfusion fraction Fb. Unfortunately, CSF partial volume effects
are often seen in the estimated blood compartment. This work introduces a novel
version of the IVIM model, containing three compartments (tissue, CSF and
blood), where multi-TE and multi-TI data are incorporated to yield a direct
relaxation estimate. Using this relaxation-compensated model, results were
obtained from in vivo measurements in a volunteer. Compared to a
non-relaxation-compensated model, the three-compartment model with relaxation-compensated
data reduced the CSF contamination.Introduction
incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging
1 has gained renewed interest during
recent years, even in the brain, in spite of the comparatively low cerebral
blood volume
2. One reason for the increased focus on the IVIM
technique is improvements in the model of choice, in particular the incorporation
of relaxation effects in the IVIM model
3, and Bayesian analysis
4. The inclusion of relaxation effects becomes even more
important at high magnetic field strengths (3-7T), mainly due to the shortening
of venous T2
5. Still, to the best of our knowledge, direct
measurements of T1 and T2 to improve the estimation of IVIM parameters, such as
the perfusion fraction F
b, have not previously been performed.
even more ameliorate the IVIM analysis, the images employed in this work are
based on high-resolution acquisition, both with respect to b-value composition
and voxel size. All these improvements, together with an extension of the
conventional two-compartment model into a three-compartment model, are introduced
to overcome the low precision of brain IVIM, as well as the well-known problem
with CSF contamination in the perfusion fraction estimates
a proof-of-concept experiment, using a 3T whole-body MRI-scanner (MAGNETOM
Prisma, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany), we measured multiple b, TI and TE data
to be included in a relaxation compensated (RC) three-compartment IVIM model:
S000 is the non-weighted (b=0, TE=0, TR=∞) signal value, F is the
fractional volume, ρ is the water
content, ADC is the apparent diffusion
coefficient, θ1 is the
inversion flip angle (assumed to be 180°) and i denotes the respective compartment, i.e., i=[tissue(t),CSF(c),blood(b)]. For comparison, we also analyzed
multi-b data with a non-relaxation-compensated (nonRC) three-compartment IVIM model
according to:
A spin-echo EPI sequence with diffusion
encoding in six directions was employed for the IVIM data collection, with 45 b-values
ranging between 15 and 800 s/mm2. Imaging parameters for full brain coverage were TR=4500 ms, TE=67 ms, FOV
250×250 mm2, matrix size 192×192, slice thickness 4 mm, and 32 slices.
Multi-TE data were obtained using 5 different TEs (61,
80, 100, 120, 140 ms) with a TR of 6500 ms. Multi-TI data were collected using 10
different TIs (500, 1000, 1500, 2100, 2500, 2900, ms) with a TR of 10000 ms and
a TE of 67 ms. Multi-TE as well as multi-TI data were acquired with b-values of
0 and 200 s/mm2.
A simplified
Bayesian voxel-by-voxel analysis, using Gaussian priors and posterior
distributions, was used to construct maps of the model
parameters7. We
used non-informative priors for the fractions, and literature values for CSF (T1c
= 2000 ms, T2c = 500 ms and Dc = 3 µm2/ms), as
well as for the self-diffusion of blood (Db = 1.7 µm2/ms).
The analysis was also applied to the mean whole-brain signal. Empirically assigned
priors were used on the remaining parameters (see Table 1).
1 displays the fit of the RC model to the whole brain signal. The whole-brain analysis
yielded F
b estimates of 2.1% and 2.5% for RC and nonRC,
respectively. The corresponding values for F
c were 12.0% (RC) and 24.0%
(nonRC), and for F
t 86.0% (RC) and 73.6% (nonRC). Figure 2 shows parametric
maps from a representative mid-brain slice: (a) F
b, F
c, F
D*, D
t, as well as T1 and T2 for the relaxation compensated data,
and (b) for or the non-relaxation-compensated data. The RC analysis improved
the separation of the three compartments (seen most clearly in the ventricles
of the F
b-map) and produced a less noisy F
b-map, compared
to the nonRC results.
relaxation was both measured and compensated for, the CSF was more distinctly
allocated to the F
c-map, and contributed less to CSF contaminations
of the F
b-map, suggesting that the relaxation compensation was able
to better distinguish between the CSF compartment and the blood compartment,
compared to the approach in which relaxation data were ignored in the model. Furthermore,
c better agreed with the literature value of 9.1±2.4%
when the RC model was used, making this model even more convincing. Although
results seem promising, further efforts are needed to eliminate the risk of
bias caused by the supplementary numbers of data points used in the RC-model.
extended three-compartment model with relaxation-compensated data is a
promising tool to overcome CSF contamination of the blood-pool data in IVIM
We acknowledge Siemens Healthcare for granting access to product sequence source code.References
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