Christoph Stefan Aigner1,2, Christian Clason3, Armin Rund4, and Rudolf Stollberger1,2
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2BioTechMed Graz, Graz, Austria, 3Faculty of Mathematics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 4Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
We demonstrate the joint optimization of RF and
slice selective gradient shapes with hard constraints such as peak B1 of the
pulse and peak slew rate of the gradient via a flexible approach based on
optimal control of the full time-dependent Bloch equation and a novel
semi-smooth Newton method. The presented approach allows optimization on a fine
spatial and temporal grid while enforcing physical and technical limitations on
the control variables. The results are validated on a 3T scanner, demonstrating
the practical realizability of the presented approach even for short RF pulses.Introduction
The B1 peak amplitude of the RF pulse and the
specific absorption rate (SAR) can be reduced by a variation of the amplitude
of the slice selective gradient (Gs) using the VERSE principle
1,2. Performing a
simulation study, this idea was used to formulate an optimal control problem
3, but the results show a strong dependency on the chosen software and
are restricted to a very coarse spatial resolution. Alternatively a trust
region Newton method
4 in an adjoint-based matrix-free variant allows for an
unconstrained optimization of both RF pulse and gradient shape on a high
spatial and temporal resolution
5. However, the optimized results could exceed
physical constraints and therefore may not be implementable on a real MR scanner.
To overcome this limitations, we extend the framework to a trust-region
semi-smooth Newton method to include physical constrains such as the peak B1
amplitude of the RF pulse and the slew rate of the gradient system.
The optimal control approach minimizes the
discrepancy between the numerical Bloch simulation of the magnetizaion pattern
M(T;z) at refocusing time T and each spatial position z and
the desired magnetization pattern Md(z) with three additional cost terms
modeling the power of the RF pulse B1,y, the slew rate ˙Gs
and the final amplitude of Gs, respectively:
Hard constraints on the peak B1 of the RF and the peak
slew rate of the gradient are added using pointwise constraints:
Due to these inequalities, the first-order necessary conditions are no
longer a system of smooth equations that can be solved by Newton's method.
However, they can be reformulated as a non-smooth equation and solved by a
generalized (semi-smooth) Newton method6, which is proven to converge
superlinearly. This yields fast local convergence, whereas gradient-type
methods only show linear convergence and are thus much slower to reach the
optimum. For efficiency, the method is implemented in a matrix-free fashion,
allowing a fine temporal resolution. Exact derivative information of the
gradient and Hessian facilitate the efficient computation of optimal pulses. For convergence of the controls, the method is embedded into a trust-region framework4.
The described method was used to calculate and
implement low SAR RF pulses with and without physical constraints (peak B1 of
μT, peak slew rate of 175Tm-1s-1). The desired magnetization is defined
on a spatial grid of 1001 points (
±0.1m) and the shapes are computed
with a temporal resolution of 0.01ms for a duration
T of 1.44ms. The
initial guess for the controls are a standard Hamming windowed sinc with a
time-bandwidth-product of 2 and a standard trapezoidal
Gs-shape (shown
in Figure 1 top left). To suppress excitation artefacts during refocusing, the RF pulse is fixed to zero after 1ms while
the gradient shape is optimized until the final time
T. To balance slice
profile accuracy and SAR, we choose
α=5⋅10−4 (SAR penalty),
β=3⋅10−4 (slew rate penalty) and
ζ=1.25 (final
Gs amplitude penalty) for all computed results. The optimized shapes are
implemented on a 3T MR scanner (Magnetom Skyra, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen,
Germany) using a modified GRE sequence (TE=3ms, TR=1000ms, FOV=200x200mm, matrix=320x320)
to measure the slice profile of a water filled phantom.
Results and Discussion
Figure 1 compares a conventional sinc-based RF
pulse and a trapezoidal slice selective gradient with unconstrained and
constrained joint optimized RF and gradient shapes. While the Bloch simulations
after refocusing show a well-defined slice profile for all three examples, only
the constrained shapes do not exceed the prescribed constraints and can be
implemented without further modifications (e.g. stretching,
scaling or clipping) on the above mentioned MR scanner. Figure
2 shows magnitude and phase of the reconstructed experimental 3T phantom
measurements validating the Bloch simulations in Figure 1. Table 1 compares the
B1 peak amplitude, peak slew rate and overall B1 power together with the root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) of the Bloch simulation compared to the ideal magnetization given in
Figure 1. The optimized shapes fulfill the prescribed hard constraints while
having the same low RMSE and MAE of the unconstrained solution.
The presented approach demonstrates the joint
optimization of RF and slice selective gradient shape with prescribed physical
and technical constraints on a very fine grid. Compared to unconstrained methods, this guarantees practical
implementability of optimized shapes without compromising the slice
profile accuracy at reduced peak B1 and B1 power, especially for short
RF pulses with a sharp slice profile. The computed pulses and shapes are
therefore applicable in a wide range of imaging situations in MRI.
supported by FWF “SFB
1 Conolly S., et al. JMR 1988; 78:440-458
2 Hargreaves B., et al. MRM 2004; 52:590-597
3 Anand CK., et al. Algorithmic Oper. Res. 2011; 6:1-19
4 Steihaug SINUM 1983; 20:626-637
5 Aigner CS., et al. ISMRM 2015; 23:2397
6 Ulbrich M. SIOP 2003; 13:805-842