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Optimized amplitude modulated multiband RF pulses
Samy Abo Seada1, Joseph V Hajnal1, and Shaihan J Malik1

1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, London, United Kingdom


Simultaneous multi-slice imaging can accelerate image acquisition for commonly used diffusion and functional MRI sequences. The design of multiband pulses can be problematic due to their high peak amplitude. Another issue is that the necessary rapid phase and amplitude modulation can be problematic for some current MRI RF systems to reproduce. Phase related issues can be avoided by designing purely amplitude modulated waveforms. We describe how three current multiband pulse design techniques (phase optimisation, time shifting and root-flipping) can be modified to produce purely amplitude modulated pulses and find that the relative peak increase is only about 20-25%.


Simultaneous multislice imaging using multiband RF pulses can accelerate image acquisition, particularly for single-shot imaging sequences used for diffusion and functional MRI 1. However, designing multiband RF pulses remains a problem. This is because traditional multiband pulse design methods lead to high peak amplitudes in the waveform that can easily exceed the specification of RF transmission hardware 2. Moreover, multiband waveforms have rapid amplitude and phase modulation (AM & PM) due to their increased frequency content. This rapid modulation can be close to the edge of what current MRI RF systems reproduce accurately; in particular we have found that systems specifying phase via frequency modulation introduce errors when pulses contain rapid phase modulation. In this scenario pulses that are solely amplitude modulated (AM) will yield the best performance. We examine three current methods for optimizing multiband pulses: phase-offsets 3, time-shifting 4 and root-flipping 5, we describe how each method can be modified to produce AM only waveforms, and examine relative performance.


The relationship between RF pulses and magnetisation is governed by the Bloch equations, for which no analytic inversion exists. In the small-tip angle regime the inversion can be reduced to a Fourier relation. A key property is that conjugate-symmetric Fourier series have real coefficients. In all three methods (phase optimization, time shifting, root-flipping) peak amplitudes are reduced by manipulating the phase profiles of the desired slices without altering the magnitude profiles. To form pure AM waveforms the existing techniques were modified to produce conjugate-symmetric profiles across all excited slices. Phase-optimized RF pulses are created by finding the set of phase-offsets which minimise the peak amplitude. b(t)=p(t)Nn=1ei(ωnt+ϕn) Where b(t) and p(t) are the multiband and single-band waveforms, N is the multiband factor, ωn is the inter-slice frequency off-set, symmetrically distributed around zero (the centre of the slice group) and ϕn is the set of phase variables which are optimized for. b(t) can be made real valued (i.e. AM) if slices equidistant from the centre have anti-symmetric phase-offset (i.e. ϕi=ϕj for ωi=ωj, for slices i and j) 6. Optimal ϕn are independent of the properties of p(t). Time-shifting is an extension of this method in which individual single-band pulses are temporally off-set to minimise constructive interference: b(t)=Nn=1p(tτn)ei(ωnt+ϕn) Where τn is the shift variable for each single-band pulse. To create AM pulses, time-shifting is constrained such that slices equidistant from the centre are shifted by the same amount (i.e. τi=τj for ωi=ωj) in addition to phase constraint ϕi=ϕj for these slices. Root-flipping differs from the above methods, in that it is a bottom-up design approach in which the desired multiband magnetisation profile is approximated by a polynomial of complex exponentials. The roots of this polynomial are distributed close to the unit circle in the complex plane. Flipping a root about the unit circle changes the phase profile in a non-linear way, without altering the magnitude slice profile. Temporally, root-flipping redistributes energy in the RF waveform lobes across its duration, so can be exploited to reduce peak amplitude. Flipping roots that are located symmetrically about the real axis leads to AM pulses after the inverse Shinnar-Le Roux transform. For all three techniques, both complex and AM pulses were designed using the same design specifications. Pulses were validated using Bloch simulations, and design specifications varied in both multiband factor and time-bandwidth product.


Figure 1 verifies that the modifications lead to purely real-valued (AM) pulses. Figure 2 shows how the different AM-only methods interrelate, which resembles an earlier report for the complex case 5. Figure 3 shows the peak amplitudes of AM pulses relative to complex ones, averaged over a range of design parameters. The AM pulses were on average 28% longer in duration compared to equivalent pulses that allow both real and imaginary components. Phase-optimized results are independent of the single-band waveform, however this has a significant effect when time-shifting. An extreme case is shown in figure 4 where an AM pulse is virtually equivalent to its complex counterpart.

Discussion & Conclusion

We have demonstrated how phase-optimized, time-shifted and root-flipped pulses may be designed to have purely real-valued profiles. This is useful for overcoming hardware limitations of some RF systems. The constraint does lead to an increase in peak amplitude – as might be expected since the number of degrees of freedom are respected – however the increase is observed to be of the order of 20-25% for phase optimized and root-flipped pulses, with larger variability for time-shifted pulses.


This work was supported by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging. Publically available code for Root-flipped pulses from Sharma et al was downloaded from http://www.vuiis.vanderbilt.edu/~grissowa/


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5. Sharma A, Lustig M, Grissom W A: Root-flipped multiband refocusing pulses. Magn Reson Med 2015

6. Malik S J, Price A N, Hajnal J V: Optimized Amplitude Modulated Multi-Band RF pulses. 2013:1405.


Multiband RF refocusing pulses for a 3-slice time-bandwidth product 6 in the case of (a) Phase-optimized, (b) Time-shifting and (c) Root-flipping. The complex methods allow both real and imaginary components, while our AM condition exclusively produces real pulses which lead to zero phase modulation.

The peak amplitudes of the three AM techniques in relation to each other, as a function of the Multiband factor. All pulses were refocusing pulses constrained to the same duration, designed for a time-bandwidth product of 6 and averaged over multiple inter-slice frequency offsets. Error bars indicate maximum/minimum amplitudes.

Peak amplitude of AM multiband pulses relative to their complex design equivalent, for the three techniques. The box and whiskers represent averaging over different inter-slice offsets and time-bandwidth products from 2 to 10.

A time-shifted multiband 4 example where the AM design is equivalent to its conventional counterpart of equal time-shift, showing how much relative performance relies on the single-band waveform. This happens rarely in the optimization procedure, as in most cases there are other shift-values for which a complex pulse will outperform.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)