B1-Insensitive Simultaneous Multi-Slice DWI at 7T using SEAMS PINS
Rebecca Emily Feldman1, Hadrien A Dyvorne1, Rafael O'Halloran1, and Priti Balchandani1

1Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States


The higher signal-to-noise-ratio offered at 7T, has been shown to increase the resolution of diffusion MRI as well as the precision and directional certainty of diffusion-based parameters. Two major drawbacks of 7T dMRI include lengthy acquisitions and signal loss due to B1-inhomogeneity. SMS methods reduce the duration of the acquisition, the refocusing pulses typically used in dMRI are particularly sensitive to B1 non-uniformities leading to a loss in signal, or even complete signal dropout in parts of the image. We have created a dMRI sequence with SEAMS PINS and an EPI readout that provides improved immunity to B1-inhomogeneity.


The higher signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) offered at ultra-high magnetic field strengths, such as 7 Tesla (7T), has been shown to increase the resolution of diffusion MRI (dMRI) as well as the precision and directional certainty of diffusion-based parameters [1,2] However, two major drawbacks of 7T dMRI include lengthy acquisition times and signal loss due to increased inhomogeneity in the applied radiofrequency (RF) field (B1).

Simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) imaging using multiband excitation and parallel imaging is becoming more common for accelerating full brain acquisitions [3]. While SMS reduces the duration of the acquisition, the refocusing pulses typically used in dMRI are particularly sensitive to B1 non-uniformities leading to a loss in signal, or even complete signal dropout in parts of the image. SEmi-Adiabatic Matched-phase Spin-echo (SEAMS) Power Independent of the Number of Slices (PINS) is an SMS technique that can accelerate imaging while reducing a spin-echo based sequence's sensitivity to B1 non-uniformities [4] . We have created a dMRI sequence with SEAMS PINS excitation and refocusing and an EPI readout that provides improved immunity to B1-inhomogeneity with RF power deposition, as measured by the specific absorption rate (SAR), comparable to existing sequences.


We created a SEAMS PINS pulse-pair with an excitation pulse duration of 21 ms and a refocusing pulse duration of 14 ms (Figure 1). The pulse-pair was created to match a refocusing pulse with a bandwidth of 1.11 kHz sampled by 94 lobes, creating a slice separation/slice thickness ratio of 12. The pulse-pair was inserted into a dMRI sequence with an EPI readout (Figure 2), and EPI navigators acquired pre-scan [2]. Diffusion-weighted images were acquired using 2 diffusion sequences 1) the SEAMS PINS pulse-pair and 2) a standard non-adiabatic single-refocused SMS diffusion pulse-pair with a time-shifted RF pulse multiband factor of 2 [5]. Imaging was performed in a spherical water phantom on a 7T whole body MRI system (Siemens, Erlangen). The acquisition was made with: b = 1500 s/mm2; TE = 73 ms; FOV = 21 cm x 21 cm; matrix = 210 x 210; Time = 9 minutes. Each sequence was acquired at four power settings, at adiabatic threshold or with the power calibrated to produce the expected flip angle at the center of the magnet (Pthresh), at 1.2 x Pthresh, 1.4 x Pthresh, and 1.6 x Pthresh.


The SAR ratio for each sequence was noted, although none of the sequences exceeded the SAR limits for the scanner. The SEAMS PINS diffusion pulse deposited 80% of the power of the time-shifted sequence, for the same TR and scan times. The B1-insensitivity of the sequence is shown in Figure 3. For a central slice of the phantom (Figure 3A), b = 1500 s/mm2, the signal received on a projection through the phantom (Fig. 3A white line) is plotted for each power setting for both sequences. The signal produced by the non-adiabatic SMS diffusion sequence shows high sensitivity to B1 across the initial projection through the phantom. As the transmit B1 increases by 20%, most of the signal in the center of the phantom is destroyed, and as the B1 continues to increase, a larger region of the phantom experiences complete dropout. In contrast to this, the signal produced by the SEAMS PINS pulse-pair, is more consistent across the body of the phantom. It shows much less variation over the phantom cross-section as the power is increased by 20%, and even at 1.6 x adiabatic threshold, no portion of the phantom experiences complete signal dropout.

At ultra-high fields, dMRI using SEAMS PINS can achieve accelerated simultaneous multi-slice imaging while restoring diffusion-weighted signal to regions that would experience excessive signal dropout using non-adiabatic pulse-pairs. The sequence is substantially more robust to B1 inhomogeneity, while maintaining SAR deposition levels similar to those of existing non-adiabatic sequences. Future work involves further reduction of minimum achievable echo time and validation of the sequence in vivo.


NIH-NINDS R00 NS070821. Thanks to Dr. Junqian (Gordon) Xu for helpful discussions.


[1] Polders DL et al 2011 MRM 33:1456-63 [2] Dyvorne et al MRM (epub) June 2015 [3] Eichner et al 2014 MRM 72:949-58 [4] Feldman et al MRM (epub) March 2015 [5] Auerbach et al 2013 69:1261-7


Figure 1: Diffusion pulse sequence, including the pre-scan acquisition of 3 navigator lines

Figure 2: SEAMS PINS Matched-Phase Pulse-pair and Slice Select Gradients

Figure 3: A) Projection through water phantom. B) Signal response to transmitat 1x, 1.2x, 1.4x, and 1.6x Pthresh. C) Signal response in time-shifted diffusion pulse to transmit at 1x, 1.2x, 1.4x, and 1.6x Pthresh. Note signal loss in the center of the phantom is exacerbated by increased power.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)