We propose a robust phase unwrapping method for
low-SNR multi-echo MR images based on complex signal modeling. This method is
superior to conventional phase unwrapping methods and provides high-quality
unwrapped phase images without any spatial artifacts caused by high noise.Introduction
Magnetic resonance (MR)
phase images reflect various magnetic field variations caused by susceptibility
difference, chemical shifts, geometry effects, main field inhomogeneity, etc. [1]
Therefore, the phase data has been regarded as very important information to
provide fundamental tissue properties complementary to those obtained from the
MR magnitude data. However, it has been difficult to quantify and process the phase
data because phase wrapping occurs due to the limited dynamic range of phase
values by -π
to π. There have been conventional
phase unwrapping methods based on region-growing methods or high-pass filtering
such as branch cut method [2], however, these 2D-based methods often failed to
unwrap phase values accurately for regions of complex structures with severe
field inhomogeneity or low SNR. Although a voxel-by-voxel unwrapping approach for
multi-echo MR images can result in more accurate unwrapped results, it still
fails to unwrap some of phase values due to very low-SNR of the multi-echo images.
In this study, we propose a robust phase unwrapping method to provide accurate
unwrapped phase images for multi-echo MR images based on complex signal
For in vivo
experiments, a brain of normal volunteer was scanned by a multi-echo
gradient-recalled-echo (MGRE) sequence using a 3T MRI system (Siemens
Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). The sequence parameters were the first
echo time (
TE1) of 5.67
ms, echo spacing (
ES) of 5.51 ms,
repetition time (TR) of 95 ms, flip
angle (
FA) of 27
, slice thickness of 1.6 mm,
bandwidth of 444 Hz/Px, field of view (FOV)
of 215×215×51.2 mm
3, the
number of echoes of 16, the number of slices of 32, matrix size of 1024×1024×32×16 interpolated from the data
acquired with 512×512×32×16 and in-plane
resolution of 0.21×0.21 mm
2. All types of image processing were performed using MATLAB (The
MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA). The complex signal model used in this study
assumes that the phase varies linearly along time. The modeled complex signal
is as follows:
is a position of a pixel,
is the
is the rate of phase change with time of pixel
is the phase at
TE=0 ms of pixel
is the magnitude value of
Then by solving the following minimization equation, we can obtain
ω(→r) and
{\left|{S}_{m}\left(\overrightarrow{r},{TE}_{i}\right)\right|}_{d} is the denoised magnitude value of pixel
\overrightarrow{r} at
{TE}_{i}. We used the model-based denoising method to
denoise the magnitude data [3]. This denoising method was first applied to the acquired
magnitude data
. Finally,
the unwrapped phase for multi-echo MR images
is obtained
as follows:
In Fig. 1, we compared the resultant unwrapped phase images
for 2D branch cut algorithm, a general thresholding method (thresholding
adjacent phase differences by
π) and the proposed
method. Images in respective three row show phase images from respective
different three slices. The phase images with the branch cut algorithm showed
many of artifacts due to failure in phase unwrapping. The thresholding method
which is a kind of voxel-by-voxel approach resulted in better unwrapped phased
images than the bran cut algorithm. In the magnified images (d, j, q), however,
many of noise-like scattered artifacts occurred in low-SNR regions, which was
due to incorrect unwrapping as seen in black (original) and blue (unwrapped
with thresholding) lines in the temporal phase graphs (f, m, t). On the other
hand, the phase images with the proposed method do not show any artifacts seen
in branch cut or the thresholding method. Also, it can be observed, in the
graphs (f, m, t), that the temporal unwrapping were also well performed.
We propose a
robust phase unwrapping method for low-SNR multi-echo MR images based on
complex signal modeling. This method is superior to conventional phase
unwrapping methods and provides high-quality unwrapped phase images without any
spatial artifacts caused by high noise.
This research was
supported by NRF-2011-0025574.References
Reference [1] E.M. Haacke, et al, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2009;30:19-30. [2] S. Witoszynskyj, et al, Med Image Anal 2009;13:257-268 [3] U. Jang, et al, Med Phys
2012; 39(1):468-474.