Fast Multichannel Transmit Array Calibration Using Coil Locators
Parnian Zarghamravanbakhsh1, John M Pauly1, and Greig Scott1

1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Accurate knowledge of magnetic field distribution is necessary for RF shimming and calibration of parallel transmit systems. The incident field distribution depends on relative location of transmit array to sample, also magnitude and phase of coil current(thereby, magnetic field) vary with different sample loading. The RF maps of each coil can be estimated by localizing the transmit array in the image space and circulating RF currents in each coil. In this study, parallel transmit system RF shimming pulses are designed by using transmit coils locator information and coil current measurement without performing experimental B1 mapping.


Calibration of multichannel transmit coils to reduce radio frequency (RF) field non-uniformities requires accurate knowledge of the transmit B1 maps of each transmit channel. Existing B1 mapping methods suffer from a variety of issues ranging from long scan times, limited B1 dynamic range, or high specific absorption rate (SAR), and will scale poorly to high channel counts. Moreover, experimental B1 mapping methods do not take into account the known coil geometries and orientation which can be used to aid B1 estimation. The idea here is to generate “good enough” B1 predictions, without mapping. In this study we apply knowledge of coil RF current and orientation relative to the sample to estimate B1 maps of each transmit channel for rapid pre-scan calibration of parallel transmit systems.


The experiment was performed using a custom 1.5T parallel transmit and receive system, shown in Fig.1, built around a Medusa MRI console, and a cylindrical four-channel transmit/receive coil array. The system includes optically coupled RF current sensors on each coil and a 4-ch 4P4T switch matrix to route current sensor, forward voltage, or reverse voltage to the digitizers during transmit, and the preamp signal during receive. To calculate RF shim complex coefficients specific to each individual channel, the transmit array was localized by placing three fiducial markers on the conductor edge of one of the coils1(Fig.2), and then an estimated B1 map normalized to unit current for each coil was calculated from SEMCAD FDTD data using the fiducial projection co-registration method2. Next, amplifier non-linearity was corrected by calculating look up tables using each directional coupler forward power signal. To relate the desired RF currents to the excitation vectors, coil coupling must be numerically nulled. The decoupling matrix3 was calculated using the current sensor outputs on each coil4. The co-registration method also requires the RF current sensor inputs to properly scale the FDTD result to the physical system. To validate estimated RF maps, Bloch-Siegert maps of each transmit coil with a mineral oil phantom were acquired in an axial slice and compared with FDTD-based simulated transverse maps2 scaled by the experimental to simulated current ratio for an arbitrary orientation of coil relative to the target plane in imaging space. The Bloch-Siegert mapping sequence was performed with following image parameters: TR= 100 ms, TE = 5ms, matrix size = 128 × 128, field of view = 25 cm, and slice thickness = 6mm; the 4ms slice-select pulse was followed by a 6-ms Fermi pulse with 4 kHz off resonance.

In separate tests, RF shim complex weights were calculated for exciting an axial slice of a phantom filled with doped water with 1mM MnCl2. Imaging parameters here were: TR = 100 ms, TE = 5.4 ms, matrix size = 256 × 256, field of view = 25 cm, and slice thickness = 6mm.


Figure 3 shows the magnitude of experimental Bloch-Siegert maps compared with the simulated B1+ maps for all 4 channels for arbitrary orientation of the mineral oil phantom with respect to the transmit coils. The simulated predictive maps show reasonable agreement with experimental maps in the regions of higher SNR.

Figure 4 shows the feasibility of using the prediction B1+ maps in RF shimming. Figure 4a is the intensity image of axial slice of doped water phantom. The receive sensitivities were removed in the reconstruction step. The complex coefficients for the excitation pulses were computed by the proposed method. As is shown the signal intensity is uniform. Figure 4b shows the normalized estimated B1+ maps that were used in this experiment to design RF pulse excitation vectors.

Conclusion and Discussion

These feasibility tests demonstrate that estimated B1 maps obtained by the coil locator technique combined with coil current sensor data can be used in computing RF pulse vector weights for RF shimming applications. The physical inputs and decoupling control provide the information needed to co-register and scale FDTD predictions to the physical system. The results shown here are more correctly incident field results as the phantom loading caused minor field scattering. This would suffice at 1.5T for use in interventional transmit arrays applications. In future, for more general use, one could apply a pre-computed library to estimate patient perturbations for “good enough” predictions. Second, a better matching of SAR models with patient-coil proximity would be enabled. Finally, the proposed method can be used in rapid auto-calibration of parallel transmit systems and computation of first-guess RF shim weights.


Grant support: R01EB019241, R01EB008108, P01CA159992, NIH T32 HL007846,and GE research support.


1. Zarghamravanbakhsh P, Ellenor C, Pauly J, Scott G. Toward mapping using coil locators. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Milan, Italy, 2014. p.1457.

2. Zarghamravanbakhsh P, Pauly J, Scott G. Fast 3D Algorithm for Coil Localization as an Aid in Estimation of Distribution. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2015. p. 2378.

3. Scott GC, Stang P, Overall W, Kerr A, Pauly J. General Signal Vector Decoupling for Transmit Arrays. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2008. p. 146.

4. Stang P, Zanchi M, Grissom W, Kerr A, Pauly J, Scott G. RF sensor considerations for input predistortion correction of transmit arrays. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010. p. 44.


Figure 1. Experimental set-up. Medusa console controls full sequence transmit and receive. Directional couplers and currents sensors provide data for calibration.

Figure 2. Tracking sequence and 1D projections along x,y, and z axes for fluorine markers (a) and vitamin E capsules (b).Fiducial markers (either fluorine markers or vitamin E capsules ) were placed on the 
conductor edges of one the coil to localize the transmit array.For vitamin E capsules spoiler gradients were applied to separate the markers from phantom signal.

Figure 3. Experimental Bloch-Siegert and simulated B1+ distribution within axial slice of mineral oil phantom for arbitrary orientation of the phantom with respect to the coils. Maps were scaled by the experimental to simulated current ratio of each coil. a. Bloch- Siegert B1+ for four channels. b. Simulated B1+ for all the channels with SEMCAD.

Figure 4. RF shimming result. a. Image obtained with exciting the axial slice of doped water phantom with designed pulses. b. Simulated B1+ maps of each coil that were used in this experiment for computing RF shim complex weights.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)