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Highly accelerated Bloch-Siegert B1+ mapping using variational modeling
Andreas Lesch1, Matthias Schlögl1, Martin Holler2, and Rudolf Stollberger1,3

1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 3BioTechMed Graz, Graz, Austria


In this work we describe a novel method, which is able to reconstruct B1+-maps from highly under-sampled Bloch-Siegert data. This method is based on variational methods and a problem specific regularization approach. We show its capability to achieve successful reconstructions from more than 100times under-sampled 3D-data in the human brain with a mean error below 1%. The results are compared to a fully-sampled reference and a conventional low resolution reconstruction for different under-sampling factors.


Fast and accurate B1+-mapping is an important prerequisite for many MRI-techniques at high and very high field-strength. The Bloch-Siegert (BS) method was presented recently as a fast, yet robust and accurate technique[1]. Nevertheless, specific-absorption-rate (SAR) is very high, which limits the minimal TR such that the acquisition-time for a whole 3D-volume is in the order of minutes. One possible acceleration strategy would be a faster data acquisition using spiral-trajectories or echo-planar readouts as proposed in [2] and [3], but spiral-trajectories are not commonly available on clinical scanners and both are prone to artifacts caused by B0-inhomogeneities or gradient imperfections. Acceleration is also possible by applying compressed-sensing strategies as proposed in[4], where SPIRiT-reconstruction was used. In this work we investigate a highly accelerated reconstruction integrated B1+-mapping method based on a problem specific regularization.

Theory and Methods

As described in [1] the phase-shift ϕBS due to a BS-pulse depends on the peak-magnitude B1,peak of the RF-pulse and the pulse-constant KBS[1].


The B1+-map can easily be calculated from this phase-shift. To remove undesirable background phase, the acquisition is performed twice with positive and negative resonance-offset. The signals of the BS-encoded images I+ and I are



with magnetization M, background-phase ϕ0 and the desired BS-phase ϕBS. Conventionally both images are reconstructed independently and ϕBS is obtained by a complex division of both images. Our approach is a joint-reconstruction of image and BS-phase and consists of two steps: First we reconstruct the morphologic structure out of the positive BS-encoded dataset k+ by solving the following optimization-problem.



As it was shown by [5] a piecewise-smooth constraint is suitable for reconstructing morphologic MR-images from under-sampled data, which is enforced by a TGV-regularization[6]. This optimization-problem is solved using the primal-dual-algorithm proposed by [7]. \mathcal{F} represents the Fourier-operator including under-sampling-pattern and coil-sensitivities, which are estimated using the Walsh-algorithm[8]. The result of this optimization-problem \hat{u} corresponds to I_+. The whole morphologic information is represented by \hat{u}. The second step is now to reconstruct \phi_{BS} out of the negative BS-encoded dataset k_- and \hat{u}. Since we know that the B1+-field is spatially smooth, we enforce this property by employing H1-regularization on \hat{v}. Because of the mathematical formulation of the optimization-problem all morphologic information cancels out of the result and \hat{v} only contains the double-BS-phase 2\phi_{BS} with magnitude one.



We applied the method to in-vivo 3D-datasets at 3T (Skyra, Siemens, Erlangen Germany) with the following sequence-parameters: FOV=2302x64mm, matrix-size=1282x32, TRmin=95ms (SAR-constraint), TE=13.5ms, \alpha=25°. A Gaussian BS-pulse with on-resonant flip-angle \alpha_{BS}=1000°, resonance-offset \Delta\omega_{RF}=4kHz leading to K_{BS}=53.4rad/G^2 was used, with an acquisition described in [9], to correct for phase-drifts. The reconstruction-results are compared to a conventional BS-reconstruction of the fully-sampled dataset. The undersampling-pattern only consists of a symmetric auto-calibration-region in the k-space-center with n_{ACL} auto-calibration-lines (ACL) in both phase-encoding directions.


Fig.1 shows the reconstructed B1+-map in the brain with their difference to the fully-sampled reference (in % of the nominal flip-angle) in transversal, sagittal and coronal orientation for different effective-acceleration-factors acc_{eff}. In Fig.2 maximum, median and both percentiles (25th and 75th) of the reconstruction-error (absolute difference in % of the nominal flip-angle) inside a volume-of-interest (VOI) (blue box in Fig.1) are shown for different n_{ACL}. Fig.3 illustrates a profile of the rel. B1+-magnitude through the transversal plane to show the reconstruction-quality compared to the fully sampled reference and a conventional low-resolution reconstruction. In Tab.1 you can see the achievable effective-acceleration-factors acc_{eff} and the corresponding RMSE for the proposed method and the low-resolution estimate. An acceleration of >100 is achievable with a RMSE below 1%. Conventional low-resolution reconstruction of the under-sampled data leads to totally over-smoothed field maps, resulting in much higher RMSE-values (Tab.1).

Discussion and Conclusion

The acquisition of the full dataset with TR=95ms (min. due to SAR-constraint) leads to an acquisition-time of ~12min. With standard acceleration-strategies like Partial-Fourier or GRAPPA, acquisition-times of 4-5min are possible, but this is far too long for a precalibration step. Using \bf{n_{ACL}=10^2} we reach an effective-acceleration-factor of \bf{acc_{eff}=40.9} (Tab.1). For e.g. abdominal-imaging this renders full-liver coverage possible within typical breath-hold times (<20s) with an average error of ~0.5%. Only in low-signal regions and near the object boundary the max-error is ~3,9%. Allowing for maximum error of 1% in average ~110-fold scan-time reduction is achievable using only \bf{n_{ACL}=6^2} calibration-lines for patients with extreme breath-hold capabilities, leading to an acquisition-time of ~7s. The results were shown in the human brain, to allow the acquisition of a fully-sampled dataset without motion artifacts.

We successfully introduced a novel reconstruction-method for BS-B1+-mapping which allows for vast under-sampling and therefore drastic scan-time reduction.


This work was funded by the Austrian Science Fund “SFB 3209-18” and the province of Styria under the funding scheme”HTI:Tech for Med” (ABT08-22-T-7/2013-13)


[1] Sacolick, L. I., Wiesinger, F., Hancu, I., & Vogel, M. W. (2010). B1 mapping by Bloch-Siegert shift. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 63(5), 1315-1322.
[2] Saranathan, M., Khalighi, M. M., Glover, G. H., Pandit, P., & Rutt, B. K. (2013). Efficient bloch-siegert B1+ mapping using spiral and echo-planar readouts. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 70(6), 1669-1673.
[3] Khalighi, M. M., Glover, G. H., Pandit, P., Hinks, S., Kerr, A. B., Saranathan, M., & Rutt, B. K. (2011) Single-Shot Spiral Based Bloch-Siegert B1+ Mapping. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, 578
[4] Sharma, A., Tadanki, S., Jankiewicz, M., & Grissom, W. A. (2014). Highly-accelerated Bloch-Siegert| B1+| mapping using joint autocalibrated parallel image reconstruction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 71(4), 1470-1477.
[5] Knoll, F., Bredies, K., Pock, T., & Stollberger, R. (2011). Second order total generalized variation (TGV) for MRI. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 65(2), 480-491.
[6] Bredies, K., Kunisch, K., & Pock, T. (2010). Total generalized variation. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 3(3), 492-526.
[7] Chambolle, A., & Pock, T. (2011). A first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with applications to imaging. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 40(1), 120-145.
[8] Walsh, D. O., Gmitro, A. F., & Marcellin, M. W. (2000). Adaptive reconstruction of phased array MR imagery. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 43(5), 682-690.
[9] Lesch, A., Petrovic, A., Stollberger, R., (2015). Robust Implementation of 3D Bloch Siegert B1 Mapping. Proc. ISMRM 23rd p.2381


Figure 1: Fully-sampled reference, proposed reconstruction-method and its difference to the reference for 122 and 62 ACL (acc_{eff}=28.4 and acc_{eff}=113.8) in each phase-encoding direction. The B1+-field is shown as relative magnitudes in % of the nominal flip-angle.

Figure 2: Median, maximum and both percentiles (25th and 75th) of the absolute difference between the proposed method and the fully-sampled reference inside a VOI shown in Fig.1 for different sizes of the ACL-region n_{ACL}.

Figure 3: Magnitude profile of rel. B1+-field in the transverse plane comparing reference, proposed reconstruction and the low-resolution estimate. The B1+-field is shown in relative magnitudes in % of the nominal flip-angle.

Table 1: Number of ACL n_{ACL} in relation to the achieved effectice-acceleration-factor acc_{eff} and the root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) of the proposed method and the low-resolution estimate in comparison to the full-sampled reference inside the VOI.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)