In this
work we describe a novel method, which is able to reconstruct B1+-maps from
highly under-sampled Bloch-Siegert data. This method is based on variational
methods and a problem specific regularization approach.
We show its capability to achieve successful reconstructions from more
than 100times under-sampled 3D-data in the human brain with a
mean error below 1%. The results are compared to a fully-sampled
reference and a conventional low resolution reconstruction for
different under-sampling factors.Introduction
Fast and accurate B1+-mapping is an important prerequisite for many MRI-techniques at high and very high field-strength. The Bloch-Siegert (BS) method was presented recently as a
fast, yet robust and accurate technique[1]. Nevertheless, specific-absorption-rate
(SAR) is very high, which limits the minimal TR such that the acquisition-time
for a whole 3D-volume is in the order of minutes. One possible acceleration strategy would be a faster data acquisition using spiral-trajectories or echo-planar
readouts as proposed in [2] and [3], but spiral-trajectories are not commonly
available on clinical scanners and both are prone to artifacts caused by B0-inhomogeneities or gradient imperfections. Acceleration is also possible by applying compressed-sensing strategies as
proposed in[4], where SPIRiT-reconstruction was used. In this work we investigate a highly accelerated reconstruction integrated B1+-mapping method based on a problem specific regularization.
Theory and Methods
described in [1] the phase-shift ϕBS due to a BS-pulse depends on
the peak-magnitude B1,peak of the RF-pulse and the pulse-constant KBS[1].
B1+-map can easily be calculated from this phase-shift. To remove undesirable
background phase, the acquisition is performed twice with positive and negative
resonance-offset. The signals of the BS-encoded images I+ and I− are
magnetization M, background-phase ϕ0 and the desired BS-phase
ϕBS. Conventionally both images are reconstructed independently and
ϕBS is obtained by a complex division of both images. Our approach
is a joint-reconstruction of image and BS-phase and consists of two steps:
First we reconstruct the morphologic structure out of the positive BS-encoded
dataset k+ by solving the following optimization-problem.
As it was
shown by [5] a piecewise-smooth constraint is suitable for reconstructing
morphologic MR-images from under-sampled data, which is enforced by a
TGV-regularization[6]. This optimization-problem is solved using the primal-dual-algorithm proposed by [7]. \mathcal{F} represents the Fourier-operator
including under-sampling-pattern and coil-sensitivities, which are estimated
using the Walsh-algorithm[8]. The
result of this optimization-problem \hat{u} corresponds to I_+. The
whole morphologic information is represented by \hat{u}.
The second step is now to reconstruct \phi_{BS} out of the negative BS-encoded
dataset k_- and \hat{u}. Since we know that the B1+-field is spatially
smooth, we enforce this property by employing H1-regularization on
\hat{v}. Because of the mathematical formulation of the optimization-problem all morphologic information cancels out of the result and \hat{v}
only contains the double-BS-phase 2\phi_{BS} with magnitude one.
We applied the method to in-vivo 3D-datasets at 3T (Skyra, Siemens,
Erlangen Germany) with the following sequence-parameters: FOV=2302x64mm, matrix-size=1282x32, TRmin=95ms (SAR-constraint), TE=13.5ms,
\alpha=25°. A Gaussian BS-pulse with on-resonant flip-angle
\alpha_{BS}=1000°, resonance-offset \Delta\omega_{RF}=4kHz leading to
K_{BS}=53.4rad/G^2 was used, with an acquisition described in [9], to correct for phase-drifts. The reconstruction-results are compared to a conventional
BS-reconstruction of the fully-sampled dataset. The undersampling-pattern only consists of a symmetric auto-calibration-region in the k-space-center with n_{ACL}
auto-calibration-lines (ACL) in both phase-encoding directions.
Fig.1 shows the reconstructed B1+-map in the brain with their difference to the fully-sampled reference (in % of the nominal flip-angle) in
transversal, sagittal and coronal orientation for different effective-acceleration-factors acc_{eff}. In Fig.2 maximum,
median and both percentiles (25th and 75th) of the reconstruction-error (absolute difference in % of the nominal flip-angle) inside
a volume-of-interest (VOI) (blue box in Fig.1) are shown for different n_{ACL}. Fig.3 illustrates a profile of the rel. B1+-magnitude through the transversal plane to show the reconstruction-quality compared to the fully sampled reference and a conventional low-resolution reconstruction. In Tab.1 you can see the achievable
effective-acceleration-factors acc_{eff} and the corresponding RMSE for the proposed method and the low-resolution estimate. An acceleration of >100 is achievable with a RMSE below 1%. Conventional low-resolution reconstruction of the under-sampled data leads to totally over-smoothed field maps, resulting in much higher RMSE-values (Tab.1).
Discussion and Conclusion
acquisition of the full dataset with TR=95ms (min. due to
SAR-constraint) leads to an acquisition-time of ~12min. With standard acceleration-strategies like Partial-Fourier or GRAPPA, acquisition-times of 4-5min are possible, but this is far too long for a precalibration step. Using
\bf{n_{ACL}=10^2} we reach an effective-acceleration-factor of
\bf{acc_{eff}=40.9} (Tab.1). For e.g. abdominal-imaging this renders full-liver coverage possible within typical breath-hold times (<20s) with an average error of ~0.5%. Only in
low-signal regions and near the object boundary the max-error is ~3,9%. Allowing for maximum error of 1% in average ~110-fold scan-time reduction is achievable using only \bf{n_{ACL}=6^2} calibration-lines for patients with extreme breath-hold capabilities, leading to an acquisition-time of ~7s. The results were shown in the human brain, to allow the acquisition of a fully-sampled dataset without motion artifacts.
We successfully
introduced a novel reconstruction-method for BS-B1+-mapping which allows for vast under-sampling and therefore drastic scan-time reduction.
This work was funded by the Austrian Science Fund “SFB 3209-18” and the province of Styria under the funding scheme”HTI:Tech for Med” (ABT08-22-T-7/2013-13)References
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