Feiyu Chen1, Tao Zhang1,2, Joseph Y. Cheng1,2, John M. Pauly1, and Shreyas S. Vasanawala2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
this work, we propose a motion-robust auto-calibrating Wave-CS technique. This technique uses the wave-encoded center k-space and the known point-spread-function (PSF) of wave-encoding
to reconstruct a Cartesian central k-space for calibration. The coil sensitivity maps are subsequently estimated with ESPIRiT for CS-SENSE reconstruction of under-sampled k-spaces. Results show this approach can reduce the motion artifacts and the
aliasing artifacts due to sensitivity variations between the calibration and accelerated wave-encoded acquisitions.Purpose
1 has been demonstrated to improve the performance of accelerated MRI
reconstruction by distributing the under-sampling in both phase-encode and
readout directions. Wave-CS
2 combines wave-encoding with compressed
sensing and has been shown to significantly reduce aliasing artifacts in brain imaging.
However, a separate calibration scan is required. Subject motion between the
calibration scan and the wave-encoded acquisition may introduce sensitivity variation
and therefore degrade image quality. In this work, we propose a motion-robust
auto-calibrating Wave-CS technique for abdominal and pelvic imaging.
concept is to use the wave-encoded center k-space and the known
point-spread-function (PSF) of wave-encoding to reconstruct a Cartesian central
k-space for calibration. In detail, the wave-modulated signal Swave and the Cartesian
signal SCartesian have the following relationship in the kx-y-z domain1:Swave[kx,y,z]=PSF[kx,y,z]⋅SCartesian[kx,y,z]The
PSF can be expressed as: PSF[kx,y,z]=exp(−iγ∫gy(τ)y+gz(τ)zdτ)=exp(C1⋅y+C2⋅z)=exp(C1⋅Δy⋅iy+C2⋅Δz⋅iz) where C1 and C2 are
constants associated with gradients gy and gz, y and z are
positions in image space, Δy and Δz are
the corresponding spatial resolutions, and iy and iz are
spatial indices. The wave-encoded central k-space can be treated as an
independent low-resolution k-space modulated by the same PSF with lower
resolution. Thus, by replacing Δy and Δz with Δycalib=NyNy,calib⋅Δy and Δzcalib=NzNz,calib⋅Δz, where Ny and Nz
the acquisition matrix size, Ny,calib and Nz,calib are the calibration matrix size, and Δycalib and Δzcalib are the spatial resolution of the calibration k-space, we can obtain a set of low-resolution PSF
(Fig.1b), and subsequently reconstruct the Cartesian central k-space using
inverse Fourier transform of the PSF. The resulted Cartesian center can then be
used for calibration.
To test the accuracy of this approach, five
phantom experiments with both fully sampled Cartesian acquisition and
wave-encoded acquisition were conducted. The normalized root-mean-square-error
(RMSE) between low-resolution images from the calibration data in Cartesian
acquisition and those reconstructed by the proposed method were calculated as
an indicator of calibration accuracy (Fig. 2). Two volunteer scans (Figs. 3 and
4) were acquired on a 3T GE MR750 scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha,
WI) with wave encoding (3 cycles of sinusoids, 4mT/m amplitude) using a
32-channel cardiac coil (Invivo Corp., Gainesville, FL) and a 32-channel torso
array coil (NeoCoil, Pewaukee, WI), respectively. In the second scan, spatial
selective excitations in frequency-encoding directions were used to maintain a
reasonable over-sampling factor of ~1.5. Down sampling using a VDRad trajectory3 was simulated (Fig. 3) and implemented (Fig. 4) in a 3D SPGR sequence with a 16×16
calibration region at a reduction factor of 5.1 and 6.2, respectively. Sensitivity
maps were estimated using ESPIRiT4 from Cartesian acquisition directly and from
wave-encoded acquisition with the proposed method. CS-SENSE reconstruction using
the same sampling pattern was implemented for the auto-calibrating method and compared
with the conventional Wave-CS method. Acquisition parameters for the 3D SPGR sequence
were: TR/TE 12/2.2ms, FA 15°, and BW ±125kHz. Acquisition matrices were 308(kx)×128(ky)×128(kz)
(with partial readout factor 0.6) for FOV 420mm (R/L)×210mm (A/P)×210mm (S/I), and
256(kx)×256(ky)×64(kz) for FOV 400mm (S/I)×400mm (R/L)×256mm (A/P).
Normalized RMSE for low-resolution calibrating images decreases
with increased size of calibration for the auto-calibrating method (Fig. 2).
Artifacts due to motion and under-sampling occur in both reconstructions (Fig. 3).
Auto-calibrating Wave-CS reduces the artifacts in both free breathing and
breath-holding cases, in comparison with conventional Wave-CS approach (Figs. 3
and 4).
maintain a low RMSE of less than 2%, a calibration size of ~20×20 is necessary.
Using larger calibration size would be helpful until the calibration size
reaches 40×40. When the calibration size
is larger than 40×40, the non-zero RMSE is mainly caused by inaccurate PSF
estimation of wave encoding. In comparison with conventional Wave-CS, the proposed
auto-calibration approach can reduce the motion artifacts and the aliasing
artifacts due to sensitivity variations between the calibration and the wave-encoded
acquisitions, as pointed by yellow arrows in Figs. 3 and 4. As the acquisition
parameters were designed for post-contrast T1 weighted acquisitions, the image
quality may improve in clinical contrast-enhanced scans.
this work, we evaluated the feasibility of auto-calibrating Wave-CS for
potential applications with subject motion. Applying this method in dynamic
contrast enhanced abdominal imaging will be our future work.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Tashia and John
Morgridge Faculty Scholars Fund, NIH/NIBIB R01 EB009690, R01 EB019241, and GE
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