Isabella Radl1, Stephen Keeling2, and Rudolf Stollberger1,3
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Karl Franzens University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 3BioTechMed Graz, Graz, Austria
Different applications in DCE-MRI suffer from inter-frame misalignment due to physiological
motion, which has to be compensated for further analysis of
functional parameters. Conventional motion correction
methods are usually unable to register images with simultaneous changes of contrast and morphology. Virtual-template based registration
overcomes this problem by iteratively generating a motion-less
image series with
the contrast behaviour of the original DCE data as registration targets. We investigated different
methods to generate these virtual-templates and
identified Independent Component Analysis as best
approach among the investigated techniques. Results were validated on a
synthetic kidney phantom and in-vivo myocardial perfusion MRI.Introduction
contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI is a widely used
method to determine functional parameters in different organs
such as the kidney or the heart. Fast MRI sequences are used
to obtain a time-series of images during and after the
administration of constrast agent. The time course of the
contrast-media dynamic is then the basis for pharmacokinetic modelling. However, acquisition
times in order of minutes cause an inter-frame misalignment due to
physiological motion such as breathing which obstructs a pixel by pixel analysis of DCE data. Motion
correction with conventional registration methods typically fails as
the mixing of breathing motion and contrast agent related changes does not satisfy the related cost-function.1
A promising
approach to overcome this problem is to generate a virtual time
series with reduced motion but sustained contrast dynamic to use as a
virtual template (VT) in an iterative registration process (see
Figure 1). Pairs of the motion corrupted time series and the VT then
exhibit similar intensity, which suits conventional registration
approach was already explored2,3,4
differing in the way to
generate the VT. In
this work we investigated
different approaches in VT-generation and evaluated the results on a
synthetic kidney phantom and in-vivo cardiac perfusion data.
The method of VTR uses an iterative
registration of the time corrupted sequence onto a motion-less
template. The registered time-series is then again used to generate a
VT, which results in a more precice registration-template at each
step. We used a fixed number of 10 iterations and the
free-form-deformation registration with the bending energy
regularization set to 0.1.5
The first approach in generating a VT
Ivt was to temporally smooth (TS) the motion corrupted
sequence Imc for each fixed spatial location by solving3:
The second approach was to use the
Low-Rank component L of the motion-corrupted sequence as a
template, by solving the Low-Rank Sparse decomposition, given as6:
The low-rank component contains the slow
changing components (background and little contrast dynamic),
movement and contrast dynamic are stored in the sparse component. The
last approach uses an Independent-Component Analysis (ICA) to remove
breathing motion.2 Motion related components were
automatically detected and removed by determining the variation in
the IC-Mixing Matrix.
The methods were tested on a synthetic
kidney phantom consisting of three compartements with known contrast
dynamic. Accuracy of the VTR-results was computed in two ways: First, we
compared the ground-truth contrast-media dynamic to the VTR-results
by computing the mean RMSE over all pixel to show the global accuracy
of the contrast-media dynamic. Second, we computed the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) to the
ground truth at every time-step and averaged over time to get a
measure of structural accuracy.
All VTR-methods were tested using
in-vivo contrast-enhanced myocardial perfusion
data acquired during an incomplete breathold. Imaging was done on a
3T-MR-system with a Turbo Flash sequence and the following parameter:
^\circ, resolution: 2.8x2.8mm
80 frames and an acquisition length of 56s.
Results and Discussion
VTR-results of the
synthetic kidney phantom are shown in Figure 2. The ICA-approach is
able to handle not only the strong contrast dynamic at the beginning,
where the TS-approach fails, but also the slow variation in the end,
where the LS-approach fails. This result is in accordance with the
similarity measures shown in Table 1. Template-generation with ICA
delivers the most accurate contrast-media dynamic (lowest mean RMSE),
however, the structural similarity is slightly higher in the LS
approach. The TS-approach yields more inaccurate results because the temporal
smoothing deforms the morphology of the virtual templates to a certain
extent, hence the registration result is also deformed compared to the
ground truth.
The proposed methods are also suitable for breathing correction of
cardiac perfusion data as can be seen in Figure 4: According to the
results of the kidney phantom template generation with ICA globally
yields the most accurate contrast-media dynamic, whereas
morphological structure is best preserved with the LS-method.
By generating a
synthetic kidney phantom with known constrast-media dynamic we were
able to asses the accuracy of different VTR-registration approaches
and identified the method of ICA-template-generation as the most
accurate method. The numerical findings were succesfully adopted for
the clinically relevant situation of cardiac perfusion imaging with
incomplete breathold.
This work was funded by the Austrian Science Fund "SFB 3209-18".References
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