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TArgeted Motion Estimation and Reduction (TAMER): Data Consistency Based Motion Mitigation using a Reduced Model Joint Optimization
Melissa Haskell1,2, Stephen Cauley1,3, and Lawrence Wald1,3,4

1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH/HST, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Graduate Program in Biophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 4Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States


We approach the reconstruction of artifact-free images from an object undergoing unknown rigid-body transformations using a joint optimization of the final uncorrupted image and motion parameters. To characterize motion, the joint optimization must estimate 6 additional parameters for each shot in the image acquisition. We demonstrate an efficient method for reconstruction from translation-corrupted kspace data by examining iterative improvements to only a small, targeted subset of imaging voxels. The method can be enhanced by providing incomplete or noisy information from motion sensors or navigator measurements. We discuss generalizing our hybrid greedy and global step non-linear optimization to full rigid-body motion.


To improve the robustness of clinical brain MRI with respect to patient motion.


Numerous methods to detect and correct for motion in MRI have been explored, including the use of motion detection markers or devices1, and MR navigators2–4. The use of motion detection markers in clinical settings has been limited due to the difficulty of robustly attaching them to patients, and the use of MR navigator scans presents a challenge due to low sensitivity and disruption of the optimal timing of the MR pulse sequence into which they are inserted. There have also been attempts to determine non-rigid motion in a data driven manner through the use of receive coil locality and auto-focusing motion metrics5. We present TArgeted Motion Estimation and Reduction (TAMER), which retrospectively estimates and corrects for rigid-body motion by jointly solving for image and motion parameters. TAMER does not require prior motion information, but the efficiency of the method can be enhanced with the inclusion of noisy or incomplete navigator or detector measurements. TAMER uses a targeted application of the underlying parallel imaging data consistency model for motion estimation and correction through model reduction and fast optimization techniques.

To demonstrate the benefits of TAMER, we incorporate translation-based motion into the SENSE6 model. Although our initial investigation is limited to translations, we hope to generalize the method to full rigid-body motion. For the 2D RARE(TSE,FSE) clinical T2 images we analyze here, each shot acquires “ETL” kspace lines. Ideally we need to determine 6 parameters for each shot, but here we limit our estimation to two in-plane translation parameters. See Fig. 1 for an overview of the method. We initialize TAMER with a conventional reconstruction of the corrupted kspace data ignoring motion, i.e. x0=argmin . From this corrupted image, pixels of interest (typically ~5% of image) are selected by identifying high signal regions or by adding small random motion to highlight motion susceptible pixels. The joint optimization is restricted to these key image-space areas in order to remove degeneracy in the solution space and ensure final solution quality. For each iteration of TAMER, a greedy search sequentially determines an estimate of the motion parameters at each shot. The solution of this greedy search is used to jumpstart a global optimization for all motion parameters. Note that at each evaluation in both the greedy and global search, we only consider data consistency across the small targeted subset of pixels. The final motion parameters are used to reconstruct the corruption-free object x_{final}=\textrm{arg}\min_x\sum_{i=1}^{N}||M_{final}UFC_ix-k_i||_2.

In order to highlight the performance of our approach, we consider both simulated data, where we apply TAMER to a motion-free image that has been retrospectively corrupted by simulated motion, as well as experimental data from an anthropomorphic head phantom translated during acquisition by a motion actuator. In both cases we can compare directly to a ground truth (motion-free) image. For the first approach, the motion corrupted kspace data was simulated by adding translation appropriate phase to kspace shots of a T2-weighted 2D TSE acquisition from a healthy volunteer on a 3T Siemens Trio with ETL=8, 224x224mm2 FOV, 1x1x3mm3 resolution, 32-channel, TR=6.1s, TE=98ms, refocus angle=150° and R=1,2. The motion-free image was corrupted using the measured translation parameters taken from an Alzheimer's disease patient’s fMRI study. TAMER was also tested on an anthropomorphic phantom using ETL=11, 220x220mm2 FOV, and resolution 0.9x0.9x3mm3. To create motion corrupted data the phantom was placed on a translational stage and moved in the A-P direction intermittently throughout the scan. Due to the uniformity of the brain phantom, 17% of the pixels were targeted for the data consistency optimization.


Fig. 2 shows the reduction of motion induced ringing artifacts (compared to ground truth) when TAMER is applied to the volunteer scan, as well as the close agreement between the estimated motion parameters (solid) and the ground truth simulated motion (dotted). Fig. 3 highlights the performance of TAMER applied to the motion corrupted phantom data, also using no prior motion information. The approximate 1D motion path is validated through close agreement of the motion trajectories for two imaging slices.

Discussion & Conclusions

We have demonstrated the effectiveness of TAMER for correcting translational motion in simulated accelerated data and brain phantom data corrupted by a motion actuator. The method is able to efficiently and accurately estimate motion trajectories through the use of targeted parallel imaging and fast greedy search. With the extension to a full 3D approach and modeling terms for rotational motion, TAMER should facilitate retrospective motion correction in clinical settings.


This project was supported by a training grant from the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research (T90DA022759/R90DA023427). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Additional funding sources: U01MH093765, R01EB017337, P41EB015896

The authors would like to thank Andre van der Kouwe for the use of his translator, and David Salat and Jean-Philippe Coutu for the Alzheimer's disease fMRI motion trajectories.


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[4] N. White, C. Roddey, A. Shankaranarayanan, E. Han, D. Rettmann, J. Santos, J. Kuperman, and A. Dale, “PROMO: Real-time prospective motion correction in MRI using image-based tracking.,” Magn. Reson. Med., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 91–105, Jan. 2010.

[5] J. Y. Cheng, M. T. Alley, C. H. Cunningham, S. S. Vasanawala, J. M. Pauly, and M. Lustig, “Nonrigid motion correction in 3D using autofocusing with localized linear translations,” Magn. Reson. Med., vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 1785–1797, 2012.

[6] K. P. Pruessmann, M. Weiger, M. B. Scheidegger, and P. Boesiger, “SENSE: sensitivity encoding for fast MRI.,” Magn. Reson. Med., vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 952–62, Nov. 1999.


Motion corrupted data is used to find an ROI for the joint optimization of the image and motion estimates. Motion parameters, corresponding to high data fidelity, are used for a final parallel imaging reconstruction in order to arrive at an artifact-free image.

(Left) Motion simulation results for TSE images at 1x1x3mm3. Both simulated motion and TAMER corrected images are compared to ground truth R=1 uncorrupted data (error scaled by 2.5x). (Right) Solid lines show TAMER motion parameters compared to ground truth motion, shown in dotted lines.

(Left) Comparison of corrupted and motion corrected anthropomorphic phantom images from TSE acquisition with resolution 0.9x0.9x3mm3 (error scaled by 6x). Motion was created using a 1D physical translation stage along the A-P direction. (Right) Estimated motion trajectories found using TAMER.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)