Alexander Loktyushin1,2, Philipp Ehses1, Bernhard Schölkopf2, and Klaus Scheffler1,3
1High-field Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Empirical Inference, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany, 3Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Long-TE gradient-echo images are
prone to ghosting artifacts. Such degradation is primarily due to
magnetic field variations caused by breathing or motion. The effect
of these fluctuations amounts to different phase offsets in each
acquired k-space
line. A common remedy is to measure the problematic phase offsets
using an extra non-phase-encoded scan before or after each imaging
readout. In this work, we attempt to estimate the phase offsets
directly from the raw image data by optimization-based search of
phases that minimize an image distortion measure. This eliminates the
need for any sequence modifications and additional
scan time.Purpose
To develop a purely data-driven
postprocessing method capable of removing B0 fluctuation-induced
ghosting artifacts in long-TE gradient-echo scans.
We formulate the navigator-less
reconstruction as an optimization problem, which involves finding the
minimum value of the objective function (Eq. 1). We seek the unknown
phase values Φ that
are associated with low values of the image quality measure φ,
which we choose to be the entropy function. More precisely, we
compute the entropy of the spatial intensity variations in the
SOS-combined image. The matrices that are used to perform the finite
difference operations in the x
and y
are denoted by Gx
The phase values Φ
applied to the acquired images uc
each coil element c)
using the diagonal matrix A,
elements are the complex exponentials exp(iΦt),
being the repetition index. Further, F denotes a discrete Fourier transform matrix.
\hat{\boldsymbol{\varPhi}}=\underset{\boldsymbol{\varPhi}}{\arg\min}\;\varphi((\mathbf{G_{\mathbf{x}}+G_{y}})SOS(\mathbf{\mathbf{F}^{\mathsf{H}}A}_{\boldsymbol{\varPhi}}\mathbf{u}_{c}))+\lambda\left\Vert \mathbf{G}\mathbf{\boldsymbol{\boldsymbol{\varPhi}}}\right\Vert ^{2}
this formulation, the objective function is invariant to circular
shifts of the image in the phase-encoding direction because such
circular shifts amount to phase ramps (composed of recovered phases
in the frequency domain. The problem of unnecessary circular shifts
can be avoided by adding a regularization term which penalizes strong
variations of the recovered phases. The parameter λ
the strength of the regularization (we set it to 0.1).
The resulting non-linear
optimization problem is solved in 80 iterations of the LBFGS2
algorithm. We implemented the operations from Eq. 1 on the GPU in
CUDA, bringing the computation time (for each slice) down to a few
To evaluate the performance of the
proposed method we acquired long-TE GRE images of the brain of a
healthy volunteer after obtaining informed consent and approval by
the local ethics committee. Data was acquired at 9.4T using a
custom-built head coil (16 transmit / 31 receive channels)4 .
We acquired 9 slices of the ventral portions of the brain where field
variations are relatively severe, mainly due to breathing-related
motion. The GRE sequence included a non-phase-encoded navigator (or
phase-stablization) scan after each imaging readout. Sequence
parameters were as follows: TR=356 ms, TE = 30 ms, nominal flip angle
= 45º, matrix = 512x512,
resolution = 0.4x0.4 mm², slice thickness = 1 mm.
Figure 1 shows a comparison between
uncorrected images with images corrected for B0 fluctuations using a
conventional navigator-based approach as well as the proposed
autofocusing-based method. Ghosting artifacts in the uncorrected data
are more severe in slice 6 (shown on the bottom), which is positioned
lower than slice 3 (top). In both slices, autofocusing and
navigator-based correction techniques are able to significantly
improve image quality. Apart from some flow-related artifacts,
ghosting is completely removed and the images resulting from both
techniques are practically indistinguishable from one another. In
fact, the differences between the autofocusing and navigator-based
approaches amount to the minute high-frequency details as illustrated
in Figure 2.
Figure 3
compares the phase offsets retrieved by our autofocusing algorithm
with the navigator-based measurement. Since there is a sign as well
as a global phase offset ambiguity, we adjusted the sign and
subtracted the mean from both phase series before plotting them.
Although, there are a few differences in the recovered phase values,
the general pattern of oscillations (caused by breathing) is the
and Conclusion
The problem of finding the correct
phase offsets is similar to the well-studied autofocusing-based
motion correction
and can be seen as its special case. We formulate and solve the
optimization problem, where we seek the latent phase offsets in the
Fourier domain that are associated with a minimal value of the image
quality measure that is evaluated in the spatial domain. This way we
avoid the need for extra non-phase-encoded navigator scans and
related increase in sequence complexity, and, in some cases, scan
time. The experimental results demonstrate our method is capable
of removing the ghosting artifacts, and that the quality of the
outcome images is similar to navigator-based reconstructions. To conclude, the proposed method is a valid alternative to using navigators with only a slight increase in postprocessing time.
No acknowledgement found.References
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