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Exploring sodium SSFP MRI in phantoms at 3 Tesla
Rahel Heule1,2, Philipp Madörin1,2, and Oliver Bieri1,2

1Division of Radiological Physics, Department of Radiology, University of Basel Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland


While the steady-state free precession (SSFP) dynamics of spin-1/2 nuclei such as 1H obey the Bloch equations, a similar mathematical framework for describing and understanding the characteristics of 23Na SSFP signal behavior is not yet available. In this work, sodium MRI probes were investigated and, in particular, a novel class of phantoms was presented that proved the ability to generate high sodium signal at 3 Tesla without impairment due to the skin effect. By means of balanced SSFP frequency profile measurements, the potential of the novel phantoms to explore 23Na SSFP was demonstrated.


In 1H MRI, steady-state free precession (SSFP) techniques are widely applied due to their acquisition speed, high SNR and clinically useful contrast properties. The SSFP dynamics of 23Na are expected to be fundamentally different from spin-1/2 nuclei (such as 1H) [1]. 23Na has a spin of 3/2 and possesses a quadrupolar moment which dominates its relaxation characteristics [2]. The objective of this work was the investigation of phantoms with high NaCl concentrations which are suited to explore SSFP contrast mechanisms and signal properties with sodium MRI at 3 Tesla.


Phantom specifications.

Sodium probes were created containing either saline solution or 4 % agar gel with a NaCl concentration of 4 mol/l in each (close to the solubility limit to generate a high 23Na signal). While in the NaCl solution, the time-averaged quadrupolar interaction of 23Na is generally assumed to be zero, in the agar gel, biexponential relaxation is expected to occur [2]. The phantoms were constructed using two different approaches. For the first, rather conventional approach, the saline solution and agar gel were filled into empty cylindrical containers of a diameter of about 9 cm (cf. Fig. 1a). For the second, novel approach, cylindrical phantom containers filled with small insulating tubes each of a diameter of about 7 mm were used (cf. Fig. 1b).

MR imaging protocol.

The sodium phantoms were evaluated using 3D balanced SSFP (bSSFP) protocols with both 23Na MRI as well as 1H MRI for comparison. Imaging was performed with the following main sequence parameters (23Na / 1H): TR = 12.03 ms / 3.18 ms, TE = 6.02 ms / 1.59 ms, flip angle = 90°, 30° / 20°, in-plane resolution = (4 x 2) mm2 / (0.5 x 0.5) mm2, slice thickness = 10 mm, 12 slices were acquired. For the 23Na scans, 300 averages were used yielding a total acquisition time of 32 min.

Frequency profile measurements.

The dynamics of 23Na MRI were studied by measuring the frequency profile of the bSSFP signal. To this end, first, B0 shimming was applied. Then, the shim gradient along the z-axis was offset manually and the phase of the RF pulse adjusted to produce two bands across the phantom. To gain sufficient SNR, the measurements specified above were repeated three times and the acquired signal amplitudes were averaged, resulting in a total scan time of 1 h 37 min. The projection of the acquired profile onto the frequency encoding axis was fitted to the bSSFP signal model [3] by assuming monoexponential relaxation and treating T1, T2, and the proton density as free variables. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for nonlinear least squares fitting was used.

Results and discussion

Skin effect.

The bSSFP images displayed in Figure 2a were obtained by measuring the agar gel phantom constructed as specified in Figure 1a with both 1H (Fig. 2a, left) and 23Na (Fig. 2a, right) MRI. The observable signal attenuation towards the center of the phantom is likely to be caused by the relatively high conductivity of the measured NaCl phantom – a phenomenon known as skin effect. In good conductors, the electromagnetic field associated with the RF pulse decays exponentially with the characteristic distance δ, the skin depth, [4]


where μ0 is the permeability of vacuum, σ the electrical conductivity and ν the carrier frequency of the RF pulse. Based on this formula and an estimate of 222 mS/cm for σ [5], the skin depth in NaCl solutions can be approximated by about 1 cm for 1H MRI and about 2 cm for 23Na MRI (cf. Fig. 2a). By placing insulating tubes with a diameter of d < δ in the phantom containers (cf. Fig. 1b), the skin effect can successfully be circumvented as illustrated in Figure 2b.

Frequency profile.

The derived novel phantoms proved ability to analyze the frequency profile of 23Na bSSFP (cf. Fig. 3). The profiles of both, the saline solution and the agar gel phantom, seem to follow the characteristics of the spin-1/2 bSSFP signal model. From the fit, a rough estimate for the 23Na relaxation times of about T1 ≈ T2 ≈ 49 ms is obtained for the saline solution and of about T1 ≈ 49 ms, T2 ≈ 18 ms for the agar gel in good agreement with reported literature values [2]. Deviations from the assumed signal model may be caused by flip angle miscalibrations or biexponential relaxation in the case of the agar gel.


A novel type of sodium phantoms was presented that is not prone to the skin effect. As a result, it allows to use high NaCl concentrations and is ideally suited to study the SSFP dynamics of 23Na at 3 Tesla.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Kharrazian R, Jakob PM. Dynamics of 23Na during completely balanced steady-state free precession. J Magn Reson. 2006;179(1):73-84.

2. Madelin G, Regatte RR. Biomedical Applications of Sodium MRI In Vivo. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 Sep;38(3):511-29.

3. Zur Y, Stokar S, Bendel P. An Analysis of Fast Imaging Sequences with Steady-State Transverse Magnetization Refocusing. Magn Reson Med. 1988;6(2):175-93.

4. Ilott AJ, Chandrashekar S, Klöckner A, et al. Visualizing Skin Effects in Conductors with MRI: 7Li MRI Experiments and Calculations. J Magn Reson. 2014;245:143-9.

5. Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions. In: Haynes WM, Ed. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 96th Edition, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2015.


Figure 1. Two classes of phantom containers were used: empty cylindrical containers (a) and cylindrical containers filled with small insulating tubes of a diameter of about 7 mm (b).

Figure 2. (a) Skin effect in the agar phantom constructed as specified in Figure 1a and measured with 1H (left, skin depth ~ 1 cm) and 23Na (right, skin depth ~ 2 cm) bSSFP MRI. (b) The skin effect can be circumvented by using phantom containers filled with small tubes as demonstrated in the agar phantom for 1H (left) and 23Na (right).

Figure 3. BSSFP frequency profiles measured with 23Na MRI in the saline solution (a) and in the agar gel (b) using flip angles of 90° (left column) and 30° (right column). The black dots represent the projected pixel intensities and the curves represent the fit to the bSSFP signal model (monoexponential relaxation was assumed) [3].

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)