Jacob Macdonald1, Oliver Wieben1,2, Scott K Nagle2, and Kevin M Johnson1
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States
Streaking artifacts in radial
acquisitions from undersampling or data inconsistencies can reduce SNR and make
it difficult to discern features in low signal areas. Anatomy that is outside
of the imaging volume of interest but within the excitation volume can
contribute to these artifacts. We used out-of-volume spatial saturation pulses
to suppress these streaking artifacts with minimal scan time penalties. In-vivo
acquisitions with spatial saturation showed equal or superior quality in all
cases. They should be implemented whenever the additional SAR can be tolerated.Purpose
3D radial acquisition methods are
capable of acquiring images in which artifacts from undersampling and data
inconsistencies manifest as relatively benign, incoherent streaking artifacts
in high contrast imaging scenes
1. However, in cases in which
quantification is desired or when the tissue of
interest has naturally low signal, such as the lungs, streaking artifacts can
lead to decreased apparent SNR and errors in derived parametric maps. As Figure 1 shows, a source of streaking artifacts can be anatomy outside of the imaging volume of interest, in this case the subject's arms. Artifacts are accentuated when this anatomy undergoes motion. The
purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the potential for outer volume
suppression to improve image quality for body imaging with 3D radial sampling.
Four healthy volunteers were
imaged on a 3.0T scanner (Discovery MR750, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) with a 3D
ultrashort echo time (UTE) sequence
2 (TR/TE=2.9/0.1ms, FA=4
res=1.25mm isotropic, #projections=40,000, axial slab excitation). For
out-of-volume saturation, two successive quadratic phase 90
o saturation
pulses (TR=12.6ms; BW=12.5kHz; PW=10ms) were played to the right and left of
the field of view of interest (the lungs). The pulses were played every 80 TRs (257 ms),
the minimum time allowable while observing SAR limits. A 32-channel, full torso
coil was used for the free-breathing acquisition with respiratory gating using
respiratory bellows and a gating efficiency of 50%. Each subject was scanned with
and without out-of-volume saturation bands. Scan times were 3:54 (min:sec) without
saturation and 4:07 with saturation. These two scans were repeated with the
volunteer instructed to move their upper arms throughout the duration of the scan
to simulate motion common with alert pediatric subjects. This resulted in 4
scans for each volunteer. An experienced cardiothoracic radiologist ranked the
images by overall image quality for each subject from best to worst (1=best,
Figure 2 shows the effect of
out-of-volume suppression on the visibility of streaking artifacts. Figure 3
shows a table of the rankings assigned to the images for each subject by the
radiologist. Figure 4 highlights a region in the lung where the effect of motion and the spatial saturation pulses was most apparent. In the coronal views of another subject (Figure 5), use of out-of-volume saturation resulted in more feature detail for the cases with movement. These cases corroborated the results of the image rankings.
Saturation pulses were effective
at reducing streaking artifacts, especially near the anterior surface of the
arm. Radiologist scoring suggested that saturation did not have a substantial effect in the images without arm motion, but produced better images when motion was present. The scan time penalty of implementing these pulses was minimal, as they only increased scan time by 13 seconds (5%) in this case. While saturation proved effective at nulling the tissue and muscle, the short
T1 of fat allowed for regrowth between successive saturation pulses and had considerable signal (Figure 2). This
suggests either the need for fat saturation or more frequent saturation, both
of which are limited by the increase in SAR. The design of SAR minimized suppression could substantially increase the efficacy of saturation, which is roughly ~60% for the 257ms spacing between pulses.
We have demonstrated the
feasibility of using out-of-volume saturation pulses with a 3D radial UTE
acquisition to reduce streaking artifacts and improve image detail in low
contrast and low SNR areas, particularly when patient motion is present. These
saturation pulses are worth implementing in 3D radial acquisitions if the extra
SAR can be tolerated, given that they only increased scan time by 13 seconds (5%)
in this case and appeared to improve image quality and detail.
We gratefully acknowledge GE
Healthcare for their research support.References
Block WF, Barger AV, Mistretta CA. Vastly Undersampled Isotropic Projection
Imaging. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine. 2000; 8: 161.
Johnson KM, Fain SB, Shiebler ML, Nagle S. Optimized 3D Echo Time Pulmonary
MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2013; 70(5): 1241-1250.