Scott D. Swanson1, Dariya I. Malyarenko1, and Thomas L. Chenevert1
1Department of Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Quantitative temperature mappingIntroduction
Absolute temperature measurements are desired for
MR guided HIFU (1) or calibration of quantitative diffusion phantoms (2). The
chemical shift between hydroxyl and aliphatic protons in methanol or ethylene
glycol is often used to calibrate the thermocouple temperature measurements in
high-resolution NMR spectrometers (3). Previous work has shown that gradient
echo imaging of the beat frequency between these resonances can be used to
obtain quantitative and absolute images of temperature (4). The precision of
this method is limited by the T2 of the resonance, about 100 ms at
room temperature for ethylene glycol (5). Water can be added to ethylene glycol
(or alcohols) to create equimolar amounts of CH2 (or CH3)
and hydroxyl protons. However, hydroxyl proton exchange is slow at neutral pH
and exchange broadening between water and ethylene glycol further reduces T2. This exchange is proton or hydroxyl catalyzed and
creating high or low pH samples will place the kinetics in the fast motion
limit and significantly increase T2.
We present here data of a chemically balanced, pH adjusted, aqueous
ethylene glycol solution with equimolar amounts of hydroxyl and methylene
Phantoms were made with water,
and either ethylene glycol, methanol, or t-butanol to create equimolar amounts
of hydroxyl and aliphatic protons. pH was adjusted by adding sodium hydroxide
or hydrochloric acid. The ethylene glycol solution studied here (pH 12), was
placed in a 25 ml vial and studied at 2T. Gradient echo images were obtained
typically with 100 ms TR and variable TE.
In plane resolution was 1 mm and the slice thickness was 2 mm.
Temperature was varied by warming house compressed air in a nichrome wire
heating element and passing the warmed air over the sample. Temperature at one
location was measured by a fiber-optic probe inserted into the sample.
The signal of the water resonance is given by
Mw=ei2πνwTEe−TE/T2w and similarly
for the methylene resonance. The splitting between water and methylene changes with temperature according to
\Delta \nu = 144.4 – 0.807 T(°C) at 2T in the ethylene glycol
phantom. T2 in neat ethylene glycol is
100 ms at 25°C (4) whereas in the pH 12 solution, T2 is 675 ms. T2
of methylene protons increases due to reduced viscosity created by adding
water. The spectrum of the sample
(Fig.1) shows two sharp resonance of equal amplitude. Gradient echo imaging as a function of TE
(Fig. 2) shows minimal T2 decay and near complete cosine modulation
due to the equimolar proton populations. Heating of the sample from 18.4 °C to
29.6 °C is shown in Fig. 3. The above equations can be used to calculate image
intensity as a function of temperature. This calculation is shown to correspond
to measured signal intensity (Fig. 3 bottom panel).
Figure 2 shows that a particular image amplitude
can represent a number of TE times (or a number of temperatures at a fixed TE). As presented here, the method is accurate
over the 18 to 30 degree range of temperatures studied when TE is set to 43.5 ms. The sinusoidal nature of the splitting means that a broader absolute temperature range measurement is achieved by imaging at multiple TE times.
The improved temperature-sensitive materials allow for quantitative, absolute
temperature mapping without phase unwraping.
No acknowledgement found.References
(1) Rieke et al. (2008) JMRI 27 376-390. (2) Malyarenko et al. 2013 JMRI 37 1238-1246. (3) Ammann et al. 1982 JMR 46 319-321. (4) Sprinkhuizen et al (2010) (2010)64 239 (5). Spees et al. (2012) MRM 68