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A New Approach for Flexible Spatial Encoding Strategy in a Low-Field MRI System
Jiasheng Su1 and Shaoying Huang1

1EPD, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Singapore


For a low-field MRI system, the inverse calculation of the encoding matrix is time consuming and moreover, there is a blurry area at the center of the reconstructed image. To solve this problem, three strategies are proposed. Firstly, QR decomposition is applied to inverse the matrix to eliminate the blurry area. Secondly, the encoding matrix is separated so that the results of the matrix inverse can be reused. Last, the size of encoding matrix is reduced by optimizing sample points. One example is given, the calculation time is reduced, and the imaging quality is improved. The proposed approach increases the imaging capability of a low-field MRI system.


Using nonlinear spatial-encoding is a potential way to relax the requirements on B0 homogeneity and to do magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) without gradient coils. For the reported flexible spatial-encoding strategy1, the inverse calculation of the encoding matrix is time-consuming and there is a blurry area at the center of the reconstructed image. Here, we proposed to separate the nonlinear encoding matrix and to reduce the size of a resultant dense matrix for accelerating calculation. Furthermore, QR method is applied to eliminate the blurry area in the reconstructed image.


In a low-field MRI system using permanent magnet Halbach array2, the image is reconstructed based on the signal equation in (1). In our proposed algorithm, to reduce the calculation time of inversing the encoding matrix E, E is separated into matrices T(t,θ) and A(t,θ,r), E=TA where the results of A1 can be reused for imaging to save calculation time and its size is reduced for further calculation acceleration. Following are the explanations. Matrix T reflects the temperature influence whereas A consists ofnc×nθ submatrices, Aθj,ck as expressed in (2). Matrix T is m×m where m is the total numbers of sampling points and can be calculated using (3). In (3), ns is the number of sampling points. Matrix A is m×n where n is the total number of points in the physical domain. Therefore, for an imaging setup, matrix A is fixed while T changes due to the variation of temperature. So for image reconstructions, A1 needs to be calculated only once while the calculation of T needs to be updated for each image reconstruction. Fortunately, calculating T1 does not consume much time or memory because T is a diagonal matrix. On the other hand, A is a dense matrix and calculating A1 is time consuming. Here, we propose to further accelerate the calculation by reducing the size of A as follows. Matrix A has mn. To reduce the size of A, m is reduced to approach n, making rank(A) approach n. Based on (3), m is determined by ,nθ, nc, and ns, and ns is determined by the sampling frequency,fs. In our method, the smallest m is searched for the smallest size of A at different sampling frequencies when a full rank is obtained.


Fig. 3 (a) shows a 2D example where eight coils are used and a chess board at the center is the object for imaging. Fig. 3 (b) shows the B0 fields used for encoding. The 2D space is discretized as n=52×52. The sample time is limited by T2. When the bandwidth is set at 30 KHz, the received pulse is at the order of 30 µs. When the sample time is 32 µs, let fs = 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 MHz, and thus ns equals to 4, 8, 16, 32, respectively. Let nθ vary from 1 to 64 (θ=02π) so that m varies. Fig. 3 shows the resultant rank(A) versus m. As shown in Fig. 4, when fs = 0.25 MHz, m = 4096 and A has a full rank, which is the smallest among the cases. In Fig. 4, when fs = 0.125 MHz, more rotating angles are needed to have a full rank whereas when fs > 0.25 MHz, a larger m is needed for a full rank. Based on the comparison, the size of matrix A can be reduced by decreasing the sampling frequency, so is the calculation time for inversing A. To inverse A, QR decomposition3 (QR) is applied. Fig. 5 shows the image being reconstructed and the reconstructed images using QR and Kaczmarz iteration2 (Kac1 and Kac2). For QR and Kac1, fs = 0.25 MHz, nθ=62, ns=8 and for Kac2, fs = 0.05 MHz,nθ=62, ns=16. Kac2 has longer sample time and more sampling points. As shown in Fig. 5, the imaging quality is much better in the QR-reconstruction, and most importantly, the blurry central area is significantly eliminated compared to both Kac1 and Kac2, although the reconstruction quality of Kac2 is improved by increasing the sample time and ns compared to Kac1.


We successfully separate the encoding matrix for flexible spatial-encoding and reduce the size of a resultant dense matrix for calculation acceleration. The QR method is applied for image reconstructions, the blurring area at the centre of the reconstructed image is effectively eliminated, and the quality of the reconstructed image is considerably improved. The proposed approach will significantly increase the imaging capability of low-field portable MRI systems using spatial-encoding.


Singapore-MIT Appliance for Research and Technology (SMART) innovation grant


1. J. P. Stockmann, Cooley CZ, et al. Flexible spatial encoding strategies using rotating multipolar fields for unconventional MRI applications. In Proceedings of 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, USA, 2013 2664.

2. Cooley, Clarissa Zimmerman, et al. Two-dimensional imaging in a lightweight portable MRI scanner without gradient coils. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine73.2 2015: 872-883.

3. Gander, Walter. Scientific Computing-An Introduction using Maple and MATLAB. Vol. 11. Springer Science & Business, 2014.


Fig. 1 Equations

Fig. 2 Side-view of a Halbach array

Fig.3 2D example of image reconstructions with eight coils, nc=8

Fig. 4 rank(A) versus m at different fss

Fig.5 Result of reconstructions

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)